
Empire of blood

Ash was sent to a world that used to be made of hundreds of kingdoms, however, ten families conspired to make up a story about a bad demon king to scare everyone into joining forces. The coalition defeated the innocent demon king but instead of going their separate ways, they stuck together under a supreme leader, now, the world is all carved up into ten empires run by the ten families. The daughter of the deceased demon king vows revenge, to conquer the Holy Union ruled by the supreme leader. Her partner in the world domination plan is a helper she summoned from another world, Ash the Crimson Witch.

AkiraMei_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
128 Chs

Chapter 77

POV: Ash

Location: Forest Empire

The scene in front of me was that of red flowers spreading to the horizon, they were rose flowers with natural red beauty next to none.

I breathe in the sweet scent emanating from them. "How long did it take to grow a rose garden this huge," I asked Katarina as she bent down to cut selected pieces of the roses.

"The garden was started by Elara's grandmother," she paused and stood up, her hands dropping four roses she cut out into the basket I was holding.

"If I am to take a guess, the garden should be over four centuries old". she concluded, bending down again to cut more roses.

"The funds generated from the garden help support the orphanage," she continues, "Thanks to that Elara doesn't have to knock on anybody's door begging for support."

Katarina dropped even more flowers into the basket, her short black hair absorbing all the light it received from the sun.