

In the heart of a modern city, a courageous demon slayer named Eric carried the burden of a dark destiny. His once ordinary life had been forever changed when he was possessed by an ancient evil force, attempting to seize control of his soul. Haunted by the memories of that fateful encounter, Eric dedicated himself to the eternal task of hunting down the demons that had plagued him. With a rugged appearance and piercing blue eyes that held a mixture of determination and sorrow, he embraced his role as a guardian against the forces of darkness. Whispers of a greater demon named Azazel began to circulate among the supernatural community. Known for his insidious power of possession, Azazel preyed upon innocent souls, manipulating them to his wicked desires. Eric knew that in order to protect the innocent, he had to put an end to Azazel's reign of terror. Eric delved into the dark underbelly of the city, following hidden trails and cryptic clues that hinted at Azazel's whereabouts. Confronting lesser demons and overcoming treacherous obstacles became a daily routine in his search for the ultimate confrontation. Guided by his intuition, Eric stumbled upon a hidden lair beneath an abandoned church. There he discovered an ancient altar, pulsing with divine energy. It was there that he encountered Gabriel, a heavenly guardian sent by God himself to aid him in his quest. Radiating a tangible aura of power, Gabriel revealed that within the depths of the city lay the Holy Relic, a sacred artifact that possessed the ability to banish Azazel permanently. But it came with a price—Eric's unwavering faith and absolute trust in both himself and the divine. As Eric embarked on a race against time to find the Holy Relic, he faced unimaginable challenges and heart-wrenching sacrifices. Alongside Gabriel, he encountered an array of allies and enemies, each with their own motives and secrets.

chrisael · Filmes
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26 Chs


In the heart of a modern city, a courageous demon slayer named Eric carried the burden of a dark destiny. His once ordinary life had been forever changed when When he was just a young boy, his family was brutally attacked by a vicious demon horde. They were defenseless against the supernatural onslaught, and Eric lost everything he held dear in a single night.

Surviving the massacre by a stroke of luck, Eric was left scarred physically and emotionally. His heart was forever shattered, consumed by grief and a burning desire for vengeance. Determined to prevent others from suffering the same fate, he committed himself to training relentlessly, honing his skills in combat and mastering the ancient arts of demon slaying.