
Entertainment started in Youth Pi (Hiatus)

When Ye Bai saved his girlfriend and childhood friend from a speeding vehicle, he traveled through the parallel world of Youth Pi. This is an entertainment/fanfiction novel started on TV. Show "Youth Pi/Growing Pain." This novel and its characters are purely fictitious.

NeeekoShin · TV
Classificações insuficientes
75 Chs

Chapter 36: Composing Love Letter

It was a common sight in school corridors for female friends to stick together, even during bathroom breaks, though the reason remained a mystery. As Lin Miaomiao and Deng Xiaoqi returned from the restroom, they noticed a crowd gathered around Liang Yunshu's desk.

Curious, Lin Miaomiao peered over to see what was causing the commotion, only to find that it was the registration form for the Senior High School Class. Grabbing Deng Xiaoqi's arm, she eagerly pulled her closer.

"Xiaoqi, it's the registration for the Senior High School Class," Miaomiao exclaimed with excitement.

Amidst the bustling students, Lin Miaomiao urged them on, "Quick, quick!" When someone seemed to hesitate, she swiftly snatched the pen. "Let me be first," she insisted, swiftly filling in 'Liberal Arts' beside her name and Deng Xiaoqi's.


Male Dormitory

"So you're going to be a 'Day Student' after the exam?" Jiang Tianhao asked, leaning in with curiosity. Ye Bai, engrossed in his reading, nodded absentmindedly, his eyes scanning the pages intently.

"Yes, my mother came back from the States and said she'll stay here for now," Ye Bai replied, his voice slightly muffled by the book in front of him.

Jiang Tianhao's expression turned slightly somber as he processed the news. "We'll miss you here," he said, his eyes reflecting a hint of sadness.

"We can still see each other around the school," Ye Bai reassured him, looking up from his book with a small smile playing on his lips.

Changing the subject, Jiang Tianhao asked, "By the way, what are you going to choose? I'll go for Natural Science, even though I want to go to Social Science with Xiaoqi." As he spoke, he gestured animatedly with his hands, his excitement evident.

"I'll go with Social Science too," Ye Bai replied, setting his book down for a moment and giving Jiang Tianhao his full attention.

Jiang Tianhao's tone softened as he continued, "You really care about Miaomiao. Even though you have a big opportunity to take Natural Science, you're choosing to go with her. Do you like her?"

Ye Bai looked at Jiang Tianhao, a hint of surprise in his eyes. "We're just friends, don't think too much about it," he said, his tone gentle yet firm, as if trying to convince himself as much as Jiang Tianhao.

But Jiang Tianhao remained unconvinced by Ye Bai's response, observing him closely for any signs of hesitation or uncertainty.


Deng Xiaoqi nudged Lin Miaomiao with a mischievous glint in her eyes, prompting her to approach Qian Sanyi. With synchronized movements, they turned their attention to the students sitting behind them, their steps light and their expressions eager.

Qian Sanyi, sipping on his tea, observed the approaching duo with curiosity, while Ye Bai leaned back in his chair, his gaze shifting between them and the unfolding scene. Jiang Tianhao, intrigued by the sudden interaction, turned his attention towards them, his posture attentive as he awaited their next move.

"Excuse me, do you choose Social Science or Natural Science?" Lin Miaomiao inquired, her tone polite yet tinged with mischief.

"Do you still want to be my classmate? How about this, if you sincerely asked me, maybe I can consider learning Social Science," Qian Sanyi responded with a smirk, his gaze meeting Lin Miaomiao's with playful defiance.

Rolling her eyes at his response, Lin Miaomiao retorted sarcastically, "You think too much. I never want to see you in the same classroom," her hands gesturing dismissively as she spoke sarcastically.

"Then why did you ask me? Are you crazy?" Qian Sanyi's retort was quick, his expression playful as he teased her with his words.

Lin Miaomiao glanced at Deng Xiaoqi, a look of frustration evident on her face. She had only wanted to help her friend ask a simple question, but now she found herself on the receiving end of Qian Sanyi's banter. Deng Xiaoqi watched the exchange with amusement, her lips curled into a knowing smile.

Interrupting the banter, Jiang Tianhao spoke up, his voice breaking the tension as he interjected with his own thoughts. "Actually, I want to learn with all of you," he confessed, his tone earnest as he addressed the group.

Surprised by his sudden admission, Lin Miaomiao and Deng Xiaoqi turned to him, their curiosity piqued, their expressions reflecting a mixture of surprise and amusement. "But my Literature is very bad." Jiang Tianhao continued, his self-deprecating tone drawing a chuckle from Lin Miaomiao, who couldn't help but find his candor endearing.

"Yes, with your cultural level you can't even write a love letter." Deng Xiaoqi nodded in agreement with Jiang Tianhao's self-assessment, her eyes twinkling with mischief as she exchanged glances with Lin Miaomiao, sharing a silent understanding.

Jiang Tianhao stares at her. "Who said so? Now I will compose a poem for you."

Deng Xiaoqi smirks at him "Do it."

Undeterred by their teasing, Jiang Tianhao stood up confidently. "Wait a moment," he declared. "Cao Zhi took 7 steps to think."

Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but chuckle at his reference to the ancient Chinese poet. As Jiang Tianhao took seven deliberate steps towards Deng Xiaoqi, she counted them with amusement.

As Jiang Tianhao stood before Deng Xiaoqi, his gaze softened, his eyes locking with hers as he made his heartfelt confession. "I like you," his words sincere. "Like sine squared, plus cosine squared, consistent from beginning to end. How is it?" Jiang Tianhao added, trying to lighten the mood with a mathematical analogy.

Amused by his attempt at poetry, Lin Miaomiao couldn't help but laugh, her hand covering her mouth to stifle a giggle. Even Ye Bai and Qian Sanyi couldn't hide their amusement at Jiang Tianhao's antics.

Deng Xiaoqi and Lin Miaomiao look at each other. Ye Bai was giggling on the side, even Qian Sanyi shook his head.

"You really deserve to be single," Lin Miaomiao quipped, unable to resist poking fun at his unconventional approach to romance. "If you write this kind of poem to a girl, how do you expect her to understand? You should just write 'I like you' directly," she suggested, her tone playful yet sincere.

As Lin Miaomiao offered playful advice to Jiang Tianhao, her hands moved animatedly as she spoke, her gestures adding emphasis to her words. "You see, if you're going to write a love letter, it must be done in a flowery way," she explained with enthusiasm, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "A song of the wind and a praise of the moon; a perfect blend of imagination and reality."

Deng Xiaoqi nodded eagerly in agreement, her expression brightening as she absorbed Lin Miaomiao's words. "Yes, yes," she chimed in, her voice filled with excitement.

"Using affectionate words to evoke emotions," Lin Miaomiao continued, her tone animated as she elaborated on the art of romantic prose. "That's the key to writing a love letter that truly touches the heart."

Jiang Tianhao, slightly embarrassed by their teasing, suggested, "Why not try it yourself?"

"It's not necessarily, Xiaoqi, go!" Lin Miaomiao looked at Deng Xiaoqi and gestured towards Qian Sanyi.

Deng Xiaoqi sat up primly, a blush dusting her cheeks as she shyly uttered, "I like you like a cloud chasing the wind. Don't know where it started," directed at Qian Sanyi. Lin Miaomiao smiled and gave her a thumbs-up in approval.

"Xiaoqi, you really... You express the feeling I want to express," Jiang Tianhao chimed in with a smile. "Why not give it to me?"

"Sorry, but this isn't written for you," Deng Xiaoqi responded, her tone gentle yet firm.

Sensing Jiang Tianhao's slight disappointment, Lin Miaomiao intervened, determined to lift his spirits. "Let me give you a better one," she declared, adjusting her glasses. "I like you," she began, her gaze briefly flickering towards Ye Bai before returning to Jiang Tianhao. "Like the wind going away for 8000 Chinese miles. Don't ask the date to return."

Deng Xiaoqi, impressed by Lin Miaomiao's creativity, couldn't help but clap her hands in admiration. Jiang Tianhao looked at them, confused. "Is it done?" he asked.

Confused by his reactions, Lin Miaomiao frowned slightly. "You don't understand? I use concrete images to show affection and convey the poet's aspiration for love. No hesitation, no regard for return," she explained, as she turned to the others for validation. "Is it fresh, brave, and very moving?"

"I suppose it is like a light wind. Wind speed is 5km/hr. 8000 Chinese miles is equal to 4000 kilometers. If the speed is 5km, it won't last till two months," Qian Sanyi interjected, his analytical mind breaking down the romantic gesture into practical terms. "What a fresh and moving love story of yours, but such a fleeting moment, actually," he concluded with a smirk.

Jiang Tianhao burst into laughter, amused by Qian Sanyi's unexpected interpretation. Deng Xiaoqi joined in, her laughter echoing in the room as she finally understood the underlying humor.

Ye Bai, who had been silently observing, couldn't help but smile at the exchange. "Don't be sad, Miaomiao. Sanyi's explanation hit the mark," he remarked, offering a reassuring nod.

Lin Miaomiao, her pride slightly wounded by Qian Sanyi's analysis, huffed indignantly. "Hmp!" she exclaimed, crossing her arms with a pout.

Meanwhile, Ye Bai, inspired by the moment, searched his memory for some poems. Clearing his throat, he began to recite. "Don't be sad, I'll give you one."

"I like you, like a river flows, Constant and true, wherever it goes.

I like you, like the sun's warm embrace, Bringing light to my heart, filling every space.

I like you, like a melody sweet, Playing in my soul, making my heart beat.

I like you, like a flower in bloom, Radiant and beautiful, chasing away gloom.

I like you, like a star in the night, Guiding me home, shining so bright.

I like you, like a book's endless tale, Captivating my mind, without ever going stale.

I like you, like the air that I breathe, Essential to life, in you, I believe.

I like you, like a dream come true, Forever and always, I'll cherish you."

Jiang Tianhao applauded Ye Bai's poem enthusiastically. "Teach me to write a poem like that, Ye Bai."

Deng Xiaoqi, impressed by the heartfelt verses, nudged Lin Miaomiao and asked, "What do you think of Ye Bai's poem?"

Blushing slightly, Lin Miaomiao murmured, "It's okay." She couldn't deny the sincerity and emotion in Ye Bai's words, even though they were just competing in a poem challenge.



Tang Yuanming regarded Ye Bai thoughtfully. Principal Xie had discussed with him the possibility of Ye Bai joining the Social Science department. Initially hesitant due to his contentment with teaching History to the twelfth grade, Tang Yuanming reconsidered when he realized the opportunity to mentor exceptional students. Now, standing before him was one of the top students from Elite High School.

"Lin Miaomiao mentioned you're considering Social Science," Tang Yuanming remarked.

Ye Bai affirmed with a nod. "Yes, Principal Xie mentioned it to me as well."

Tang Yuanming smiled, pleased that Principal Xie's words were accurate. He and Zhang Rongbao had decided to each accept one student for their respective departments. If Ye Bai chose Social Science, Tang Yuanming could forego recruiting Qian Sanyi.

"Excellent. I'll take up the role of Head Teacher for Social Science. Best of luck with your exams," Tang Yuanming said, offering Ye Bai a supportive tap on the shoulder.

"I'll do my best," Ye Bai responded respectfully.

"Alright, you can return to the classroom now," Tang Yuanming concluded.

Ye Bai bid farewell to Tang Yuanming and made his way back to the classroom. Upon entering, he was greeted by the sound of Qian Sanyi's melodious voice singing about 'Thermal Circulation'. Lin Miaomiao was swaying to the rhythm, fully engrossed in the music.

Taking his seat beside Jiang Tianhao, Ye Bai leaned in slightly, fully engaged in the performance. He tapped his foot softly, nodding along to the beat.

As the final note lingered in the air, Ye Bai joined in the enthusiastic applause. Deng Xiaoqi's excitement was contagious, and he couldn't help but chuckle at her animated expression.

Deng Xiaoqi, her eyes sparkling with admiration, couldn't contain her enthusiasm. "Sanyi, you're so handsome! How do you sing so beautifully?" she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine wonder.

Qian Sanyi offered a humble smile, his gaze shifting to Ye Bai. "Actually, It's just so-so. There are certainly better singers out there," he replied, his tone humble yet sincere.

Their attention turned to Ye Bai realizing his musical talent. Deng Xiaoqi expressed doubt, her eyebrows furrowing slightly as she spoke. "I don't believe you're not better than Ye Bai at singing," she remarked, her gaze shifting between the two boys.

Qian Sanyi shook his head in acknowledgment, his eyes conveying a sense of respect for Ye Bai's musical abilities. "I've heard him practicing, and he's quite impressive. Plus, he writes his own songs," he admitted, his tone tinged with admiration.

Lin Miaomiao and Deng Xiaoqi exchanged excited glances, their eyes alight with curiosity. "Wow, Ye Bai, you've written another song? You haven't even recorded the first one yet, and now you have another?" Lin Miaomiao exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine surprise.

Ye Bai smiled awkwardly. "I'll record it soon. By the way, let's hang out after the exam," he suggested.

Lin Miaomiao's eyes sparkled with anticipation, her lips curling into a mischievous smile. "Yes, let's do it, Xiaoqi!" she exclaimed, playfully nudging Deng Xiaoqi.

"Okay, count me in, Miaomiao," Deng Xiaoqi agreed, her voice filled with eagerness as she embraced her friend. She then glanced at Qian Sanyi, silently hoping he would join their plans.

"What about you, Haozi and Sanyi?" Ye Bai inquired, his gaze shifting between his classmates.

Qian Sanyi was a little shy because it was his first time to join a classmate hanging out.

"Sure, just let me know when and where," Jiang Tianhao replied, his voice filled with warmth and acceptance.

"How about you Sanyi?" Ye Bai asked

Qian Sanyi nodded "Okay ill also join."

"Great! Let's celebrate after the exam!" Lin Miaomiao exclaimed, her excitement palpable as she stood up energetically.

Deng Xiaoqi's enthusiasm grew, especially upon learning that Qian Sanyi would also be joining. She looked at him expectantly, her eyes shining with anticipation. "Sanyi, can you sing again and about 'Cone' this time?" she asked eagerly, her voice filled with excitement.

Lin Miaomiao chimed in, her expression one of playful encouragement. "Yes, sing another one!" she urged.

Qian Sanyi nodded eagerly, his eyes alight with enthusiasm. "I'll sing again, but I'll need some music," he replied.

With a spontaneous burst of creativity, Ye Bai began drumming on his desk, his movements fluid and rhythmic. Lin Miaomiao and Deng Xiaoqi watched him in amusement, their expressions filled with laughter and joy, while Jiang Tianhao joined in with vocalized drumbeats, his expression one of playful camaraderie. Miaomiao followed suit, mimicking Jiang Tianhao's actions with a mischievous grin, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

With the impromptu rhythm section in place, Qian Sanyi launched into another song, his voice filling the classroom once more.


Now I'm trying to improve and make it 2K words per chapter.

NeeekoShincreators' thoughts