
Chapter 19 Demon Lair!!(14)

[Congratulations challenger you and your party have conquered the F rank dungeon [Demon Lair]. You have earned the following rewards: [Crimson Dagger(F)] and two levelups.]

[Congratulations you have completed your first quest( Conquer an F ranked dungeon( kill the dungeon boss) you have earned your first Grace ability, [Shadow Manipulation] and the following skills: [One with Shadows] and [Shadow Sense].]

[You have crossed a threshold by reaching level 10. The system has been upgraded. Ding!! The system has unlocked the [Title] feature. Ding!! You have gained a new [Title]. The system feature [Shop] has been upgraded. As you have reached the first system threshold your physique will now evolve.]

'Evolve?' Alex thought as he read through the system notifications. The system notifications has been spamming one after the other after he killed the Imp King. Reaching the last one he read through it and the last sentence made him unconsciously shuddered.


Soon after he read the system notification he felt immense pain from inside his body. He could feel his bone snapping, his heart beating faster than ever before, his muscles tearing and reforming and he could feel his skin peeling off and falling to the ground. Alex writhed on the ground as his inside churned and ripped itself over and over, after a few minutes of going through this process Alex vomited out a lot of black liquid as the agony finally ended. Getting up off the floor, Alex cursed and brushed the dirt off his arnament.

[Your physique has evolved. Congratulations you have unlocked your Mana Pool.]

After the evolution Alex's appearance looked different from the previous one. His face has become more handsome, his scrawny muscles have become more defined , he had grown around 2cm making him 177cm in height, his hair hair has flowed to his shoulder and his skin looked less malnourished. Unaware of the changes in his appearance, Alex checked his status.


Name: Alex Shaw

Titles: Imp Slayer

Level: 10( 825 exp to next level up)

HP: 1000

MP: 100

Grace: Shadow Monarch

Skills:[Mana Manipulation, Mana Sense, Simple Regeneration(10 SP to upgrade), One with shadows, Shadow Sense]

Grace abilities:[Shadow Manipulation]

Arnament:[Silver Raptor(D), Impish Shroud(E), Crimson Dagger(F), Crimson Fang(E)]

SP: 50


'The system changed a lot. Let's see what these do.' As he thought this he pulled up the information on his new gains.

[ Imp Slayer: This title is given to those that have killed the Imp King and many of it's kin. With this title holder will get a 20% increase in exp gain whenever they killed an imp species.]

[One with shadows: This is a stealth skill that allows the user to camouflage in shadows rendering invisible to the senses of most.]

[Shadow senses: With this skill the user can sense the shadows of living organisms and inanimate objects. ]

[Shadow Manipulation: "All shall learn to fear the shadows." As the Shadow Monarch your main ability is to bend shadows to your will.]

[Name: Crimson Dagger(F)

Description: A dagger given to the Shadow Monarch by the system as a reward for conquered the F rank dungeon [Demon Lair].

Rank: F

Enchantments: Ignition(F): This enchantment allows you to ignite the blade of the dagger.]

[Name: Crimson Fang

Description: This sword contains the power of the dungeon boss, Imp King defeated by the cunning Shadow Monarch. The blade contains the power of the dungeon boss.

Rank: E

Enchantments: Laser(E): This enchantment allows the user to shoot beams of concentrated flames.

Demon's Pride(E): "A demon does not bow to the weak." With this enchantment activated the user will be surrounded by a fiery aura and his physical prowess will be increased by a small margin.]

[Mana Pool: Your mana is intricately linked to your physical form. Once your MP has reached a certain quantity it is liquified creating your Mana Pool.]

Looking at all the skills, armaments and title he has gained he couldn't help but smile, he finally felt like an awakened. After calming down from his ecstasy, Alex finally remembered Robert and Carla who were sitting only a dozen meters away recovering from their wounds. Walking over to them, Alex could see the full extent of their injuries. Carla was relatively ok except for a few bruises here and their and a few burn Mark's. And Robert was surprisingly ok despite taking a fire breath from the Imp King head on.

"It seems like your done looking at your system messages." Robert said causing Alex to nod his head.

"What did you get anyway, judging by the grin on your face a few minutes ago it must be something good at least better than ours anyway?" Carla asked curiously

"I got my first Grace ability." Alex said proudly

"Wait a minute! Your telling me that you didn't have a grace ability when you entered this dungeon?" Carla asked in shock

"No. Why do you guys look so shock." Alex asked raising his eyebrow

"Both Robert and I and everyone else(the dead members) that was in our group had unlocked our first Grace ability. We thought you unlocked yours as well." Carla said

"Oh is that so Alex answered blandly. He knew that Robert unlocked his Grace ability already but had no idea about the others. But now that the he knew only one thought crossed his mind.

'How are they so weak?' He thought but didn't say it out loud. Another thing that he couldn't get out of his mind was a strange sensation he felt ever since he got closer to Robert and Carla a few minutes ago. He could feel something poking at the edges of his mind and senses. Closing his eyes Alex focused on the strange sensation in his mind. Suddenly his perception changed as even though his eyes were closed he could see black figures that looked exactly like Robert and Carla standing in the exact same position they were.

'This must be the [Shadow Sense] skill." Alex thought amazed at getting a new sixth sense. Opening his eyes he could still feel their shadows but much fainter than when his eyes her closed. Seeing how amazing the [Shadow Sense] skill was Alex couldn't wait to try the his other two abilities and see what they could do.