
Eternal Hazbin

(Fan Fiction of Hazbin Hotel) Around 50 Years before the events of the Pilot Damon could still feel the buzzing pain inside his head, he could feel his guts repositioning itself, and when he opened his eyes he found himself in another world... Damon is a newcomer in Hell, and down here, It's every man for himself... Delve deeper into Hell and its Hierarchy and experience Hell from a new sinner’s angle. Experience the story of Damon, a lowly sinner who gradually grows in power as he learns more about Hell and its inhabitants (This is still continuing!! I intend to go through with this story to the very end)

TheGorillaMonkey · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs


"Did you think I wouldn't know?" The Mistress asked, glaring at Damon who stood in front of her with his head down, it has been 5 days since Damon and Leroy planned to escape, and it seems to Damon that he had been caught. The Mistress' eyes were almost burning into him, although he wouldn't know of course. "Did you think I wouldn't notice that you cleaned the entire kitchen last evening?" The Mistress asked.

"Sorry my mistress, I should've told you" Damon muttered, letting out a sigh of relief, "Next time, you should let us know about your good deeds...we have cameras all around this establishment, so there really is no hiding from us, my eyes are everywhere" The Mistress stated, "Anyway...take him away" She waved her hand, The Faceless Groundskeeper led Damon out of the room before stomping away with a bloody shovel in his hand.

Damon returned to his room to find Leroy tapping a lit cigarette against the window, "...So how'd it go? Did you get caught?" Leroy asked him.

"Not yet..." Damon reached under his bed and with the help of Leroy, they lifted the bed mattress up, revealing a large board underneath. Leroy pulled out the board and placed it on his bed, the board detailed all the routes and possible exits for them to escape this place. "It has only been my sixth day in here, and I'm already sick and tired off all the orgies in this cesspool" Damon stated, "I couldn't sleep last night from all the banging next door" Damon grumbled as her took out a red marker. "So then...we climb out the window, scale to the roof of the building...and what next?" Leroy asked, "Then we make a run for it to Pentagram city...The Groundskeeper, Mr No-Face, will probably unleash his hounds, but as long as we reach the city inside of an Overlord's territory, we'll be fine" Damon stated, over the past few days he was told a lot about Hell from the fellow Succubus and horny sinners in the establishment.

"Y'know, what if the hellhole outside of this building is even worse? I mean...we got a bed and we get food in here, and sure we are slowly getting our soul consumed by a bunch of Succubus, but...this is literal hell, do you think that things will be any better out there?" Leroy asked. "Besides, if you die out there...you'll just reappear back here, that's how things work around here, you die and you reappear in the same place that you first appeared in...and the Mistress would not be very happy to see you back" Leroy commented.

"Oh yeah...I didn't think of that...well then I'll have to avoid dying then" Damon sighed, he was looking forward to testing his apparent 'immortality' out, but now he's disappointed that he no longer has the luxury of returning after death, "That's easier said than done, if we somehow make it to Pentagon City after escaping this place, we'll be in Valentino's Turf...and that guy has a short temper, kills anyone that causes a mild inconvenience to him" Leroy explained. "Look, we'll survive, billions of people come down here annually, everyone would be too busy murdering each other to pay any attention to us" Damon stated. "...Well hopefully you're right..." Leroy sighed.

"Anyway, the Mistress mentioned something interesting, there are cameras all over this building, so we're bound to be caught the moment we step foot outside of the building...and that means the Faceless Groundskeeper would come after us" Damon stated, "We'll go onto the rooftop, and hopefully we can hop over the fence surrounding this place, and make a dip for the city" Damon suggested. "...Ughhh, why did I agree to this? I'm telling you, this is going to backfire!!" Leroy grumbled as he tucked into bed, "Tomorrow at dawn...we will make our move" he stated. Damon remained silent, but deep down he also had a feeling that everything will go wrong...and he couldn't be more correct.