
Love you dick head

Anthony's pov

She was in real pain but I couldn't do anything to stop it. I stood there and watch her beg me to help the pain stop .she quickly walk up to me and held my hands 

"Help me".she pleeeded

I moved closer to her and stood closer to her 

"I can't help you oli".I told her 

"Yes you can".she pleeeded

I hissed and moved away from her .she quickly walk closer to me and place my hand on her waist.i looked at her and noticed her eyes were filled with lust. In as much as I want to be with Olivia but I can't take advantage of her in this state.she will never forgive me.i removed my hands from her waist and was about walking away when she shouted at me 

"If you can't help me then I will look for someone else".she spoke those words with all seriousness.i look at her and noticed she was really serious about it .I move closer to her and held her in my arms 

"Don't you dare think if that ".I told her in an angry voice .

"Then will you help ease the pain".she asked in a druken state.it was obvious she was drugged .

"Please".she spoke with so much lust in her eyes.i closed my eyes and thought of what to do .I was still thinking of what to do when I felt Olivia moving her hands around my shoulder.i opened my eyes and saw a devilish smile on her face .

"What did that bastard gave to you ",.I shouted

She chuckled and kept on removing my clothes.she removed my shirt and I was  now shirtless.

"Did I tell you you have a nice body ".she spoke with lust in her eyes.i closed my eyes and felt her gentle touch . she moved from my shoulder and started touching my chest and abs .it took all the will power in me not to loose control over myself.she chuckled when she noticed I was controlling my urge.

She moved away from my abs and place her hands on my belt ,I held her hand to stop her but she tighten her grip .

"Please stop this olivia".I begged her 

"It's painful please make it stop ".that was the only thing she kept on saying.i looked at her and noticed she was now filled with heat .the room was in a cold temperature but she was sweating profusely.she wasn't herself and it was really clear to me .

I closed my eyes and allowed her unbutton my trouser.she pull down my trouser and held my my dick in my pant.

"Stop this olivia".I begged .she ignored me and fully pulled down my pants making me stood naked before her.

"What now ?".I asked her 

She smilled a devilish smile before knelling on the floor before me.i quickly shifted from her with shock 

"What are you doing?".I asked 

"You promise you will make it stop".she told me .

I hissed and walk over to her.

"I will help you make it stop ,but not this way "."it's painful" she pleeeded.

I look at her and saw that she was breathing heavily and was really becoming uncomfortable.i picked her up and took her to her bedroom .I lay her on the bed and saw the lust in her eyes .

"Please make it stop ".she pleeeded

I took a breath before I unzip her dress .she smilled a devilish smile when she knew what I was doing .I removed her dress and saw that she was putting on a red panties.i realized what I was about to do was wrong and that olivia will never forgive me .I was about to stand up when she held me back with her hands 

"Where are you going?".she asked 

I hissed and looked at her 

"I can do this oli,you are not yourself".I told her with a sincere voice .

"But you promised".she begged with tears in her eyes .

"Just close your eyes and it will go ". I told her .

She shakes her head and look away in pains .I lay beside her and held her close to my arms .she rested her head on my shoulder and kept on mumuring how much pain she was in.i put my hand on her head and started saying sweet words to her .few minutes later I noticed a small snoring under my arms then and there I knew that she has fallen asleep.i hissed a sign of relief and stood up from the bed .I was about leaving the room when I heard her speak in her dream

"I love you dick head".she said those words in her sleep .I felt my heart best rising on hearing that.i walk over to her and kissed her on her forehead .

"I love you too oli",.I spoke those words and left the room .