
Caught in the act

Anthony's POV

I watch her shivers after I whisper those words to her. 

She tried moving away, but my grips on her were tight.

Without warning, I picked her up bridal style and made my way to her room.

I got to her room and gently lay her on the bed.

“Stop this “.she murmured.

I ignored her and went for my shirt. I pull away my shirt before going to her.

I caress her cheeks softly before moving over to the neck.

“Stop this”.she whispers in moan.

I remove my hand from her and started placing small kisses on her neck .she closes her eyes and dip my fingers in my hair. I chuckled softly before going for her dress.I gently remove her dress and groaned at the sight of her putting on a bra.

She met eyes with me and shyly look away.

Just when I was about to unbutton her bra, I heard footsteps coming towards us. I look back and saw Jude standing by the door .he avoided my gaze and kept on staring at Olivia.

“Shit”. Olivia shouted and pushed me away.

She went for her dress and hurriedly put it on, 

“I'm so sorry, Jude”.she apologized while standing up from the bed.

He ignored her and brought out something from his pocket.

“You left your phone in the car “.he handed her the phone and was about making his way out when she held his hand.

“What do you want “.he was angry and hurt, but he was trying to hide it.

“I'm sorry Jude, let me explain”.she pleaded.

Jude removes her grip on him and stared at me with anger.

“There is nothing to explain Oli, I can never compete with him when it comes to you “.he said those words and tried to move away, but she held him again.

“I'm sorry Jude, it's you I want and not him “.she stared at me with disgust before looking at him.

“No, you don't want me, you should want the father of your unborn baby “.he said those words directly to me and for a second, my head spin around the room.

He stared at me one more time before leaving the room.

I hurriedly stood up from the bed and stood before Olivia.

“What's the meaning of what he just said”. I asked.

She stared at me with anger but did not say a word.

“Answer me “. I pleaded.

“Get out”.she shouted. 

“I won't, until you tell me what's going on “.it looks like she was hiding something from me.

“What do you think is going on”.she asked while staring at me with an angry look.

“What was the meaning of what Jude said “. I asked impatiently.

She kept quiet for a moment before speaking, 

“I'm pregnant”.she whispered.

The moment I heard those words from her, I couldn't suppress the joy I felt. I moved closer to her and hugged her tightly.

“Why didn't you tell me”. I asked after releasing her from my hug 

“You were getting married so what do you expect”.she replied irritated.

I stared at her and realized she wasn't happy with me finding out.

“ You were going to get married to Jude with my baby “. I asked in anger.

“Yes, you gave me no choice”.she replied while trying to call someone.

“I won't let that happen”. I shouted in anger.

She dropped her phone on the bed and stare directly at me,

“You won't let what happen”.she asked in anger.

“I won't let you get married to Jude with my baby “. I replied in anger.

She chuckled softly before speaking.

“You have no say in this Tony, the baby may be yours, but I will never be yours”.she said those words firmly.

I stared at her and noticed she was becoming angry, and exchanging words with her will worsen everything. So, I took in a soft breath and relax myself.

I went to her and sat beside her.

“I'm sorry “. I whispered.

She stared at me but did not say a word .we sat there in silence for a while before she speaks up,

“I'm getting married to Jude”.she spoke firmly.

“That can't be possible, you have my baby”. I spoke calmly.

“I'm not denying that”.she replied quietly.

“So”. I asked.

“So you are the father of the baby, but I can't get married to you “.her voice were full of seriousness.

“You must be joking”.

“I'm not”

“You don't even love Jude “.

“And who told you I don't love Jude”.she replied with anger.

“Isn't it obvious”. I asked.

She kept quiet for a while before getting up from the bed.

“You should leave “.she said those words while standing at the door.

“I'm not leaving”. I stood up from the bed and stood before her, 

“You better start leaving before you make me do what both of us will regret”.she said those words as a threat and I knew she wasn't joking.

“Olivia”. I tried calling her, but she left me in the room and stood at the door in the sitting room.

“Leave”.she shouted.

I noticed she was angry, and it would be best to let her be for now. So, I stared at her one more time before walking away.

I hissed in anger and drove out of her apartment.

How could she be pregnant for me, and I never knew. I hit the wheel of my car in anger while driving?

I got home and saw mom and dad in the sitting room.

“She is gone “.mom spoke up.

I knew she was talking about Linda, but I ignored her and went for my room.

I took a hot bath and changed my clothes. I have to convince Olivia to get married to me at all cost. I can't lose her to Jude or anyone else.

She is pregnant with my baby and I will do everything to have her.

I was about going to bed when dad walked in.

“How is things with you and Olivia, did you guys make up “.dad asked staring at me.

“She is pregnant for me, but doesn't want to get married to me “. I whispered in pain.

Dad stared at me before placing his hand on my shoulder.

“Don't worry about it, I will talk to her “. I felt relieved and calm when I heard those words from Dad.