
Chapter 36

" here's lunch" Mrs Lambert said as she handed food to all four children. " I'll be back from work late tonight so I'll order pizza for dinner alright?" 

" We can cook" Ariana said.

" Seriously? You're gonna cook?"

" Of course" they chorused.

" I doubt it" Mrs Lambert said.

" Is it a challenge?" That was Santiago.

" A challenge it is" Mrs Lambert said.

" Winner gets a brand new iphone" Mariana said.

" Wait so you mean if you all cook well, I'll have to buy the four of you brand new phones?"

" No. Not just ordinary phones, iphones or Xiaomi" Santiago said.

" Are you kidding me? I can't buy Xiaomi for all four of you" she said.

" I'll take the latest Samsung" Cassandra said and they all burst into laughter.

" Is it a deal?"

" It's a deal" Mrs Lambert said. " This children will kill me soon" Mrs Lambert muttered under her breathe.


" Good morning Mr Shawn" Ariana greeted.

" Good morning Ariana. How's your health now?" He asked.

" I'm better. The only thing left is for the rashes on my face to disappear." Ariana replied smiling.

" Sorry I couldn't come see you while you were in the hospital. Here are some flowers" he said handing some flowers to Ariana.

" Thank you sir" Ariana said and left.

As Ariana walked down the hallway, she received a lot of flowers. So much that she didn't have anymore space in her locker for flowers.

" Ariana, I didn't know you had so many fans. Look at how many flowers you have" Cassandra told her.

" Yes and I don't have anymore space for them and......." She was interrupted by.....

" Hi baby" 

" Baby? Whose your baby?" Ariana turned to look at the handsome well built figure standing before her. " Raymond?"

" Yes baby" he answered.

" Why are you calling me baby? If you call me that in front of someone, they'll think we're dating" Ariana said.

" We're not dating. I'm calling you baby because you're still a child" Raymond said and laughed.

" I'm not a child Ray" Ariana argued.

" You are". They continued to argue until Casey decided to separate them.

" That's enough. You both act like children" she said.

" Here's a flower" Raymond said giving her a flower. " Baby" he smirked and left.

" This fool" Ariana smiled. " I haven't seen Max in a while. Isn't he in school" Ariana asked.

" I'll ask around" Cassandra said and left. 

" I'll call him" she said bringing out her phone and calling him. " Switched off? MAX never switches his phone off. Something must be wrong. I have to check up on him" she thought. " What if Max's just upset with me? It is possible he still is. Could that be the reason he hasn't come to see me? But I know he's not gonna be that foolish to turn off his cellphone just because of me. Something must be wrong. I have to go check up on him" Ariana thought and left.

" Ari,.... Where'd she go? She just doesn't stay at a place now does she?" Casey thought to herself.