
Chapter 24 Explorers Guild(2)

'Impossible.' Julie thought as she looked at the information displayed onto her computer screen. Currently on the computer was Alex's status and to say she was shocked was an understatement. Julie was currently 20 years old and she was still stuck at level 5, which was due to her cowardice, which was very frustrating for her and seeing Alex an outskirt rat have an higher level than her made her pissed off but not mad enough to try something....yet.

"Well it seems that everything checks out." She said in a much more polite voice now causing Alex to smirk.

"Your ID will be ready in a moment." Julie said while fidgeting with her computer. A few minutes later a card showing his date of birth, name, picture and his status as a member of the Explorers guild was printed by a 3D printer. Handing over the card to Alex she asked if he had any questions.

"Actually I was wondering where I can sell some monster cores." He asked

"You can sell them right here if you wish." Julie replied with a forced smile

"Ok. But how do you much for each core."

"E ranks cost 100,000 credits each , D ranks cost 500,000 credits each, C ranks cost 1,000,000 credits each." Julie answered through gritted teeth. Credits is the currency used by the entire human race. It comes in both digital form and coins but only those who live in the outskirts use coins making it scarce. Nodding his head Alex produced 12 monster cores from his eliciting an audible grasp from Julie.

"Do you have an account?" Julie asked quickly regaining her composure. Alex replied no and she asked if he had a phone to which he replied no much to her frustration. Asking him to follow her she took him to another part of the guild where phones were being displayed in glass cases.

"Pick one." Julie said then stood by the side allowing Alex to roam the store. Walking around the store for around fifteen minutes Alex found the phone phone he wanted, a Samsung Galaxy 9000 prime. Selecting his phone both of them went back to the reception area. Taking the phone from his hand she connected it to her computer.

"Here, I have created a bank account using your explorers ID and all your money has been transferred to your account minus the amount for the phone. All the information you need is inside the Explorers Guild app. The phone uses voice recognition and facial scans to unlock. Here you go." Julie said as she handed back the phone to Alex.

"Do you guys have any rooms to sleep in or....." Alex started saying but was cut off by Julie.

"There are rooms upstairs but they cost a thousand credits a night. Do you want it?"


"Then your room is on the second floor room 204." Julie said handing him the keys to the room.

Taking the key Alex went to the second floor. It didn't take long for him to find his room, entering his room he found that it had a bedroom and most importantly.....

"A bathroom!!" Alex exclaimed happily. Ever since he left the city he hadn't been able to take a bath, not even once. And now he smelt like death and sweat so without any hesitation he unsummoned the [Impish Shroud] and started filling the bathtub with water. Sitting in the hot water, Alex finally felt all his stress and worries being washed away.

'Oh yeah now that I think about it I haven't checked what my second quest was." Alex thought as he soaked in the tub.


1. Conquer an F ranked dungeon( kill the dungeon boss).( Completed)

2. Consume 5 Nightshade flowers.(rank is optional.)






Looking at the second quest Alex only had one question on his mind.

'What the fuck are nightshade flowers.'


A few hours earlier, in a richly decorated mansion situated in the noble district was a man sitting in a lavishly decorated room with Robert kneeling infront of him presenting the [Silver Raptor] with his head bowed.

"Well it seems that you will get to keep your head after all." The man said with an amused smile while taking the arnament.

"Thank you, my liege." Robert said with his head still bowed.

"Now leave my sight." The man said shewing Robert away like a pesky fly.

"If you will excuse me." Robert said as he bowed and left the room.