
Essence of it All (DxD Essence Meta CYOA)

Kidnapped and given superpowers by being beyond his comprehension, Taylor must learn to survive in the deceptively dangerous world he now finds himself in. With the help of his new 'essence' powers and the fresh start given to him, Taylor must find ways to entertain his ROB patrons. The greater multiverse is watching, and... what was that? They want to see him fuck?!? Definitely 18+ (This story is "Plot" with plot. I will never claim it is anything other than a smutfic.) Also, this story contains mind control. In my opinion, it's rather light on the mind control scale, but not everyone is as degenerate as me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Warning: This isn't an Issei-bashing fic. He's not the main character, but I'm not going to kill him or whatever else authors with a hate boner for the pervert do to him. He's basically just a side character in this story.

Daddy · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
47 Chs

20 (18+)

Lavinia Reni was a girl in love. The sort of love that makes you drop everything for a person. The sort of love that was born of a long familiarity with someone. That someone being Taylor Sune Valefor, of course. Her new king, and Darling. Someone who she believed deserved all that she could give him.

She sighed, remembering their first meeting. He looked so small and alone sitting there, huddled up in an effort to avoid the rain. He was an orphan like her, though Lavinia at least had Glenda to look after her. Taylor had nobody. Combined with his constant fleeing, this made Taylor a very stoic and paranoid boy.

The way he had drawn away from her when she approached had broken her heart. That was also the moment that she decided he deserved the world. As they grew older, Lavinia was able to draw him out of his shell slightly. She recognized his growing feelings for her, even when he didn't see them himself. When he was kidnapped, her heart broke. It was like a light in her life had gone out, only to appear again with his phone call.

That's why she had a mission! A mission to give Taylor the family he was never able to have. A big family so he never had to be alone again. Full of people who loved him like she did.

And so, operation Taytay's Harem was a go! Lavinia giggled to herself. She was so good at coming up with names!

She started the operation by gathering information. Aika turned out to already be devoted to Taylor. She would make a good addition to the family. Rias, her new bestie, was starting to grow feelings for Taylor. That was good. She could help nurture those feelings, and, when Rias was ready, she would welcome her into the family too.

Akeno was discarded on the grounds of too much teasing. Lavinia pouted. Teasing Taytay was her job! Koneko was included, though. She was the perfect little sister, and just a joy to cuddle. That was actually what she was doing now, holding Koneko in her lap as she plotted and schemed for Taylor's own good.

"Lav," her Darling said, "Koneko needs to breathe. You're kind of smothering her."

Oh! Whoopsies. She had gotten too excited. Koneko was just the perfect little sister for Taytay's family. She loosened her grip, and petted Koneko's soft hair.

"I'm sorry, Koneko. I must have spaced out. What were we talking about?"

Taytay shot her a knowing look and grin that made her knees weak. Meanie! Good thing she was sitting down.

"Taylor had just mentioned the idea of a training camp." Rias said, saving Lavinia from her Darling's teasing looks.

Taylor nodded, "Yup, to be honest, I'm kind of worried about the peerage's power levels. And with the new additions of Issei, Asia, and I, now is the perfect time for one. Even if you're not fighting in a Rating Game against Riser, it is still good practice. Issei in particular needs to train if he wants to reach his goal of an oppai harem."

Issei, the perverted boy with a good heart Lavinia reminded herself, tore his gaze away from where her breasts were resting on Koneko's head at Taylor's words.

"Huh? What? Oh… Yeah! I need all the training I can get if I want to reach High Class soon. Say, Taylor-senpai, you wouldn't mind helping me train would you?" Issei asked.

Taylor shook his head, "I don't mind, but I'll probably be gone for a portion of the camp. I still need to fill my peerage in preparation for the Rating Game."

"I'll see about making arrangements. I'll have to warn Sona that we will be gone for an extended period of time, but I'm sure that won't be too big of a problem." Rias said. Lavinia liked it when Rias went into 'business mode'. It was so cute to see her serious.

Lavinia stayed with Rias, Taytay, and Asia that night. Oh! That reminded her, Asia was a definite addition to the family. Lavinia was sharing a room with her, while Taytay slept with Rias.

Lavinia wore her usual pajamas, much to Asia's embarrassment. The loose white dress shirt used to belong to Taytay, and Lavinia liked to imagine that it still carried his smell. She wore it open, and with nothing underneath.

Lavinia lay in bed, pouting over the unfairness of not being able to sleep with her Darling. Of course, half asleep like she was, that caused her to get a brilliant idea! She'd just go join Taytay and her new bestie in bed. She felt bad that Asia would miss out on all the cuddles and mentally promised to include her next time.

Bleary-eyed, but determined, Lavinia made her way through the apartment. She checked every room until she found the one that contained her Darling. She walked in and flopped down on top of Taytay's muscled body. Mmmm, she thought, Taytay feels so good.

Her entrance and subsequent belly flop had woken Taylor up.

"Lav!" he whispered, "What are you doing?"

"Mmmm, I missed my Darling. It was so mean of you to leave your queen to sleep with your king." Lavinia slurred into Taylor's chest. The feeling of her plump breasts was beginning to get a reaction from him. His cock was hardening slowly, and it was starting to poke Lavinia's tummy.

"Hmm? Is this for me?" Lavinia asked, still half asleep, but awake enough to register the erect rod that was prodding her.

"Lav, Rias is right there. If we do anything, she'll probably wake up."

"Mm, good! Then I'll be able to have fun with my Darling and my new bestie at the same time!"

Lavinia's hand reached for Taylor's cock. She searched around blindly for a moment before her fingers wrapped around his sensitive flesh. Taylor hissed, trying to keep the noise he made to a minimum, but almost aching for more of Lavinia's touch.

"Boop," Lavinia said, bopping Taylor's cockhead gently. She started stroking the sizable member carefully. Precum beaded from the tip and lubricated her motions.

"~Ara ara, Darling~, you're so hard for me. Do you like this? Am I doing a good job?" Lavinia purred. The words came out low and throaty, choked with her own arousal at the situation.

"Nine Hells, yes Lav!" Taylor exclaimed quietly. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Rias' eyes open a crack. He heard her soft gasp, but ignored it in favor of the pleasure Lavinia was giving him.

Lavinia slid her way up Taylor's body until she was aligned to take his cock inside of her. Her own juices dripped onto his burning hot flesh, and her hands never stopped moving. She was breathing quicker now, completely prepared to give her first time to her king. The bedroom eyes she gave him caused Taylor to gulp.

"Do it~" Lavinia cooed. Taylor, unable to resist the call of her supple body any longer, wrapped his hands around her waist. Lavinia aimed his cock at her pussy, and he slowly dropped her down onto his shaft. Taylor heard a gasp off to his side as he watched his length disappear into velvety heaven.

Lavinia's lips were locked in an 'o' shape, as she was stretched for the first time. The Breeder essence ensured she didn't feel any pain, and only amplified the pleasure for both of them. Their hips finally collided after what seemed to be hours. Lavinia ground her hips experimentally, and had to stifle her squeak with the collar of her shirt.

Taylor lifted her off his cock, steadily and carefully, until only the tip remained. He then dropped her, making sure to keep the pace just as slow as the first thrust.

What followed was slow, gentle lovemaking, as the pair of lovers tried not to 'wake' Rias. Taylor suspected she was already awake and being a sneaky little voyeur, but couldn't linger on that thought for long. Lavinia's pussy squeezed and seemed to pull his cock into her. It was desperate for Taylor's girth to continue stretching it oh so delightfully.

Taylor had no choice but to oblige. In and out, the two came together and parted slowly. They never fully disengaged, seeking the pleasures of the flesh in a gentle dance.

Soft orgasms danced through Lavinia's mind and pussy. The walls of her channel carressing and hugging the intruding member in a sensual cuddle. This was the best thing she had ever experienced, she decided. The euphoria was only second to the intimacy she felt with her Darling. She wanted to stay connected like this forever.

All good things come to an end though, and Taylor and Lavinia's sneaky fuck ended with a rippling orgasm. Taylor came and the heat of his seed in her deepest place, along with the knowledge of what that meant, dragged Lavinia over the edge. Her final orgasm was like the product of all the little ones she had had during their coupling. The pleasure seemed to multiple itself, pushing her to reach new heights of ecstasy.

Taylor never fully pulled out as Lavinia fell asleep atop him. After a moment's hesitation, he made a monumental choice. The essence of the Breeder coursed through his seed and did its job. Taylor fell asleep, content in the knowledge that he had just bred his queen.