
Memories I can't remember

Anthony's POV

I got home drunk and wasted.

The next morning, I woke up with a strong headache. I reached for my phone and saw that it was already noon.

I quickly stood up from the bed and took my shower. I got dressed and left my room.

I went downstairs l met dad, mom, and Linda in the sitting room.

“You are finally awake”.mom spoke up when she saw me.

“I'm late, I have to go “. I left the house and met my bodyguard and driver waiting for me outside.

The drive to the company was short. I got to the office, but Olivia wasn't in her desk.

I picked up my phone and dialed her number.it rang a few times before it was picked,

“Hello, it's Chris on the line”. Chris spoke up, 

“Where is Olivia”. I asked, sounding worried,

“She is getting fine, but she won't be able to work today “.

“That won't be a problem, I just want to speak to her “. I pleaded.

The line was silent for a while before I heard voices, 

“Hello”. Olivia's voice come out weak and low, 

“Hey, are you okay “. I asked. The line was silent before she spoke up 

“Yes, I'm fine, I will be at work by tomorrow”.she replied

“Don't rush it, make sure you are okay before coming back to work. I can handle everything for now'. I assured her.

“Believe me, I'm fine”.she replied me 

“Okay, can I come see you after work”. I asked, hopefully she agrees.

“That won't be necessary”.she replied quickly.

I felt hurt by her words but decided to let it go 

“If you say so, then I will see at work”. “Yeah “.she replied and ended the call.

I sat on my seat in anger and frustration. I tried to work, but I couldn't concentrate .my mind was on Olivia and how I could explain things to her.

I closed from work that day and went home early .the office was different and odd without Olivia.

When I got home, I met dad in the sitting room typing on his computer. He looked up and saw me.

“You are back early”.dad spoke up.

I walked up to dad and sat beside him.

“You look horrible, are you okay “.he asked, 

“I have never been okay”. I whispered,

Dad stared at me but did not say a word.

“You can still end this”.dad spoke up, 

“I told you there is no way “. I replied.

We sat there in silence till dad spoke up 

“How much do you know about Linda”.dad asked 

“Not much for now, but I'm working on that”

“You should do that before the wedding, I have a strange feeling about her”.“Me too, more like she is hiding something from me”.

“That is the same feeling I have about her, you need to find out more about her before you marry her “.

“I will “. I replied him and went to my room.

I was on my way to my room when I heard whispers from Linda's room. I got curious and lean on her door, 

“Just one month, and after one month everything will go as plan”. That was the only thing I could hear from the whispering.

I left her door and went back to my room .when I got to my room, I couldn't help but wonder what plans Linda was talking about. I went for my phone and dialed a number,

“Hello boss “.

“Any news yet”. I asked impatiently

“None sir “.he replied 

“Keep searching”

“Yes sir”.

I ended the call and kept back the phone. I was about changing my clothes when Linda majestically walked in without knocking.

“Can't you knock”. I shouted in anger.

“Oh please, I don't need permission before entering my husband's room.

“I'm not your husband”. I replied irritated. The thought of she been my wife disgust me.

She walked towards me and stood before me.

“It just a matter of time and you will be mine “.she seductively ran a finger on my chest. I pulled her hand away and moved away from her.

“Get out “. I spoke angrily

She smiled at me and moved close to me 

“I miss you “she tried touching me, but I moved her away.

“Let me pleasure you”.she smiled seductively at me, 

“I don't want anything from you, now get out”. I shouted in anger.

She gave me a devilish smile before walking towards me .she locks eyes with me while she pulls off her cloths.

“Let's see if you will still reject me “.she removed her cloths and stood naked before me.

Seeing her naked before me made me so angry and irritated.

“Put on your clothes and leave”. I told her those words and went to the bathroom. Seeing her naked has no effect on me, then how did we have sex that night.

I took my bath and went back to the room only to meet a naked Linda lying on my bed.

“What is the meaning of this “. I asked in anger.

“Stop acting stubborn and come to bed “.she taps the space beside her with a seductive smile on her face.

I closed my eyes, so I could be able to control my anger.

“Get out “. I shouted with my eyes still closed.

“I will not “.she responded stubbornly.

I opened my eyes and noticed she was still lying there.

“Get out”. I shouted again .but she ignored me.

I went to the bed and dragged her out with anger. I stared at her with anger and saw that she was a bit scared.

“You said we had sex that night, but why can't I remember any memory of it even when I'm seeing you naked, it as if this is the first time I'm seeing you naked “. I asked while staring in her eyes.

Immediately I noticed fear in her eyes. I held her tighter and lock eyes with her.

“Answer me “. I shouted. "Let me go, you are hurting me “.she trembled under my gaze, 

“I will let you go only when you've answered my question .why can't I have any memory of the night “. I asked in anger, 

“It because you were too drunk “.she spoke in a trembling voice.

I stared at her and saw how frightened she was, so I released her from my grip, and she quickly picks up her dress and ran out of my room.

It was clear she was hiding something from me, and I need to find out what it is