
Entertainment started in Youth Pi (Hiatus)

When Ye Bai saved his girlfriend and childhood friend from a speeding vehicle, he traveled through the parallel world of Youth Pi. This is an entertainment/fanfiction novel started on TV. Show "Youth Pi/Growing Pain." This novel and its characters are purely fictitious.

NeeekoShin · TV
Classificações insuficientes
75 Chs

Chapter 32

In the school library, the atmosphere was one of intense concentration as Ye Bai patiently helped Lin Miaomiao with her math homework. Ye Bai sat beside Miaomiao, his brow furrowed in thought as he explained the intricate equations to her. Despite the bustling activity around them, they were completely absorbed in their studies.

"Look at this chemical formula," he said, penning down the equation in Miaomiao's notebook with precise strokes. "Remember, this is how you balance it."

Lin Miaomiao, her brow furrowing in concentration, leaned in closer to the notebook, absorbing every detail. She knew that her academic performance this semester held significant weight, and she was determined to grasp the concepts Ye Bai was teaching her.

As Ye Bai explained each step, Miaomiao listened intently, occasionally nodding in understanding or asking clarifying questions. Despite the complexity of the material, Ye Bai's patient demeanor and clear explanations helped ease her anxiety.

"Do you remember the steps?" Ye Bai asked, his voice steady and reassuring.

"Of course, I know the steps," Miaomiao replied, her confidence growing under Ye Bai's guidance. "But how do you calculate this part?" she added, pointing to a particular section of the formula.

Ye Bai smiled, appreciating Miaomiao's diligence. "Let me explain it to you again," he said, his tone gentle and encouraging.

As the tutoring session continued, time seemed to slip away unnoticed. Lin Miaomiao stretched her arms above her head, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over her. "Thanks, Ye Bai," she said gratefully. "I'll treat you big time when I get my allowance."

Ye Bai casually leaned against the table, his eyes fixed on Lin Miaomiao as she spoke. She took off her glasses, rubbing her eyes to relieve the strain of studying.

As Ye Bai watched her without her glasses, his heart began to race inexplicably. He found himself mesmerized by the familiar face in front of him. Time seemed to stand still as he absorbed her features, unaware of anything else around him.

Suddenly, Lin Miaomiao snapped her fingers, jolting Ye Bai out of his trance. Startled, he blinked and looked away, feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping up his neck.

"What's wrong? Lost in thought?" Lin Miaomiao asked, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush.

Ye Bai cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure. "Yeah, just lost in thought," he replied, sounding slightly sheepish. "Um, it's probably best not to take off your glasses in front of other people in the future," he added quickly, standing up from the table. "Shall we head back to class?"

Still puzzled by Ye Bai's sudden reaction, Lin Miaomiao nodded in agreement. As they walked back to class, she couldn't help stealing glances at Ye Bai, her heart fluttering nervously. Unsure of what to do a while ago, she decided to distract him by playfully snapping her fingers.

Meanwhile, anyone observing them from behind would notice a subtle change in Lin Miaomiao's demeanor. There was a newfound lightness in her step, a hint of excitement in her movements as she walked beside Ye Bai. It was as if she was skipping along.


The atmosphere in the classroom tensed as Tian Shanshan entered, her authoritative voice slicing through the air like a blade. "Stand up!"

In response, all the students swiftly rose from their seats. "Good morning, Teacher," they greeted in unison, offering respectful bows.

"Please, take your seats," Tian Shanshan instructed as she set down the box she carried. With brisk efficiency, she began distributing booklets to the students with the lowest scores. Lin Miaomiao caught hers with a hint of panic, knowing what it meant. "Bring me your homework after class," Tian Shanshan reminded her sternly.

As Tian Shanshan took her place at the podium, she surveyed the class. "Can anyone tell me the lesson on page 22 of your textbook? What is it about?"

Lin Miaomiao instinctively reached for her book, but Tian Shanshan intervened swiftly. "You can't open the book," she reminded her firmly.

Ye Bai's hand shot up confidently. "The lesson on page 22 is 'How to Balance Chemical Formulas'," he answered promptly.

All eyes turned to Ye Bai as Tian Shanshan nodded in approval. "At least someone paid attention. For today's lesson, I'll invite a student to the board," she announced, already moving to write 2 chemical formulas on the board.

Meanwhile, Lin Miaomiao closed her eyes and began to silently pray. "Please, my God, Buddha, Mother Maria, Mohammed, Bodhisattva, Saint Allah, and the Big Wishing Tree at the school entrance, bless me. Don't let my name be called. Please, not me..." Lin Miaomiao's heart skipped a beat as she felt the chalk make contact with her head. She opened her eyes to find Tian Shanshan's unwavering gaze fixed upon her, sending a shiver down her spine. 

"What are you doing, Lin Miaomiao? It's your turn," Tian Shanshan called out, singling her out from the class.

Lin Miaomiao's face drained of color as she stared at the two chemical formulas on the board. Surprisingly, they looked familiar, and her nerves began to ease slightly. Tian Shanshan prepared to throw another chalk in her direction, prompting Lin Miaomiao to rise from her seat.

Lin Miaomiao approached the blackboard. She focused on the formulas, then glanced back at Ye Bai. He gave her a playful wink, a silent reassurance that she could do it. After all, he had taught her these formulas not long ago in the library.

With newfound confidence, Lin Miaomiao set to work balancing the 'Aluminum + Copper 2 Sulfate and Copper + Aluminum Sulfate' equations. Tian Shanshan observed as Lin Miaomiao skillfully manipulated the formulas, nodding in approval when she finished.

"Well done. It seems you're starting to turn things around. Keep it up, Lin Miaomiao," Tian Shanshan praised. Lin Miaomiao exhaled deeply, relief flooding through her. She stole a grateful glance at the boy who had helped her master the formula in the library.

Ye Bai had intervened to prevent Lin Miaomiao from feeling embarrassed in front of the class. He remembered how Tian Shanshan had shattered her confidence regarding this formula during the 'TV show.'

Returning to her seat with newfound confidence, Lin Miaomiao held her head high. Her classmates, especially Deng Xiaoqi, were surprised by her sudden display of competence. Deng Xiaoqi had witnessed Miaomiao's late-night study sessions and was delighted to see her efforts paying off. With a smile, Lin Miaomiao gave Ye Bai a thumbs-up, silently thanking him for his support.


Lin Miaomiao stood behind Ye Bai's seat, gently massaging his neck. Deng Xiaoqi, seated in front of Ye Bai, glanced back at Miaomiao. "How come you're massaging Ye Bai and not me?"

Lin Miaomiao squeezed Ye Bai's shoulder affectionately. "Well, Ye Bai is my benefactor. If he hadn't taught me those balancing formulas, do you think I could be feeling so proud right now?" With a final squeeze, she stopped massaging Ye Bai and returned to her seat.

Ye Bai, now relaxed, decided to take a nap, leaning on his desk. Lin Miaomiao glanced at him before turning her attention to Deng Xiaoqi. "You know, Xiaoqi, I've noticed that Teacher Tian Shanshan never calls on you. It's always me she notices."

Deng Xiaoqi sat up straight with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Maybe she can't handle this lady's 10,000-volt charm," she joked, winking at Miaomiao.

Inspired by Deng Xiaoqi's charisma, Lin Miaomiao attempted to imitate her. Sitting up straight and placing her hand on her knee, she started winking, but soon realized both her eyes were closing involuntarily.

Ye Bai chuckled at the sight, finding Lin Miaomiao's antics amusing. Miaomiao shot him a glare, clearly annoyed by his amusement.

"Why do you look like you're about to fall asleep?" Deng Xiaoqi teased.

"Xiaoqi, teach me your trick. I don't need 10,000 with just 5,000 volts of charm, I could still defeat my enemies," Miaomiao begged, trying to mimic Deng Xiaoqi's wink.

Deng Xiaoqi leaned in closer to Miaomiao. "First, you need to close one eye like this," she demonstrated, closing one eye elegantly. Lin Miaomiao attempted to replicate the gesture but ended up blinking again.

"No, keep one eye open," Deng Xiaoqi corrected her.

Miaomiao made another attempt, but continued to blink uncontrollably. She resorted to holding her eyelids open to prevent further blinking, much to Ye Bai's amusement.

Deng Xiaoqi eventually gave up, shaking her head. "Give it up, you're not cut out for this."

Lin Miaomiao felt a pang of disappointment at her failed attempts to wink. She glanced at Ye Bai, who was quietly laughing, and felt a twinge of annoyance. Turning her attention to Jiang Tianhao, who was immersed in his studies, she asked, "Hey Haozi, how did you become the little science prince?" Jiang Tianhao held the third position in Science, just behind Ye Bai and Qian Sanyi.

"I didn't do anything special. I just listened in class, studied my books, and practiced," Jiang Tianhao replied nonchalantly.

Lin Miaomiao wasn't convinced. "What's the point of being friends with you if you keep all your secrets to yourself? It's better with Ye Bai; at least he teaches me something," she remarked, earning a nod of agreement from Deng Xiaoqi.

Jiang Tianhao closed his exercise book and turned to Lin Miaomiao. "Then why are you such a great writer?" he inquired. Lin Miaomiao excelled in Literature and was one of the top students in the class. "Why not share some tips and tricks?" he suggested.

Lin Miaomiao paused, scratching her head as she searched for an answer. With an awkward smile, she replied, "Well, I don't really know much either. I just write what I feel, and somehow it turns into an essay. It's all about following my instincts."

Just then, Qian Sanyi returned, refilling his tea bottle. "Who's following whom?" he interjected.

"Go away," Lin Miaomiao snapped, her dislike for Qian Sanyi evident. They clashed like oil and water.

Deng Xiaoqi quickly pinched Miaomiao's waist and pointed to the sleeping Ye Bai. "Don't be so loud," she cautioned.

Lin Miaomiao glanced at Ye Bai, who was asleep, and decided she didn't want to engage in banter with Qian Sanyi.
