
Eons of Evolution: I Am God

God descended on the most ancient barbaric earth and primeval seas. He is the beginning of everything, he created wisdom and life, he is the Creator of all living beings. In the passage of time, stories turn into epics, epics become myths, and finally myths are buried in the years. God alone is eternal. Fanfic/Translation

Damon_Gray · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 2 Overlord

Rico had initially found living in the tall temple to be a novel experience. However, as time passed, he began to grow bored, and his interest in observing the new creature he had created waned. Despite being able to continue observing them for eternity, Rico found himself yearning for some fun. The only companions he had were a fusion monster swimming in the sea, emitting a constant purring sound, and a three-leaf man who would talk to him.

From the vantage point of the high shrine, Rico would often gaze out at the vast ocean and the entire island. One day, while lost in his thoughts, he heard a voice calling out to him. "Rico... Lorenzorr!" Startled, he turned around to see a creature resembling a man standing before him. The man-like creature blocked the light, casting a long shadow into the palace. He was dragging a behemoth that was much larger than him to the platform in front of the temple.

As the creature knelt beside the temple pillar, the shadow he cast suddenly shrank and turned into a ball. The creature prostrated himself before the mighty shore of his heart and the god who had bestowed him with wisdom, offering a tribute to the deity.

Meanwhile, the three-leaf man brought Rico a rare ocean curiosity to earn a moment of joy from the god or a hint of a smile. This time, it was a strange shrimp - a giant creature that was more than five meters long and one of the most powerful overlords of the ocean in the area. The three-leaf man had spent a great deal of effort to catch the strange shrimp, and there were even some scars on its hard carapace.

"Rico!" the three-leaf man shouted excitedly, but stumbled over his words, saying "Ricoa!" instead. Rico stood on the stone platform of the statue, watching as the leaf man followed with a hand dance. Rico wasn't smiling because of the offering from the ocean but because the three-leaf man was finally able to shout his name without stopping, even if he called it incorrectly.

Stepping down from the platform, Rico looked at the giant creature that had not died on the statue. It was a shrimp-like giant fish with a pair of large chelas on its head that suddenly trembled and jumped, knocking against the god statue and breaking a piece of it. This made the three-leaf man angry and fearful, shouting, "INSECT~" "DIE! ~" in a furious attempt to kill the creature that had dared to disrespect God, a creature without wisdom.

Rico didn't have any particular thoughts about the shrimp, other than that it was massive. He stretched out his hand, reversing time to fix the damage to the statue, smiling as he said, "I've fixed it... Silence now!" The commanding tone of his voice was followed by a huge wave that was set off in the sea. A true behemoth broke through the water and headed towards the pyramid.

"Gollum~" "Gollum~" The fusion monster climbed up the pyramid, dragging a six-meter-long giant shark with its tentacles, and swallowed it like a jelly bean. In the face of this mythical monsters, the ocean overlord of Gaia was not worth mentioning.

Rico stood at the entrance of the temple, and the mythical monster behind him was contentedly devouring the snack that had broken the statue. The three-leaf man was close behind him, and his presence was enough to make people feel frightened. Suddenly, he stopped and looked at the relief carved on the pillar beam. The characters came alive, even though there was no color. The scene depicted high-rise buildings, lots of traffic, and countless figures walking in a bustling street.

The intricate images adorning the temple walls had been meticulously carved by the skilled three-leaf man, who had inherited the wisdom and memories of Rico. Despite his proficiency in carving, the three-leaf man struggled to comprehend the scenes he had created. He couldn't fathom why there were so many different people depicted in the paintings, all unlike himself. The three-leaf man was equally perplexed by the sight of iron birds soaring through the sky and boxes hurtling along the ground. Nevertheless, he knew that these images pleased the god and so he had diligently etched them all over the temple and beyond.

Rico, the enigmatic god, would often pause beneath the frescoes and reliefs, silently contemplating them. But today was different. He singled out a tiny figure in one of the paintings and pointed to it. "Look!" he said to the three-leaf man. "This is people." Eager to confirm his identity, the three-leaf man quickly nodded in agreement. "I...I...People too!" he exclaimed. But Rico shook his head, telling him that he was not human. Rather, he was a Mitsuba, an intelligent creature created by Rico that had evolved from trilobites and taken on a human form.

The three-leaf man was confused, not understanding the difference between a human and a trilobite. As they walked together in the corridors outside the temple, Rico explained that he and the three-leaf man were both alone. The human race existed in a faraway land, and the Mitsuba race comprised only the three-leaf man. It was at this moment that the three-leaf man grasped the concept of race and realized that Mitsuba was not his name but rather the name of his entire species. He was not a person, and this realization filled him with sadness.

"I...also...want...name!" the three-leaf man exclaimed.

Rico suddenly had an idea. Since the fusion monster could copy the traits of living beings and merge them, why not use this power to create an entire race of Mitsuba? The three-leaf man knelt on the ground and prayed, and Rico casually gave him a name. "Ledley. Your name is Ledley," he said. The three-leaf man cheered with joy, like a child, and his sadness quickly dissipated.

The fusion monster, a mythical creation that was both fascinating and terrifying, had a unique ability to manipulate the genetics of different organisms. It was a biological machine that could violently rob other creatures of their organs and fuse them together, resulting in a completely new organism with a combination of traits from its parent organisms. Rico had decided to use the power of this creature to create a new race of beings, one that combined the characteristics of Ledley and his predecessor, the Trilobite.

However, this process was not without its challenges. The fusion monster's output was often unpredictable and random, making it difficult to achieve the desired results. It required a great deal of luck and uncertainty to produce the creature that Rico had in mind. Despite this, Rico was confident that he would succeed. He had nothing but time and was willing to put in the effort necessary to create the perfect being.

As Rico stood in the main hall of the temple, he called upon the fusion monster. It heard his divine will and climbed up to the front of the temple, its fleshy-like body squeezing towards the palace's interior. The creature had strange green eyes of different sizes that scanned the room, looking for its next command.

Rico knew exactly what he needed from the creature. "I want you to give me the shell," he said firmly, his eyes fixed on the monster. The power of the fusion monster was concentrated in its shell, making it possible to remove the shell and use it to create a new being.

The hundreds of terrifying big eyes stared at Rico, but he felt a sense of innocence from the creature. It was a divine creation that didn't understand what he was saying or the meaning behind his words. It only needed him to give it a command, and it would follow it blindly.

As he worked to create the new race of beings, Rico couldn't help but think about Ledley and the power of his wisdom. He realized that the three-leaf man was not weak, but possessed a rare and valuable strength. Ledley had the ability to observe and understand the world around him, to create, to innovate, and to communicate with others. These qualities were truly miraculous, and Rico knew that they would be passed down to the new beings he was creating.