
Chapter 9 - Class teacher's surprise and praise

"Summon the tide!"

Just when the snakes were about to charge, Lin Xiao, who was located above the battlefield, suddenly reached out and pointed, and a whole hundred thousand faith values evaporated, and the transcendent power 'Calling Mock' was made.

The next second, the edge of the battlefield shallow sea hundreds of meters range of sea water is bound by an invisible force, no wind lifted a nearly 300 meters long, two meters high wave gushed towards the snake and fish crowd just starting to rush out.

The impact of the wave is not large, but enough to rush the snake people in the charge to pieces.

And for the amphibious fish people although also washed up in a mess, but fish people are naturally more easily adapted to this change than land creatures, quickly stabilize their bodies.

The incarnation of Lin Xiao was the first to react, raising the bone knife in his hand and shouting.

"Lord of Grey Mist, King of Endless Tides, Lord of the Seven Seas above, grant me the power to slay my enemies!"

Start the skill 'salty fish assault', like a shark's dorsal fins cut through the seawater, with super fast speed to kill a straight line hit with the tide surge momentarily unable to stabilize the shape of the serpent leader, the bone knife in the hand to separate the air, snake scales, flesh and blood, deep into the chest of the serpent leader, the tip of the blade through the back out.

In his body back at the same time, other fish people have opened skills screaming, into a fish shadow to kill the snake crowd.

Hundreds of fishmen went to follow the crash on more than 20 snakes, each withstanding no less than five impacts, more than half of the salted fish burst five times the attack forcibly torn body, blood spilled into the water stained a large beach.

A length and width of about six kilometers square God's domain, a wide canyon in the middle of a great battle is taking place.

A large group of about four hundred, wearing leather armor, left hand hoe right hand shovel dog-headed people are lined up in a long serpentine formation, is with a large group of more than the number of dog-headed people, carrying embroidered iron sword skeletons mixed into a ball.

Behind the dog-headed formation on a raised stone stood an old dog-headed man with red hair and red skin stationed on a wooden staff, with several dog-headed guards on the side.

The old dog-headed man raised his wooden staff in his hand, and a red light at the top of the staff lit up and quickly condensed into a basketball-sized fireball, and as the old dog-headed man waved his staff, the fireball flew through the dog-headed man's defenses and fell into the skeleton group.


Only to see a shocking loud sound, a circle of flames instantly exploded covering a range of 55 meters, in which the skeletons instantly turned into fire, quickly burned into ashes and fell into the flames disappeared.


Wu Hai, the class teacher who was watching the battle outside the God's domain, clapped his hands and shouted good, and said to Zheng Wenzhuo, the tutor on the side.

"Meng Hui has been performing better and better lately, it's extremely rare to be able to train a dog-headed person to this point, and with the advantage of the number of dog-headed people, it ranks within the top five in the class."

Zheng Wenzhou nodded and said.

"He also has a dog-headed man warlock, has initially activated the bloodline, if he can completely activate the bloodline before the life span is exhausted to become a dog-headed man dragon line warlock, future achievements will never be low."

Speaking of this Zheng Wenzhuo sighed and said.

"Unfortunately, this step is too difficult."

Wu Hai laughed and said.

"It is not necessarily, this time the touch test I

Wu Hai, who was talking eloquently, suddenly frowned and showed an astonished expression.

"What's going on?"

Zheng Wenzhuo said curiously.

"What's wrong?"

Wu Hai showed a look of surprise plus astonishment and said.

"Someone has defeated all the invaders."

"So quickly?"

Zheng Wenzhuo immediately became interested and said.

"Which one is it, Yuan Hong or Wan Chuan? Or Zhao Erju or Yi Xiao Er?"


With a flip of Wu Hai's large sleeves, the two had disappeared and reappeared to the edge of Lin Xiao's divine domain, seeing the scene of a large group of fishermen carrying a dozen snake-man corpses all the way back to the tribe with gibberish.

He reached out and pointed, and a light screen popped open in front of him, which showed the very present scene.


As he lightly recited, the light screen image in front of him began to rewind, and soon backtracked to the time when the portal was first opened.

As time passed, the two men's faces simultaneously revealed a look of surprise, glancing at each other Zheng Wenzhuo said.

"This skill explosive power is so high ah!"

"At least extremely rare or higher quality."

"Unfortunately used on the fish people wasted, the strength of this race is too low, there is little upside potential."

After a moment of silence, class teacher Wu Hai said.

"can not say so, the initial stage is basically the same, as long as the early can use this rare card to gain enough advantage is sufficient, really can not, the future after becoming a demigod to find a way to enhance the family bloodline can also be, or in the future, even for other powerful main battle race, this can also be used as a secondary main battle race, with the reproductive capacity and number of fish people, as cannon fodder is also good. "

Speaking of this, he did not continue to chat, stretched out his finger a little, a light screen popped open, which showed the information of Lin Xiao.

"You have a new message, do you want to view it?"

Within the divine realm, Lin Xiao suddenly received a message, and when he saw that it was from the class teacher

Immediately answered it, and rather rarely heard the class teacher's laughter coming from.

"Lin Xiao, your performance in this mapping test is very good, the teacher is very pleased!"

He speechlessly skimmed his mouth, really vulgar, you have not seen you so relieved before.

But spitting is spitting, UU read the book www.uukanshu.com他还是很高兴, as a student, the teacher's attention is a good thing, especially for students like him.

You should know that many initial rare cards are only available in schools, even the true gods are not seen, otherwise why would those true gods send their direct descendants to school, is to allow the offspring to build a good foundation, school resources plus parental or elders resources, can make them go farther.

Just like Lin Xiao's parents could prepare resources for him all the way to becoming a demigod, but that's where his ceiling ends, without golden fingers, it's almost impossible to become a true true god.

At this point class teacher Wu Hai said again.

"So far, no other students have completed the test, so the first place in this touch test is yours."

Lin Xiao's heart was overjoyed, and an uncontrollable smile spread across his face.

Class teacher Wu Hai said again.

"According to the rules I mentioned before, you will receive a random two-star card, as well as a five-star card of a specified type, in addition to that, you will also have a chance for a very difficult additional test, which you will have every time you come first in the bottom test, you can choose to take it or not."

After a pause, he continued.

"The extra test is so difficult that even Yuan Hong, the top performer in the class, only succeeded once, failed twice, and gave up twice."


Lin Xiao hesitated a little, silent seemingly in thought.

To be honest, this was the first time he had heard that there would be additional tests after the mapping test, which should only be for the best students in the class, he had been hovering around twenty-five before and was certainly not qualified to know.

The class teacher reiterated its difficulty and danger twice, which made Lin Xiao not dare to be careless and said after a little thought.

"Can you let me know the exact difficulty, with what the reward is if I successfully pass the extra test?"