

Olivia's pov

I woke up with a strong headche.i look around and noticed I was in my room.i look at myself and noticed I was only putting on my panties.how did I get here ,I thought to myself.i quickly checked myself and discovered I wasn't touched .I closed my eyes so I could try and remember how I got back to the hotel but I just couldn't get any memory.i checked the time on my phone and noticed it was pass mid day.how come I slept this long .I thought to myself.i quickly stood up from the bed and put on some clothes.i left my room and went to the sitting room.when I got there I saw tony already seated with some documents in his have .I walk over to him and sat besides him

"Good morning".I greeted

"It's pass mid day ".his voice was calm but there was a little bit of anger. 

I roll my eyes at him and look away .

"Can I ask you something".

I noticed he became uncomfortable on his seat .he was quiet for a while before he spoke up

"What is it".he asked 

"I was curious to know how I got back ".I told you 

"You are curious".he asked without looking at me


"Then you should think harder ".he told me .

I hissed and moved close to him 

"Can you at least tell me how I got in here ".i asked in a calm voice but I was already loosing my patience.

"You came through the door ".he replied back.

"Can't you see I'm serious here".I told him 

"And ?".he asked 

I look at him and noticed he was really trying to annoy me .I left him and went back to my room .I took my bath and ordered for food because I was really hungry.the food came in no time and I ate hugrily .after eating I met Tony and sat besides him .he kept on working on his laptop and behaved like I wasn't there .we were both silent before he spoke up 

3rd person pov

"You knew your body system wouldn't be able to take so much alcohol ,then why did you take it ".tony spoke this words with anger .he knew she wasn't drunk yesterday but she was drugged.but he couldn't tell her because if he does, it will scare her and she will start asking questions.so he decided to lie to her 

"Drunk?". Olivia asked in shock 

"Yes drunk "

"But I didn't take much drink ".she replied back .

He hissed and stop typing on his laptop

"The drink you took was too strong for you ,you almost disgrace me at the party",.he lied 

"Opps".she replied back 

"You should stop drinking in paties".he told her with all seriousness in him .she looked at him and noticed he was really serious.

"So you brought me home?".she asked 

"Who else ?".he asked in an annoyed tune .

Olivia roll her eyes and look away 

"Thank you ".she whispered

"I can't hear you ".he replied back .

"I said thank you ".she shouted back 

"That's better".he told her and went back to his laptop .she left him and started working on some files to distract herself .they both work in silence for hours till they both felt tired .

"I'm going in".Tony spoke those words and left olivia. He went back to his room and realease a deep breath that he has been holding .

When he woke up this morning he was scared that she would remember what happened last night .but to his suprised she didn't remember a thing.he picked up his phone and called someone .

"Hello".came the voice .