
My type

Anthony's pov

"Hello ".came the voice 

"This is Tony speaking ".I replied back in anger 

"Tony I've been wanting to call you ".the voice replied back 

"Listen to me Desmond ,the only reason the police hasn't started questioning you is because of the relationship we had in school."you better start telling me who was that guy with olivia last night or else you won't like the next action I'm gonna take ".I shouted in anger .

"Listen TonyI will find that man but it's not that easy as you think "Desmond replied back 

"Twenty four hours,I'll give you twenty four to give me the information of that man or else you won't like my action and I'm dame serious".

"Be patience Tony I will sort things out ".

"You better do"

"How is she".he asked 

"She is fine for now ".I replied back

"How did you calm her down".he asked 

"None of your business".I replied back 

He chuckled over the voice before replying me 

"I bet you had a great time last night huh?".he asked in a teasing voice.

"You still haven't grown up ".I told him 

"Stop changing the topic Tony ,how did you calm her down".he asked again

"I'm.not gonna discuss that with you Desmond,I want to get every information about him in the next 24 hours ".I spoke those words and ended the call.

I hissed and lay on my bed .I was about to sleep off when I heard a tap on my door .I hissed and stood up ,I opened the door and saw olivia standing before me 

"What is it"i asked

She rolled her eyes to me before replying me 

"I'm going to the bar ,just wanna let you know ".

I gave her a hard look before returning back to my room.i sat on my bed but my mind wasn't at rest .she was going to the bar alone and I wonder what else would happen to her .I quickly stood up from my bed and left the room .I checked her room and noticed she was already gone .I hissed in frustrating and left the suite.i went to the bar but couldn't find her .I went to the sport centre but she wasn't there .I felt panic and restless.i went back to the hotel room but she wasn't there.i went back to the bar but she still wasn't there .I was about going back to the room when I realized I haven't checked the pool side .I quickly went to the pool side and search for her .I look around and spotted Olivia with a group of girls chatting happily .I realeased a sign of relief before walking up to her .

"Have been looking for you all day ".I spoke in a calm voice 

"Is there a problem".she asked without looking at me .

I hissed and sat besides her .

"I just wanna make sure you are not drinking out again "I told her 

"I'm not a kid ".she told me in an annoyed voice .

I hissed and look away.

"Hey I'm Tara,you must be Olivia bossy boss".one of the girl with olivia spoke up.

I gave Olivia an angry look before  replying her friend 

"I'm tony ".I told her 

She chuckled and bought fort her hand 

"Nice to me".she replied back .

"We should go inside the water ".one of the girl spoke up 

Olivia gave an approving nod before standing up .I took a good look at olivia and noticed she was putting a swim suit.i was glad she wasn't putting on bra and pant like the other girls .

"You wanna join us ?". Tara asked 

"No I'm fine here ".I told her .

She smilled at me before joining the others.

I sat down and watch them having fun .few minutes pass and the girls became tired .they left the pool and went to their separate rooms . Olivia walk up to me and sat beside me .

"Seems like Tara like you ".she spoke to me without looking at me .

"So?".I asked 

"So you go talk to her ".she replied back 

"She is not my type ".I told her 

She chuckled and look directly to me 

"So who is your type".she asked 

"You".those words slip out from my mouth without me knowing.