
Let go

Olivia's pov

I woke up and realized Tony was gone .I looked around and saw Chris busy with his phone.he noticed I was awake and smiled at me 

"You are finally awake ".he spoke up

I smilled at him before sitting up 

"When did he leave"?.I asked

"Who?".he asked 

I noticed he knew who I was talking about but decided to act dumb.

"You hate him right?".I asked 

"I don't hate him I just don't like him".he replied back 

"He is a good guy don't judge him from this first impression".I told Chris

"Apart from his good looks whet else do you see in him",. Chris asked .it was pretty obvious he doesn't like Tony .

I hissed and stood up from the bed .

"Where are you going",.he asked 

"I want to take some fresh air"

I left the room with Chris

"You should be resting". Chris spoke up 

"This is resting".I told him 

He rolled his eyes at me before walking away .I was about to go after him when a hand held me back.i turned around and saw that it was no other person than Linda 

"We meet again".she spoke those words with a devilish smile on her face 

"Hello".I greeted with a fake smile on my face 

"Why are you here ".she asked

"I was a little bit sick but am fine now "

"That's good,well I guess you know why am here ".she spoke with a big smile on her face 

"No I don't ".I replied back 

She chuckled before speaking up

"I'm here to register for my aternatal ".she said those words with a victory smile on her face 

"Oh".was all I could say 

"You know I and your boss are having a baby soon".

"Yeah I do".I replied in a calm voice so she won't notice I was hurt .

"And we might even get married at the process"

"That's good news".I lied with a fake smile on my face.

Linda gave me a devilish smile before walking closer to me .

"I know how it hurt when you can't have what you want ".she said those words with a devilish smile and walked away .

I look around and saw a confused Chris

"Who was that ?".he asked

"Linda".I hissed and walk over to my room.

Chris came in and sat besides me 

"She is the one pregnant for Tony ?".he asked 


"Are you okay ".he asked 

I just nod my head 

"Did she say anything to you ".he asked 

"Nothing to worry about ".I told him 

He gave me a questioning look before looking away .

"I'm going out do you need anything".he asked 

"No I'm fine".I replied back 

"Very well then I will be back ".he said those words and left the room.

As soon as he left I realeased a sign of relief .I felt tears threatening to pour out from my eyes. The thought of Tony been married to another woman torn my heart to pices.maybe aunt was right it's time to let him go.