
Big fool

Olivia's pov 

This Anthony is Definitely different from the Anthony I fell in love with.how can he let me finish this work all in one day . 

I check the files and realized I was almost done .I check the table clock and saw it was half pass ten .I hissed and went back to work .

The security guy came again to check up on me and was really worried about me. 

"Do you need a coffee ma'am"he asked 

"I'm fine, and you don't have to worry about me ".I replied him with a geniue smile .

He gave me a worried look before leaving.

Anthony's pov

I tried getting some sleep but realized I couldn't.my meeting with Jude really ruin my mood. The thought of Olivia and Jude getting back together made me really scared .

I was still in thought when I remember I haven't call the security guard yet.i check the time and saw it was almost 11pm .she must be done by now I thought to myself.

I wanted to try and get some sleep ,but the sleep wasn't coming.

I took my phone from the bed stand and called the company's security line.

"Security 103 on the line,how may I be of help "came the voice.

I realized he didn't know I was the one calling

"This is Mr Anthony on the line "

"Sorry sir,never knew it was you "

"No worries ".I replied him .

"How can I help you sir"

"My assistant ,when did she leave ".I asked 

"She is still here sir"he replied back 

"What do you mean she is still there"

"She hasn't left sir,but I've been checking on her ".

"Alright".I ended the call and trew my phone on the floor .

How can I let her work till this hour and I claim I love her. I never knew she would take my talk seriously.the Olivia I knew will never do what I told her to do .I thought she must have left the work till tomorrow.this is a different Olivia,and I don't like it.

I pick up my phone so I could tell her to leave the remaining work and just go home .

I dialled her number and she wasn't picking up ,I dialled again but this time i wasn't going through.did she switch off the phone because of me .I wondered.

I tried calling the security lines and discovered it wasn't going through .I started panicking and different thoughts came into my head .for the first time in a long time I was really scared.

I quickly put on my clothes and left the house .I was on my way out when my guard spotted me .he followed me to the garage and requested to drive .

On my way I was still trying her number and that of the security line but it still wasn't going through.

Then and there I remember that she didn't even have a car yet. How on hell will she go home .

"You are a big fool Tony ,a very big fool"I told myself.