
Sexy Olivia

Anthony's pov

I walk into the office and got greetings from my workers .I went through the private elevator and went to my office. 

I checked the time and saw that it was few minutes pass 7.i was on my way to my office when I noticed Olivia's door opened.

She wouldn't be at work by this time,it's too early for that .

I walk into her office,and there and then I saw Olivia on her desk .busy typing on her laptop .

She did not notice my presence and kept on working on the laptop.

I use the opportunity to access her very well for the fist time .

Her face was still as innocent and beautiful as it was five years ago.her lips looks kissable and looks like it hasn't been kissed for a while .how I wish I could kiss those lips again.

She was dressed on suit but wasn't putting on the jacket.her long sleeve shirt was all button up reveling her round breast even when it was covered up.i wish I could walk up to her and hold those breasts in my hands and suck it .

I move away from her breast and went to her down below.she has really enlarge more there and was keeping up a good figure.

I move away from her hips and look up to her eyes .there I noticed how tired those eyes were .she look really stressed and tired and I'm to be blame for it .

"What are you doing her "I asked , making her aware of my presence

She gave me a tired look before standing up 

"Good morning Mr Tony ".she sounded so formal ,like we never really dated,and I hate this .

"That doesn't answer my question,why are you here this Early"

"You have a meeting by 8 am this morning ,and I have to be here to make sure everything was ready for the meeting".she replied back and sat down .

I was speechless and just stood here .I left the office and went to my office. 

I was angry not on anyone but on myself.i was still in thought when Olivia knocked.i asked her in  .

"You meeting is about to start"

I stood up and walk after her.we got to the meeting room and I saw everyone already sitted down waiting for me .

Different mangers from different departments brought out their presentation and other things that they needed to be sort out . but I was lost in thought .

Olivia sat beside me and was doing her possible best not to look tired .she kept on typing on the laptop as the meeting was going on .

I ended the meeting early so she can get some rest .we left the meeting room and I walk back to my office .

I sat down on my desk but couldn't concentrate ,my thoughts were still on her and what she might be doing now . definitely she wasn't resting.

I pick up the telephone and dialled her desk number

"To my office".

Within a minute she was already in my office  so fast .

"I'm done for the day ,you can go home "I told her .

"You can go home ,I still have things to do "

"I'm not asking you to go home , I'm ordering you to go home "I shouted

"There are much work to be done ,I can't leave them hanging"

Some many things have changed but Olivia is still stubborn and I have to do it this way or she won't go home .

I walk up to her so I was a little bit close to her. 

"You shouldn't be working this hard considering your boyfriend is a billionaire just like me"

She look shocked for a moment before giving me an annoying smile ,the type she knows I hate so much. 

"Let's say I'm an independent woman".

She wasn't denying the fact that I called Jude her boyfriend .I felt angry at this and walk back to my seat .

"Go home Olivia,and it's a command ".

She gave me an angry look before leaving my office .