
Chapter 23 The Explorers Guild(1)

It was late in the evening as the sun started to disappear in the horizon and the air became chilly that the bored city guards saw him. Summoning their arnaments the guards looked at the figure that was getting closer by the minute. As he got closer the guards could see his image clearer, they saw a young man wearing a red body suit that was covered in dust and black spots here and there making. His hair disheveled and he had a thin slightly muscular frame, a bit above average height and a slightly handsome face.

"Who are you and what is your business here?" One of the guards asked warely observing the suspicious youngman.

"My name is Alex Shaw and I am a citizen of Mountmend." Alex replied with a slight smile.

"Alex Shaw huh, show me your identity card or any other proof of identity." The guard demanded still suspicious of Alex.

"Unfortunately I left them in the city when I went out. You see I just awakened my system and I wanted to test my skills against some monsters." Alex said flexing his muscles a bit.

"Fine then wait here while I go and verify your claim." The guard said as he turned around and started walking towards the city guard's office outside the gate.

"Wait there's no need to do that." Alex said as he walked towards the guard.

"Don't move." The guard said as he pointed his spear towards Alex.

"Wait a minute, I just remembered I still have my ID on my bag." Alex said as he opened the small beaten up bag around his waist and took out the Wind wolf's beast core. Seeing the core the guards eyes were instantly full of greed. Beast and monster cores were used to create arnaments which was always in high demand thus they could be sold at a high price.

"Well it seems that your identity checks out, welcome back to Mountmend." The guard said as he greedily took the beast core. And with that Alex entered the city of Mountmend without much trouble. Entering the city, Alex was fascinated by what he saw. The street was paved without any pothole or fissures much different from the one in the outskirts, there were plenty of well designed signs hanging outside lavishly painted buildings different from what he was used to and then there were the people. Everyone was dressed nicely in expensive or at least more expensive than anything he was able to afford and there some people wearing armour as well. Although Alex lived in the city for most of his life he never really went into the main city itself since people from the outskirts were discriminated against and looked down upon by the people living in the city. Whenever anyone from the outskirts came into the city they were heavily beaten by city guards while some were outright killed by them with no repercussions since the law didn't really favor outskirts rat like them. Wandering the city for a while Alex eventually found the building he was looking for, the Explorers Guild. The building was completely white with glass doors and had three stories with a bright sign declaring it's name with big, bold and colorful letters. The interior of the building was painted gold with gold framed pictures of man, monster and beast hanging on the walls.

"Goodnight and how may I help you." Said a beautiful looking young lady siting behind a counter who Alex could only assume was a receptionist. She was looking at Alex with a frown on her face.

"Hi, my name is Alex and I want to sign up to become an explorer."

"Oh, really now and may I ask how old you are and where are you from."

"I'm sixteen and I live in the outskirts." Alex said gauging the girls expression and as expected her face twisted in one of disgust.

"Oh really now and tell me now what makes you think you are qualified to become an explorer, you rat." The girl said rudely with a still disgusted expression on her face.

'Let's see what level this little bitch is at. Analysis.'

[Name: Julie

Species: Human

Rank/Level: 5

Skills: Mana Sense, Mana Manipulation]

"First of all I am level 10 and I already have experience being inside a dungeon." Alex replied looking at her cold with his deep black eyes making her shudder a bit.

"Level 10 huh let's see a about that. Place your hand on the crystal." Julie said as as she placed a crystal ball on the table. Not trusting her one bit Alex decided to use [Analysis] on the crystal ball.

[Name: Appraisal tool

Species: Arnament(tool)

Rank/Level: C

Skills: Advanced Analysis]

Finally assured that the crystal ball is safe Alex placed his hand onto it. Suddenly the crystal ball glowed and started sending mana throughout Alex's body. Not sensing any animosity from the mana he allowed the crystal ball to do it's thing.