
My favorite person

''Did you go somewhere?'' Aleister tilted his head and glanced at Esme who entered the room. 

It has been some time since she left the courtroom but she did not come back to the room. He was about to look for her. 

He scanned her from head to toe and his expressions looked better when he was certain that she is fine. 

''What are you doing?" Esme glanced at the man who was staring at her intently. 

''I was making sure that you are fine. What else?" 

She walked towards him, her footsteps staggering a bit, ''Why do you care if I am fine or not?" 

''Hmm?" Aleister raised an eyebrow. She was being grumpy again. Did someone offend her…? ''My dear moon....'' 

''Don't call me that,'' she pressed her palm on his mouth, ''Don't go around seducing me all the time when you have no intentions to take responsibility for your actions.''

He grabbed her wrist but she shook off his hand before getting her hand out of his grip.