
Enchanted You Are

Archer Bates has a huge crush on beautiful and sexy Hazel Gabriella since they were in third grade. Ever since he never had the chance to tell her how he feels about her mainly because she was rich, famous and had the entire school crawling at her feet. She was also dating the cutest, coolest guy in school. And him? He was just seen as the quiet, nobody from nowhere. It continues this way until everything takes a huge turn and Hazel is seen struggling to maintain her popularity which is about to crumble with the fact that she's associating with Archer. How is she going to keep up? And will Archer accept the fact that Hazel can never be his? Watch out in this heart warming suspense packed filled book.

The_old_Venus · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Chapter 16


I was grunting with frustration. We were treating the research topic: politics and it was driving boredom straight to my bones. It wasn't even easy for me to assimilate and now we were giving a recollection test. I covered my face with my hands groaning with frustration.

I felt someone tap my hand and I grunted with disgust. Why won't he just leave me alone? What does he want again? At this moment I wished I never agreed to sit with him. I turned to him and he passed me a little note.

I shook my head and picked it up reading it. It contained the answer to the question I was finding hard to attempt. I paused and looked at the paper frowning a bit. I turned to him. He was focused on his own work now scrambling through it like he was writing an epistle. Hmm. Seems like he knows a lot. But why was he helping me? I stared at him for what seemed like ages before snapping back to my work. I wrote down what he gave me and continued. I really owed him something if it was correct.

After the test I spotted him as he walked to his locker and wanted to meet him but his girlfriend came to him saying somethings to his ear. Well. Change of plans. Guess I'll have to see him later. I walked away out of the building towards the play field to relax under a tree. I laid my stuff at the foot of the tree and settled down trying to recollect what I couldn't understand during the class.

"You know, if you can't really decipher it, I could help you." I heard a slight deep voice and looked up. There he was again. I frowned.

"Are you stalking me?" I asked and he chuckled obviously fidgeting.

"Sorry. I observed you were having difficulties with politics and felt you might need my help."

I folded my arms. Waoh. He's really sure of himself. "What makes you think I would need your help? I can figure it out all on my own." I replied. Although, that was a gigantic enourmous lie. There was no way in hell I could do this in my own.

"You sure about that? Because, trust me. You could really use my help." He said confidently.

"Why are you so sure of yourself on this?"

"Well. I'll say because it's my area of expertise. And it's my passion." He replied shrugging. I chuckled. Our eyes met briefly and for the first time I noticed it was grey. The silver kind of grey. They were cute though I must admit. I quickly looked away so he won't misinterprete it as ogling him.

"Fine. I admit. I could really use a good help right now. I've never had the eye for this literature thing honestly."

"Why? You've got the potential." He said and sat down opposite me taking a jotter and a textbook from his backpack. I glanced at him.

"Why does everyone have this perception about taking a course according to what you're good at?" I asked.