
Don't get married

Anthony's POV

“I'm getting married “.those words echo in the room. I stared at her and realized she wasn't joking about what she just said.

I went back to the seat, released my tie from my neck.

“You are joking “. I spoke, hoping she would laugh, and said she was joking.

But she gave me a serious look before speaking.

“I'm serious Tony, I'm getting married “.she said those words right on my face.

I took in a deep breath to calm myself .she stared at me without saying a word.

“Who is he “. I asked in pain.

She stared at me and hesitated for a while before speaking up, 

“It's Jude “.she murmured.

The mention of his name brought anger, jealousy, and hatred to me. indeed, he wasn't joking when he told me those words at the bar.

I closed my eyes and ran my fingers in my hair. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Olivia staring at me.

“Why are you getting married”. I asked.

“Why do people get married “.she replied quickly and looked away.

I hissed again in frustration. I was a fool to think that a good Lady like Olivia will waste her life waiting for me. I felt my heart beak and my throat became dry.

I wanted to shout scream and tell her she shouldn't get married to Jude, that I was the only one for her, but I found myself lost for words.

“I hope you do understand”.she spoke up, bringing me back from thought.

I hissed and stood up from the chair, I walked over to her and pulled her out from the chair. she gave me a confused look but did not say a thing.

I pulled her closer to me and held her waist, 

“What are you doing”.she asked in a trembling voice.

I ignored her question and move my lips over to her neck and place a kiss there .the moment my lips were on her neck, I felt her shiver under my touch. I smiled at myself and moved over to the other the neck and place a kiss there .this time a little moan came out from her lips. I ignored her neck and moved over to her left shoulder and place a kiss there .she moans softly and did not try to push me away. I smiled and realized I have gotten what I wanted.

I released her from my grip and stared at her .she ignored my gaze and looked away before speaking up, 

“What was the meaning of that “.she asked while avoiding my gaze.

I chuckled softly and moved closer to her that we were an inch apart.

“I just wanted answers to my questions, and I've gotten it “. I replied with a big grin on my face.

“What question”.she asked, this time staring at me.

“You still love me, oli, you fucking do”.

“And what makes you think that”.she asked quickly.

I chuckled softly and slowly touch her cheek .she tried moving away, but I held her to me.

“Your body, Oli, your body tells me “. I moved closer to her and tried to kiss her, but she quickly releases from my grip and move away.

“Stay away from me, tony “.she shouted in anger.

“And if I don't “. I tried moving closer to her, but she moves away. 

“You are getting married in a month time, so do I, you should respect that “.she spoke up.

I ran my fingers in my hair before speaking, 

“I am getting married for a reason, and you are getting married just so that you can hurt me “. I spoke angrily.

“You know nothing”.she blurted out.

“I might not know anything, but I know you don't love Jude as much as you love me “. I spoke with a big grin on my face.

She stared at me but did not say a word.

I walked over to her, but this time she did not move away. I stood in front of her and stared into her eyes.

“Don't get married oli, don't don't this “. I pleaded. She looked at me confused but did not say a word.

“Leave”.she murmured,

I stared at her but did not move from her 

“Please leave “.she spoke out loud.

I noticed her mood and realized now wasn't the best time to talk about this .so I hissed and left the room to my office.

I went back to my office and tried to work, but my thought was somewhere else.

I can't let Olivia get married not when I'm in love with her and I know she loves me too, 

I couldn't concentrate on work, so I decided to go home.

I left my office and avoided Olivia's desk. I got home and met Linda in the sitting room .she smiled at me and walked towards me, but I moved from her.

“You are back early”.she smiled at me, but I ignored her and went to my room, making sure I locked the door from inside.

I took my bath and went back to my room when my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller and saw that it was diamond.

I picked up the call, and before I could say anything I heard him shouting on the phone 

“Tell me you are joking”.he spoke in anger.

I hissed and sat on the bed with my eyes closed.

“You are getting married to a lady you don't even know”.he asked in anger. I knew he was furious at Me.

I wanted to speak, but he cut me off 

“I'm coming back, you just wait for me” he said those words and ended the call on me.

I hissed and threw the phone on the bed. I was about closing my eyes when my phone started ringing. I wanted to ignore it, but decided to check who it was.

I picked up the phone and saw that it was from my investigator.

“Any update”. I asked 

“Yes, boss “. “Tell me”. “I think you should do another DNA test”.he spoke up,

“Why do you say that”. I asked confused.

“I sent some files to you, you should check it”. I ended the call and opened my computer. I checked my email and saw the file he sent to me. I opened it and I was shocked with what I saw.