

"Not really. I stay with my elder brother, but that suppose not to be a problem for you because he's out of town." He whispered in response to my question while holding me from behind. I chuckled my assent to his response. That was just a go-ahead order to him. Finding a way to lock my mouth with his has never been a problem for him since I got to his place. As Eric saw me smiling, he used his right hand to lift my left hand, exposing my navel since I wore a short top that rhymed with the skirt that barely reached my knees. He did that stylishly, making me rotate around for a reason best known to him alone. Though I was a bit shy, I still did as he planned. He didn't give me chance to say even a word after going around before he drew me closer to himself. His wide chest was like a landing space for me as my breasts clashed against his broad chest. "Rose, you know I love you!" He whispered to me while we were holding ourselves tightly. For me, then was not a good time to profess my love for him since he already aroused me. My breasts were already fuller and erect, and I was also becoming more touchy. I didn't know how we locked our lips again in kisses. I noticed that his tongue was right in my mouth. His hands may have eyes, I guess. The right one hastily located my breast, which was already craving attention. Once he fondled it, I didn't know when I let out a deep breath with such an appealing word: Ugh!! While he was fondling my breast as if his life depends on what he was doing, a strong object was rubbing against my lap. I didn't imagine something else apart from his cock that was already erect in the shorts he was wearing. I guess that was not what he wore when he met me at the gate. The feeling wasn't just imaginable. Maybe I was under a spell, but I noticed myself, lifting my thigh against his. Already I was noticing expansion in my cookie. Seems he cared not to consider what I was doing. He wasted no time as he removed his hand from my breast and began to such it. Since my nipples were stronger and erect, they did welcome his mouth, which was also in pleasure to behold the strong and boneless creature. As he rolled his tongue around the nipple, I knew not whether he wanted to bite it, but I felt his upper and lower tooth coming closer to my nipple repeatedly. Then all I could do was just to be caressing his shoulder while impatiently waiting for whatever may come next. At a spot, I noticed that his hand was already shifting my G-string pant to the corner while trying to locate my clit. Though, I did not need to suspect how his hand got there since I already spread my legs open while raising one leg in pleasure. As he tickled the cookie, I noticed a splash of hot fluid from there and I couldn't just bear the pleasure as I muttered… Eric, you're driving me crazy! "Babe, you're sweet!!" He responded. He carried me to the couch which was close to us as though I were lifeless. It took him not up to a second to go unclad hence, exposing his cock which was bent to the right side... This is the story of Rose, who grew up under single parenting. Her lovely mum is so lovely that she tried her best to train her well. But Rose, who wants to explore the pleasures of the world, fell in love at a young age. She finally got pregnant with His ex who abandoned her with the Pregnancy. She later delivered the baby and finally concluded that she's learned her lesson. She started amending her ways. Even change her location to live a better life. She later got married to James. Unknown to her that James was a cousin brother to his ex-boyfriend. Already His ex was in search of his son since he couldn't give birth to another male child and he had to have one before ascending his father's throne. To know what happened, read the full story. It promises to be sweet, fun, and captivating.  See you as we go further. Don't hesitate to write your reviews. Daniel Chijioke

Daniel_Chijioke · Urbano
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22 Chs

Chapter 22

Eventually, I noticed that I began to miss Eric more than usual. I do know not whether it's just to see his face that I missed or to relax my head on his broad chest. All I know is that wish to see myself being hugged by Eric. I missed the way he turns everything to play. I can't tell, whether it's because of the multiple dreams I do have about him. But frankly, something in me was missing him so dearly.

Since my mother has been both a friend and a mother to me, and we do spend our days together, excusing myself from our daily activities just to meet with Eric won't be easy. Besides, she won't even tolerate such nonsense from me if I eventually tell her that I want to go and see a man. I got puzzled by the thought of what to use as an excuse. When I thought of informing her that I intend to visit May and use it as an excuse, I know May's mother won't for any reason allow me to skip helping my mum just to visit them. And there's no way I can spend an hour elsewhere without providing a genuine explanation and, if need be, evidence of my whereabouts. I finally decided to tell her that I would be visiting May during the weekend. She easily granted the request, since May had been visiting us.

This is among the reasons why I decided to maintain my relationship with May. Once I told her my plans, she didn't waste time before notifying my mum that she wants me to visit. She made everything easier for me. One thing that turned out to be a burden to my plan was that May's mother refused to do their normal weekend shopping for groceries. Rather, she sent the list to my mum and requested that I go along with the items when I will be visiting. I had no choice but to agree with whichever plans they came up with, since I initiated the idea of visiting them. In some occasions, good outcomes don't come from the best decision. When things are destined to fall into place, the human decision seems to play little or no role. As May sent me the address, I got shocked to realize that they live in the same Estate as Eric. And even in the same street. I couldn't be happier than I was.

All I could imagine was just the days would be passing faster so that my dream day would come. How I would excuse myself from May's compound has also been a puzzle to me. But since May is a person of my kind, we would have our way to solve any puzzle that may ensue. However, I told Eric that I missed him, but never did I informed him that I would be visiting. I decided to make it a surprise visit.

"Rose, you've suffered. Would I be carrying all this luggage just because I lied? Nah! Something has to be done".

I whispered to myself as my mum continued bringing out loaded bags, notifying me that those are the stuff I'll be taking to May's mother. Mumbling to myself wasn't just enough expression of how I felt. My facial expression was so audible that my mum instantly noticed that something was wrong.

"It seems you can't carry all the stuff to May's mother. Or can go along with both of them?"

Her question was more rhetorical to me. Since she already knows the answer, what then is the essence of asking me? Whether I like it or not, those stuff needs to get to them on that same day. And it's not as if we have a car, so I would go with it. Since I was mute for some while after her question, she gave me a wicked grin. It was when she laughed that I couldn't contain the anger in me any longer. Then I uttered with a coarse voice…

Is this not wickedness at its peak? How on earth does she expect me to go along with any of this luggage? She should have told me not to come instead. Rather than expecting me to carry all these loads…

I was still lamenting when my mother intruded;

Rose! I never see this version of you since I gave birth to you. So, you can be this infuriated? Calm down, Rose!

I knew not whether she was mocking me or something relating to that. All I realized from her smiles and body language was that there must be a truth she kept from me as a secret.

Mum, this isn't funny at all. It'll be better if I stay back than to carry all these along…

I already called a taxi that will pick you up. You need not bother yourself.

She became serious since she realized that I was more serious than my face could express. Her words forced a smile on my face.

"I knew that must be your reaction. Well, I know Mrs. Andy must pay for the taxi when you get there, but still, I will give you the money in case she doesn't.

.she jokingly said

Mummy, so you've been playing some pranks on me?

I chipped in stylishly

"Haha," she chuckled.

How do you think I would allow you to carry all these loads just like that?

Hmm, I remember that you once told me, if the fowl start pursuing me all of a sudden, I should run because I don't know whether it's grown teeth overnight.

I replied to her with an innocent tone.

Chai! It's okay, Rose…

She was still saying her words when the taxi driver arrived at our compound.

There he is! She commented.

At least, now, I know you're serious.

I made my words sound jokingly since I knew mum might get annoyed by my choice of words. The driver helped us to load the goods and then the driver and I left the house.