
Endless Evolution: Last Star

Originally from the slums, Adam was chosen as a candidate for an experiment to ignite the Spark - an entity that gives superpowers. However, he failed and was thrown into the Dead Lands - the place the world became after the fall of the Last Star, beginning a new era for mankind, dangerous and unexpected. He faced against monsters and dangerous anomalies, sometimes creating artifacts - the miracle of this world. Killing his first monster in deadly combat, Adam became a Phantom - one who could evolve, endlessly moving toward power. Follow Adam on his journey, from fighting monsters and exploring Dead Lands to endless evolution!

Arlemit · Fantasia
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625 Chs

Essence Monster (Part 17)

The Squad had no time to come to Adam's aid because even with all the factors and time that had passed, at best, Adam would have to travel another kilometer to get to the supposed location of his saviors.

However... Who said the Phantom had to be right next to him to help him?

Even ordinary people with guns could shoot at hundreds of meters, if it was a military man with a professional sniper rifle, then even a kilometer wasn't a problem, although there could be a margin of error in accuracy.

In that case, could such a distance be a challenge for K1-Phantom, who was a true master of long-range attacks?

"Yes! Right on target!" Ester energetically exclaimed, with an excited expression clenching her fist. 

Ester was the red-headed girl and one of the five captains of the Left North Squad during Bastion Radon's defense against Eclipse. As before, her eyes were aflame, and her trusty weapon was her massive axe.