
Heart broken

3rd person's pov

Tony left the hospital heartbroken .he couldn't believe he couldn't confess his love for Olivia to Chris and to make matter worse Chris thinks he doesn't deserves her .

He got into his car and told the driver to take him home since he couldn't concentrate at work .when he got home he saw his mom in the living room .

"You are back so early".she asked

"There is nothing much to be done".he replied her and kept on walking to his room.she stood up from the sitting room and followed him

"What do you want ".he asked,when he noticed his mom following him to his room

"I just want to talk to you ".she replied back 

He ignored her and walked into his room .he removed his Jacket and shoe and sat on the bed while his mom was just staring at him.

"I'm sorry son".she spoke up

"No you are not ".he replied back 

"That child is yours and I just want to help you ,that was why I brought her here ".

"I never said the child wasn't mine,what I don't know is you trying to force her into my life when you clearly know I love someone else".he spoke in anger .

His momm gave him a sad look before sitting besides him.

"You have to let her go ".she spoke up 

"You won't tell me what to do ,I'm not a kid "he shouted in anger .

"I'm your mom and I know what's best for you ,and Olivia isn't ".

On hearing that from his mom he angrily stood up from the bed and looked at her 

"And you think Linda is the best for me".I shouted at her .

"That's not what I meant".she replied back .

He hissed and left the room .

He realized that I he stayed a moment in that room he might loose his temper.he left his room and walk up to the kitchen where he saw aunt penny making lunch

"Do you need anything?".she asked as asoon as she saw him in the kitchen

"I'm fine I just need a bottle of water",.he reply her .

She smilled at him before going back to what she was doing.he took the bottle of water and sat  on the kitchen table .he was still in thought when he heard aunt Penny's voice 

"Are you okay?".she asked with a worried look.she knew she was supposed to hate this tony ,for breaking and dumping Olivia but she just couldn't bring herself to hate him.she still sees him as her little innocent Tony.

"I'm fine aunt ". he replied back 

"You don't look fine to me".she replied back while sitting beside him."you can talk to me".she assured him.

He hissed and closed his eyes for a moment before speaking up

"I still love Olivia".he spoke up

Aunt Penny was quiet for a while before speaking up

"You should let her go".she spoke up 

"Please not you too aunt".he pleeeded

"You have to ".she shouted."you are about having a family and you don't expect my Olivia to keep waiting all her life for you ".

He look at aunt penny and noticed she was really serious 

"I never intended to hurt oli".he spoke up

"You never intend to but you did ".aunt penny replied back 

"You should think of starting up your new family and allow Olivia to patch up her life".aunt penny said those words and left his side.