
Entertainment started in Youth Pi (Hiatus)

When Ye Bai saved his girlfriend and childhood friend from a speeding vehicle, he traveled through the parallel world of Youth Pi. This is an entertainment/fanfiction novel started on TV. Show "Youth Pi/Growing Pain." This novel and its characters are purely fictitious.

NeeekoShin · TV
Classificações insuficientes
75 Chs

Chapter 43: Confession

As Zhang Rongbao's car approached the school, Ye Bai leaned forward eagerly. "Teacher, you can drop me off here," he said.

Zhang Rongbao nodded, pulling over to the side of the school building. "Alright, see you later, Ye Bai," he said, offering a friendly farewell before Ye Bai stepped out of the car and onto the school grounds. His eyes scanned the bustling school grounds. It was break time, and the campus was alive with the energy of students engaged in various activities. Some hurried off to the canteen, eager to grab a quick bite to eat, while others gathered in groups, their animated conversations filling the air with laughter and excitement.

Ye Bai couldn't help but smile as he observed the scene, feeling a sense of nostalgia wash over him as memories of his school days flooded back. Despite the passage of time, the timeless rhythm of school life remained unchanged, a comforting reminder of the enduring spirit of youth.

While strolling near the building, Ye Bai caught the familiar sound of Lin Miaomiao's voice emanating from the loudspeaker. A smile instinctively crept onto his face as he listened.

"Before our broadcasting ends, I want to share a few thoughts with you. I've been pondering something lately. In this beautiful school, can I truly get to know every student and every teacher? Can I savor the scent of every flower, feel the texture of every leaf, and leave my mark on every path? Have you ever wondered about this?"

Ye Bai walked slowly, absorbing Lin Miaomiao's words and feeling a sense of relaxation wash over him. He gazed at the scenery, trying to etch it into his memory.

"People often say that you have to turn your head 500 times in your past life to meet someone and be together in this life. So let's cherish the people by our side. How many lifetimes did we pass to have our friends back again? To meet, to know, to understand."

Ye Bai paused for a moment, Lin Miaomiao is not Zhao Jinmai, they have different personalities even though they have the same look.

"But our paths have often been intertwined with teasing twists. Whenever we experience moments of greatness, there inevitably comes a parting. Yet, life moves forward."

Ye Bai's gaze drifted toward the location of the radio station, and then he began to walk faster. Did he want to remain the same, unable to make firm decisions or take risks? Would he allow himself to be hindered by timidity in expressing his heart's desires? His leisurely stride turned into a jog, then into a run, his heart pounding with anticipation as he longed to see Lin Miaomiao once again.


"But what I want to express is that those parallel paths, never destined to cross like yours and mine, were once strangers. It's evident that the distance between us isn't vast; we may have even spent a day together. The sun rises and sets, we share the same atmosphere, and live under the same sky. We might even stand at the same stall in the canteen. Yet, I've never truly met you. Can we have a chance encounter?"

Qian Sanyi stole a glance at the girl beside him, his expression tinged with melancholy. He couldn't help but stare at her, feeling his heart start to thump once again.

Meanwhile, Lin Miaomiao gazed out of the window of the broadcasting station, heaving a deep sigh. "Next, we'll be playing a song, 'Encounter by Stefanie Sun,' requested by Deng Xiaoqi from class 11/6, as a gift to all students of class 11, with the message, 'I hope our next encounter will be planned'." With a click, she turned off the microphone, and the song began to play.

"Ahem, what's wrong?" Qian Sanyi couldn't help but ask her in a concerned voice. "Why do you seem sad?"

Lin Miaomiao glanced at the sky outside the window. "To me, the broadcasting room holds a significance similar to the 'Baicao Garden' of Young Lu Xun. I admit, that my initial purpose in coming here wasn't entirely pure; only Ye Bai knows the truth. But despite everything, I've grown to enjoy it over time. I've become accustomed to it. Just the thought that this may be my last time broadcasting makes me feel melancholic."

Qian Sanyi didn't know how to respond. "Don't dwell on it too much. I'll leave first," he said quietly, exiting the room.


~Hearing the departure of winter.

I wake up in a certain month and certain year.

I yearn, I wait, I anticipate.

Yet the future can not be planned accordingly.~

Lin Miaomiao was sweeping the floor of the radio station, her movements methodical as she listened to the music playing softly from the speakers. Aware that this might be her last day at work, she was determined to make the most of her time in the familiar surroundings of the radio room.

Suddenly, the door of the room opened, startling Lin Miaomiao. She turned around to see who had entered, a mix of surprise and curiosity crossing her face.

~How many twists and turns does it take for love to arrive?

Who will I meet and,

What kind of dialogue we will have?

How far in the future is the person I'm waiting for?~

Ye Bai stood at the door, gazing at the girl standing in front of him. His heart raced uncontrollably, and he couldn't resist placing a hand over his chest to steady himself. Over the past year, spending time with her had revealed a truth he couldn't deny: he had fallen in love with this vibrant, lively girl.

At that moment, Ye Bai realized that he cherished her just as she was, appreciating her for her personality rather than her outward appearance. It was a realization that filled him with a sense of warmth and contentment, knowing that their connection ran deeper than surface-level attraction.

Lin Miaomiao was surprised that Ye Bai came to the radio she wanted to get angry with him. He did not even leave a message and now he is here, but before she can say anything, she finds herself inside Ye Bai's embrace. Surprised by Ye Bai's intimate contact with her, she can't help to blush and feel her heart racing.

Ye Bai held Lin Miaomiao's head gently, inviting her to listen to the rhythm of his heart. "Do you hear my heart?" he asked softly.

Lin Miaomiao leaned in, pressing her ear against his chest, feeling the steady beat beneath her. "Hmm," she murmured in response, her cheeks tinged with a blush

"What does it say?" Ye Bai inquired playfully.

"Thud, Thud, Thud, Thud," Lin Miaomiao echoed, mimicking the rapid rhythm.

"Wrong. It says Miao Miao, Miao Miao," Ye Bai teased, his words carrying a tender sincerity.

Feeling overwhelmed by Ye Bai's confession, Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but return his embrace, her heart swelling with warmth. Though no words like 'I like you' or 'I love you,' she could feel the depth of his affection in his words and embrace. At that moment, she knew that their connection was something truly special. "Hmm," she murmured softly, squeezing him tightly as her heart overflowed with emotion.


Ye Bai enveloped Lin Miaomiao in a warm hug, relishing the comfort of her presence, until a sudden sharp pain in his waist "Hiss". He looked down to see Lin Miaomiao staring at him, her expression a mix of anger and concern.

"What's wrong with you? I didn't even know where you disappeared to," Lin Miaomiao scolded, her brows furrowing.

Ye Bai offered her an apologetic smile, his hand reaching up to gently tousle her hair. "I'm sorry, Miaomiao. I never meant to leave you in the dark. It's just... I didn't know how to face you in that moment. And then, out of nowhere, Principal Xie cornered me, insisting I participate in a math competition." He said apologizing to Miaomiao.

Understanding softened Lin Miaomiao's features as she gently massaged the spot she had pinched. "You can let go now," she whispered, her cheeks flushing with shyness.

"Just a moment," Ye Bai whispered back, unwilling to part with her just yet. He held her tightly, savoring the closeness they shared. Lin Miaomiao endured the shyness she felt until Ye Bai was satisfied.

After Ye Bai let her go, she quickly escaped and ran to the broadcasting desk to turn off the radio equipment. "I need to go to Teacher Yang wait for me here." she stood up and walked outside the broadcasting room.


Lin Miaomiao didn't want Ye Bai to worry about her problem, so she kept it to herself as she stood outside Teacher Yang's office. After taking a deep breath, she knocked.

"Reporting," she announced when Teacher Yang invited her in.

Inside the office, Lin Miaomiao found Qian Sanyi already standing before Teacher Yang, who was seated behind his desk. She approached cautiously, joining Qian Sanyi in the room.

"You've come to see me too? Both of you are here to confess your mistakes," Teacher Yang remarked, his tone stern. "You've managed to create the biggest blunder in our broadcasting history."

Addressing Qian Sanyi, Teacher Yang expressed his disappointment. "Qian Sanyi, you're a prized student in our school, admired by all. Yet, you've let me down."

"It's not Qian Sanyi's fault, sir," Lin Miaomiao interjected, feeling guilty.

"You don't need to defend him," Teacher Yang responded firmly.

"Manager, it's all my fault. It has nothing to do with her." Qian Sanyi insisted, taking the blame.

"No! This really has nothing to do with Qian Sanyi. It's me," Lin Miaomiao rushed to explain, looking at him with disbelief.

"Right, it's you. You always make me call you master. Which part of you is better than me? If it isn't because you annoying me, I wouldn't work with this negative feeling. And I won't write the wrong time." Qian Sanyi stared at Lin Miaomiao. "I Qian Sanyi have never made such a low-class mistake."

Teacher Yang listened quietly as Qian Sanyi poured out his feelings. "Qian Sanyi, your pride has blinded your judgment. You're arrogant and look down on others. Your 'master' started at the broadcasting station a year before you," Teacher Yang pointed out, indicating Lin Miaomiao. "She's diligent and sincere. She still deserves to be your teacher in many respects. Learn from her. Make your mistakes early and learn from them. And you, Lin Miaomiao..."

Lin Miaomiao, who had been watching Qian Sanyi take the blame, now turned her attention to Teacher Yang.

"As Qian Sanyi's mentor, you bear some responsibility for your student's mistakes. You need to reflect on yourself too," Teacher Yang added.

After Teacher Yang's lengthy speech, both Lin Miaomiao and Qian Sanyi were dismissed from the office.

Qian Sanyi walked away, but Lin Miaomiao followed him, walking beside him. "Even though you look down on me, I still want to thank you. You didn't have to take the blame for me in front of Teacher Yang. I can handle things on my own," she said, stopping in front of him. "It was my mistake to let Deng Xiaoqi into the broadcasting room. I'll take responsibility. I don't want to owe you anything," she explained.

Qian Sanyi just looked at her. "I think your brain isn't functioning properly."

"Every time I try to be serious with you, you mock me," she retorted.

Qian Sanyi suddenly grabbed Lin Miaomiao's head and shook it, leaving her confused.

"Did you hear that?" Qian Sanyi asked.

"Hear what?" she asked, puzzled.

"The sound of water," he replied.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Your brain is leaking," he said, furrowing his brow.

"Your brain is— Wait a minute." Lin Miaomiao suddenly smiled beautifully at Qian Sanyi. She looked around checking if there was a student nearby, she moved closer to Qian Sanyi and whispered "Is it because of Xiaoqi, right?"

Qian Sanyi, entranced by her smile, snapped back to reality. "It's not. Your brain really is leaking," he said, furrowing his brow.

"Stop that water, water," Lin Miaomiao joked. "You did that to protect Deng Xiaoqi, didn't you? Afraid I'd spill the beans?" She lightly slapped his shoulder. "You really don't know me at all, do you? I, Lin Miaomiao, am not that kind of person."

Qian Sanyi shook his head in disbelief.

"Easy, I won't tell her this. You like her, right?" she asked excitedly

Qian Sanyi looked at her seriously. "From now on, don't bring anyone else into the broadcasting room."

Suddenly, Lin Miaomiao's expression shifted as she snapped out of her own thoughts, realizing the complexity of the situation. "But Jiang Tianhao also likes Deng Xiaoqi. Are you both going to compete for her?" she blurted out.

Qian Sanyi drained of patience from the conversation, sighed. "You're quite the detective," he remarked before walking away.

"Still pretending? I've got you now. I'll keep your secret," Lin Miaomiao called after him, a newfound determination in her voice. "What a drama, A hero saving a beauty." She now knew his secret.

Feeling a whirlwind of emotions, Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but feel conflicted. Jiang Tianhao was her brother, and now she realized he was also caught in a love triangle with Qian Sanyi. Knowing that Deng Xiaoqi would ultimately choose Qian Sanyi, she felt sorry for her brother's unrequited feelings.