
Chapter 18 Demon Lair!!(13)


The imp let out a gut wrenching scream as a copious amount of blood leaked out of it's chest. Suddenly an infernal heat radiated from the imp that got increasingly fiercer by the second. Both Alex and Robert jumped back and watched in fear and awe as the imp got to it's feet with bright orange flames radiating from it as it glared at Alex as he was the source of his grievous wound. The imp slowly pointed his index finger towards Alex while staring at him with angry red eyes. Suddenly feeling a chill down his spine Alex rolled to the side and not too soon an orange beam radiating intense heat hit his previous position melting the ground. Looking at where he was standing just moments ago Alex couldn't help but feel cold sweat drip down his face. Looking back at the imp he could see that the imp was charging another orange beam, gripping [Silver Raptor] tightly he ran towards the imp. Dodging the beams would cost too much stamina and mana and Alex didn't know how many more it can fire before exhausting itself or if it had an even more powerful wide ranged attack so confronting it head in was the best option.

The imp fired it's attack at the on rushing Alex but this time he was prepared. Seeing the beam heading his sword towards it. After a brief struggle with the beam he managed to deflect it to the side but with a cost. Looking at his sword it's blade was bright orange and looked like it just came out of a furnace. Ignoring the condition of his sword Alex rushed towards the imp and swung his sword forcing the imp to block with it's right claw. As it blocked with it's right claw blood started to leak out it's still fresh wound causing it to wince a bit. With a roar the monsters aura flared as the flames surrounding it intensified but this time Alex didn't back down.

[-25 HP]

Gritting his teeth and blocking out the pain, Alex continued his clash with the monster while suffering damage from it's flames.

[-25 HP]

[-25 HP]

[-25 HP]

As they continued to clash Alex wasn't the only one taking damage. As the imp continued to block Alex's attacks it's wound continued to leak blood causing it immense pain. This has become a battle of attrition.

After clashing for a few minutes the two of them disengaged from each other both panting loudly.

[425/800 HP]

Alex's skin was red hot with steam rising from his skin, his sword looked even worse with it being completely orange but fortunately it didn't have any signs of bending or melting. The imp may have been the most injured of the two as it's aura had dimmed considerably while it's wounds were leaking leaking large quantities of blood.

'Where the fuck is Robert.' Alex thought as he panted like a dog. During his fight he tried searching for Robert but he couldn't find him, he tried doing the same for Carla since he didn't think she was dead but got the same result. Standing up he prepared to clash with the imp again when something silver streaked towards the imp striking it in the calf causing the already exhausted imp to fall to it's knees. Suddenly out of nowhere came Robert as he swung his sword down on the imp but was met with a fire breath from the imp sending him flying backwards. But this distraction was more than enough for Alex as he ran towards the imp with all his might and swung his sword onto the imp's head. Turning it's head around, it was already too late for the imp as it saw the orange blade of [Silver Raptor] inching closer and closer towards it's head until it finally made contact splitting it's skull in half and draining all the life from it's eyes.

[You have slain the E rank monster, Imp King. You have earned 375 exp.]

[You have gained an arnament.]

[Congratulations you have...]