

Olivia's pov

I  got to the bar in no time and spotted Tony sitting at a corner with mutilple of beer bottles on his table .I hissed in relief and walked towards his table .I took a better look at him before sitting opposite him

"Look who is here ".he spoke up with a ridiculous smile on his face 

"What are you doing ?".I asked in anger 

He laughed so hard before taking another sip of his drink .I looked at him and noticed he was already waisted and there was no need of me talking to me .I hissed in frustration before standing up

"Let me take you home ".I told him while reaching to grab his hand .

"I don't wanna go home ".he said those words while moving away from me .

"You can't stay here ".I spoke in anger 

"But I don't wanna go home ".he spoke in a sad tune".I looked at him and noticed there was something he was definitely avoiding at home .

"Fine,I won't take you home ,let's just go ".I said those words and moved closer to him.i took his hand and placed it on my shoulder.he was a bit heavy but I managed to carry me out of the chair.we got to my car and I made him sit on the passenger seat

I entered my car and drove off.

"I feel like am flying".he spoke up in a drunken state.

"Yes we are flying".I replied him back 

He chuckled and closed his eyes for a moment before speaking up

"Do you know oli".he asked . I rolled my eyes at him but kept on driving.

"Call oli and tell her I fucking do love her ".when I heard those words from him I couldn't help but feel happy, even when I knew he wasn't himself saying it .

"So you love this Olivia huh?".I asked 

He hissed in frustration before answering me 

"More than anything in the world ".

I felt my heart beat increased when he said those words .I took a quick look at him and noticed his eyes were close .

"Tell oli I fucking do love her ".he kept on mumuring those words in his sleep.i ignored him and kept on driving.

In no time we were at my apartment.i off the car engine and came down from the car .I went back to the passenger seat and brought Tony out of the car .I carried him upstairs and kept him on my bed .I removed his shoes and kept it besides the bed.i went up to the bed and removed his jacket from him .

I was about leaving him when he held me back to him.i looked at him and saw how wasted he was.

"What are you doing".I asked 

"Do you know oli has the most beautiful set of eyes anyone could ever have ",.he said those words while looking at me directly in the eyes.i tried to move away from him but his grips were too tight.before I knew what was happening ,he flipped me over and I was lying on the bed while he was on top me 

"What are you doing".I asked in fear .

He kept quiet and kept on staring at me .I moved away from him but he caught me so quickly .he pinned my both hands above my head with one of his hands and started touching my lips with the other

"Do you know oli has the most softest lips I have even seen".he said those words while looking at my lips 

"Stop this tony ".I pleeeded .

His touch was intoxicating me and I felt myself melting to it .this wasn't Tony talking and I knew it.but I couldn't help but melt in his touch .

He moved away from my lips and started touching my face .

"Do you know oli has the most beautiful face I have ever seen".he said those words while locking eyes with me .I looked away from him but he brought me back with his hand .

"Get off me ".I pleeeded in a calm voice.

He ignored him and kept on staring at me .I hissed in frustration and thought of what to do .

I was still thinking of what to do when I felt small kisses on my kneck.imediately  I frozed at the moment .I wanted to push him away but my body wanted it .he kissed my kneck and moved over to my face .I closed my eyes from the feelings I was having.my eyes were still closed when I felt his lips on mine .I did not realize when I opened my lips and allowed him gain access to my mouth .his lips tasteof whiskey and alcohol which was turning me on.he kissed me so gently and perfectly,and I returned back the kiss .

This was wrong I knew it but I just couldn't help it .this was Tony I have been dreaming about and right here he is with me and I can't just let it go ,even when I knew he wasn't himself.

We kissed for a while before he left my lips and moved over to my kneck and to my chest .he stopped there and inhale my my scent.

"You smell good ".he said those words while kissing my chest.i moan in pleasure and he did the same .he left my chest and moved over to my breast .he held my breast with his hand and started touching it so gently.i hissed in pleasure and closed my eyes.

He moaned and I felt his hand on my lower abdomen removing my clothes .I locked eyes with him and noticed his eyes were filled with lust .he moved away from me and started removing my dress.

My head was telling me to stop him but my body was saying otherwise.he undress me and started undressing himself.

I couldn't help but stare at his body . everything was in shape and in place .his chest was hairless just as I like it .he had a six pack and a very flat stomach.he removed his Jeans and was only on his boxer.he Lock eyes with me and I shyly bite my lips .my action must have trigger something in him because he quickly bounce on me and started kissing me roughly.i returned back the kiss and kissed him back .he broke the kiss and started kissing my breast.his one hand was on my left breast while the other was sucking my right breast aggressively.he was a beast in bed and I did not know about it .he left my breast and kissed my stomach till he got to my waist .he stopped there and stare at me with a lustful eyes.we locked eyes with each other before he started removing my pant.i moan in pleasure when I felt his hand between my tights he looked at me one more time like he was asking for permission before he slid his finger in.

I hissed in pain when I felt his finger in me .he must have noticed my discomfort and pain .he gently removed his finger and kissed me softy on the lips .the kiss was different from the last one .it was so gentle and passionate.we were still kissing when I felt his fingers in me again.but this time it wasn't as painful as the first time .I moan in both pain and pleasure before closing my eyes.

His finger was in me for sometime before he started moving it inside of me .I hissed and moan in pleasure as his fingers move in me .

He removed his fingers in me before staring at me like he was asking for permission on something.i lock eyes with him and realized what he was asking.i  just nod my head as approval .

He gently removed his boxer and was totally naked.i took a quick look at him and saw that he was huge.imediately  I felt panic and restless.how will that fit into me.i wondered.

He noticed my mood and moved closer to me .

"I can stop if you want me to ".the voice brought shiver to me I couldn't help but hold him and gave him an approving look.he moan and lock eyes with me before moving in between me .I felt his finger in me again before I felt something bigger .I hissed in pains before closing my eyes .he noticed my discomfort and started placing small kisses on my kneck.the kiss made me calm and relaxed .when he noticed I was relaxed .he went into me slowly and stopped when he noticed my entrance was blocked .he groaned and closed his eyes for a moment before looking at me like he wanted to say something.

I became scared because it seems like he was going to stop since he has realized I was a virgin.i quickly move him closer to me and kissed he roughly.he was shocked at my reaction but kissed me back.when we stopped kissing I lock eyes with him before speaking up

"Please don't stop ".I said those words with a pleading voice.he stare at me with lust in his eyes before he shifted my leg properly and gently went in.the pains was much and unbearable and I couldn't help but dip my fingers on his shoulders.he kept on going in slowly till he was all inside of me .he stopped and started placing kisses on my kneck and body .the kisses made me relax and reduced the pains I was feeling.

He was still kissing me when I felt him move in me .I shouted in pain and closed my eyes .he kissed me and kept on moving in me .the pain was much but there was a little bit of pleasure in it.he kept on moving in me till the pains became pleasure and I wanted more .

Our moans filled the room and the clapping of our bodies were heard.he moved in me for some minutes before I noticed the was making a different sound and was becoming faster.i felt pain and pleasure in between.

Few minutes later he came in me before collapsing on me . he kissed my forehead ,my Cheek before kissing my lips so passionately

"I love you Oli".he said those words while looking at me in the eyes

Then and there I knew Tony wasn't drunk but he knew what we were doing