
EMBERS OF MAGIC chronicles of two hearts

Shadows, sinister as they can be never haunt without a reason.... what will you do when you find yourself running from the shadows? This is a story about love, power, fear and vulnerability... Everyone fears what they cannot comprehend. Persian, the crown prince of one of the most dominant kingdoms wakes up one day to find out he possesses the forbidden.... MAGIC... Persian has it all rainbows and cupcakes until shadows start haunting his very being.... But why? To make matters worse, a looming war lurks in the dark..... why are the shadows haunting him and what for? what will happen when Persian finds out that the truth will jeopardize his love with his boyfriend Amon? what will happen when the ever loving royal family finds out there is a traitor in the palace? what will happen when persian realises that his life has never and will never be the same? Can persian defeat the shadows? or will he succumb to the relentless onslaught of the shadows? Can persian handle the truth or will it break him? what really is the truth? xXxX Amon watched in agony and pain as persian fell.... He dragged himself to Persian's body In a surreal moment, the body seemed to liquefy, each formless tendril of essence gently rising, dissipating into the air like ethereal gas. It was as if the very fabric of reality had unwoven itself, allowing the being to disintegrate. Amon held Persian with watery eyes "no, no, no, this is all my fault...I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry" Do not miss an episode of this heart throbbing series.... EMBERS OF MAGIC :The chronicles of two hearts

Nana_the_writer · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

CHAPTER 22 : Run


Elyss walked to the prince and bowed "My prince, the Queen and King request your presence in the throne room"

Prince persian grimaced "throne room"

"yes" answered Elyss....

Persian sighed and faked a smile "thank you "

Persian's steps echoed as he walked through the grand hall....

Soon, he stood in front of the throne room...peeping at his Mom and Dad who were already seated on their throne....

King kastron had his head buried in his hand when he sensed someone in front of him...

"You called for me, your highnesses" regarded Persian.

Persian noticed the tension that hung between his mother and his father and his curiosity intensified when he saw his mother clench her royal robes...

The Queen cleared her throat clearly thinking about how to get rid of the awkwardness that lingered in the air.

"Son, you do know we love you"

"with all of our heart, right??."

Prince persian nodded "everyone in the palace knows that"

"And you do know that we are and will always be there for you, right?" asked the Queen...

Persian was getting a bit confused " yeah, I do know that"

"So why....why did..." the queen swallowed the lump in her throat...

The king sniffed "why did you not tell us about your hidden gift...your ability"

Persian gulped " with all due respect, my king, I do not know what you are talking about".

"oh really....you are gonna play dumb with me. Fine,..... why did you hide the fact that you possessed magic"

On hearing the word "magic" persian's eyes flinched opened....he knew all too well how his father hated sorcerers...


"I need to talk to you urgently"

"it's about your son, prince persian " said the royal doctor....

"what about him" asked the queen....

The royal doctor was still deliberating on whether to talk or not...

"Royal doctor, start talking" the exposing jawline of the king displayed the fast rate at which the king was getting pissed.

"okay, I did not want you to hear this from me. And it may come as a huge surprise to you but I feel like if I don't say it now, it might be too late for persian the time I decide to" sighed the royal doctor....

The Queen clenched his robes in nervousness.

"You see, your son was born with a gift....a gift so unique and rare....A gift that surpasses the ordinary comprehension"

"what kind of a gift are we speaking of" asked the king with a worried tone..

"Your majesties, your son Prince Persian possesses magic"

The Queen held her stomach as she exhaled with shock and the king just sat there....he didn't even flinch but his face said it all.....

The royal doctor tried to calm the Queen down.

"You have some nerve sitting there still talking" uttered the king clenching his fist...

The Royal doctor tried to explain himself but the king hit his hand on the table so hard that it echoed through out the room.....

"since when did you know" said the king softly.....

"i....i....since....the...." stuttered the Royal doctor...

"since when!!!" shouted the king....

The Royal doctor gulped " since he was born...."

"Since he was born!!...you've kept this away from us since he was born!!!"

The Royal doctor, he faced the Queen "you remember I put a bracelet on your son when he was born"

The Queen replied "but you told me it was a gift from you to him and that he should never take it off".

The King's Fist hardened , his eyes narrowing with anger and confusion. "Explain yourself," he demanded, his voice sharp and unforgiving.

The royal doctor took a steadying breath, his gaze shifting between the King and Queen.

"I gave him the bracelet as a means to protect him, Your Majesties.

His power, a rare and ancient magic, needed a veil, a shield against those who might exploit or harm him."

The Queen's eyes widened with understanding, mingled with concern.

"But why keep this from us?" she asked, her voice laced with a mixture of hurt and confusion."I feared your reaction, Your Majesties," the royal doctor admitted, his voice trembling with regret.

"I feared that the knowledge of his extraordinary abilities might jeopardize his safety within and beyond the palace walls."The King's anger, palpable in the room, surged forth.

"You took it upon yourself to make such a decision, to keep us in the dark about our own son's potential? Do you realize the danger you have placed him in?" the King lashed out....

The Royal doctor " well, you didn't give me any choice....my king."

The King's eyes narrowed with anger "you had no choice!!!."

The Royal doctor got up "you made me do this...you made me keep this from you.

" I did nothing!!!" shouted the king....

The royal doctor shook his head "you were the reason for everything I did"

The royal doctor's voice cracked as he confessed, "I was afraid, Your Majesty. Afraid of what you might do if you found out. Your temper, your intolerance towards magic... I feared for the safety of your son.. I thought if you discovered the truth, you might do something... something irreversible, something that might rid you of your happiness forever."

A heavy silence hung in the air, the King absorbing the weight of the royal doctor's words. The room felt like a tempest of emotions, a clash between the fear of a father and the desperation of a loyal servant.

The King sighed deeply and stormed out of the room banging the door on his way out...

The Queen straightened her robes " I know you did it for persian but we trusted you and you just lost that."

The Royal doctor ruffled his hand through his head sighing deeply .


In the grandeur of the throne room.

"So, you still gonna play dumb" asked the king.

"I thought we were a family and family never keep secrets, not this big....percy" sobbed his father.....

A heavy silence hung in the air as the King stared at his son, his eyes a mix of disappointment and hurt. "Persian," he began, his voice grave, "why did you not tell us about your power? Why keep such a crucial secret from your own parents?"

Persian, standing before his father, felt the weight of his father's gaze like a thousand judgments. His voice trembled as he replied, "I was scared, Father. Scared of what you would do if you found out. Scared that you might... you might kill me for having this magic.

I mean, look at what you did to other sorcerers who came crossing over with magic. You murdered them brutally..

Anytime you saw or heard them, I saw the rage and disgust in your eyes. And i am no different from them. I didn't want to lose your love,... your approval."

The King held his son "you are different from them....they are my mortal enemies....whiles you....well....you are my son"

The King's stern expression softened, replaced by a profound sadness. "My son," he said, his voice hoarse, "I may not have shown it, but I love you. I would never harm you. Magic or not you are and will forever be my son and I am so proud of you.

For what you've become."

Persian's shoulders slumped, and tears welled up in his eyes. The dam he had built to contain his fears and emotions finally broke, and he sobbed, the weight of his secret, his fears, and his years of hiding crashing down upon him. "I didn't know that, Father," he cried. "I was so afraid, and I felt so alone. I thought I had to protect myself, even from you. I didn't want to lose you."

The Queen sat on her throne drenched in tears "this is so beautiful"

The King embraced Persian and kept stroking his hair as a way of comforting him.Persian cupped himself into his father's embrace....

The King's strong arms enveloped Persian, offering the comfort of a loving father. "My son," he said gently, "we are here for you, no matter what troubles your heart. You can always confide in us, and we will face any challenge together."

Persian nodded, appreciating his parents' unwavering support. His mother, the Queen, took a step forward, her eyes reflecting a blend of worry and love. "Persian," she said softly, "the royal doctor has concerns. He believes something might be haunting you or troubling your thoughts. He wants to help, but you've never been entirely honest with him. Can you tell us the truth?"

The weight of their expectations settled heavily upon Persian's shoulders. He took a deep breath, his eyes flickering with uncertainty. "You see," he began, choosing his words carefully, "the first time using your powers can be... unpredictable. It can be wonky, as the royal doctor would say. Maybe what he sensed was just my inexperience with these abilities. I didn't want to worry anyone unnecessarily."

Persian's heart longed to confess, to unburden himself, but fear gripped him, constricting his words. He glanced away, unable to meet his parents' gaze. "I promise, it's just the wonky magic. Nothing more."

The Queen's eyes softened with understanding, but there was a glimmer of sadness in them. She placed a gentle hand on Persian's cheek. "We trust you, my love," she said softly, though a shadow of doubt lingered in her eyes.

In the depths of his troubled mind, Persian grappled with the unshakable conviction that shadows, dark and sinister, did not haunt without purpose. There was a sinister undercurrent, an enigma veiled in obscurity, lurking just beyond his understanding. The chilling presence of these shadowy figures whispered of hidden truths and concealed secrets.

A cryptic warning that there was more to his own existence than he could comprehend. The unsettling feeling gnawed at his thoughts, and he was ever ready to unravel the enigma that wrapped his life in an ever-tightening coil of uncertainty.

Persian was excused from the throne room, he went straight to the dining room to eat cause he was starving....

Persian was munching on some fruits when the grand doors of the palace swung open, a familiar voice echoed through the regal halls. "Announcing Lady Seraphina of the Eastern Realms!" The words resonated, announcing the arrival of Persian's dearest friend. Excitement stirred in the prince's heart as he rushed down the marble staircase to the grand foyer, his steps echoing in his eagerness.

With a joyful smile on his face, Persian embraced Seraphina, feeling the warmth of her friendship instantly calming his troubled heart. "Seraphina, you didn't have to announce yourself! I would recognize your voice anywhere," he said, his eyes lighting up with genuine happiness.

She laughed, a melodic sound that filled the air with cheerfulness. "I'm sorry, Persian," she replied, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "I wanted it to be a surprise, but the herald spoiled my secret entrance."

Persian chuckled, the tension that had weighed upon him lifting in Seraphina's presence. "No matter, your surprise is in the delight of seeing you again. Come, let's find a quiet corner where we can catch up without any royal interruptions."

Arm in arm, they walked deeper into the palace, their laughter and chatter filling the air.

The golden fields stretched out before them, bathed in the warm hues of the setting sun. Amon trailed behind, a silent guardian entrusted with the duty of protection. Seraphina and Persian strolled side by side, their laughter carrying on the breeze.

Seraphina, always astute, glanced back and noticed the subtle tension in Amon's eyes, a hint of jealousy clouding his expression. She decided to playfully test the waters. With a mischievous grin, she swiftly stepped closer to Persian and planted a swift, unexpected kiss on his cheek.

Persian's eyes widened in surprise, his cheeks coloring slightly. He turned to Seraphina, his lips curving into a gentle smile. "that was weird," he said, his voice soft and humourous.

Amon, observing from a distance, felt a pang of jealousy twist in his chest. His duty demanded he keep his distance, but it didn't shield him from the emotions that bubbled within. He averted his gaze, his jaw clenched, as the smile on Persian's face fueled the fire of his envy.

As they walked through the fields, Persian's laughter danced on the evening breeze, mirroring the sun's fading glow. Seraphina's eyes sparkled with mirth, and her playful kiss on his cheek only added to the warmth of the moment. Amon watched from the shadows, his heart a turbulent sea of emotions.

Every giggle, every shared smile between Persian and Seraphina felt like a dagger to Amon's heart. His jealousy bubbled and simmered, fuelled by the undeniable connection he witnessed. He couldn't bear the sight any longer.

Summoning all the courage he could muster, Amon cleared his throat, capturing Persian's attention. "I must take my leave," he said, his voice betraying none of the turmoil inside him. "There are tasks that require my immediate attention."

Persian met his gaze, his eyes searching. He saw the jealousy etched in the lines of Amon's face, the storm brewing beneath his calm exterior. It hit him like a wave, the realization that Seraphina's kiss wasn't merely innocent—it was a deliberate act to stoke the fires of Amon's jealousy.

With the sun setting behind them, Persian called out to Amon before he could leave, bridging the gap between their worlds. "Amon," he said, his voice carrying across the field. "Meet Seraphina, my dearest friend, and seraphina, this is my..... boyfriend, Amon."

Amon's eyes widened, taken aback by the unexpected introduction. He opened his mouth to protest, but Persian's words hung in the air, undeniable and true. "Persian, stop," Amon managed to say, his voice a blend of surprise and hesitation.

Persian, unyielding, smiled gently. "It's the truth, isn't it," he said, his eyes softening with affection. "We've shared a kiss, after all."

Seraphina, standing beside them, couldn't help but giggle at Amon's flustered expression. Amon, his cheeks tinged with a faint blush, was adorably in denial.

Before Amon could fully comprehend the situation, Persian closed the distance between them and pressed a tender kiss to Amon's lips. Amon stood stunned, his mind a whirlwind of emotions. Persian pulled back, his gaze unwavering.

"Jealousy has no place between us," Persian said, his voice a soothing caress. "I love you, Amon, and only you. Seraphina is my friend, and you are my heart."

Amon's initial surprise melted into a soft smile, his heart warming at Persian's words. In that moment, amidst the fading light of the evening, their unspoken bonds grew stronger, a testament to the depth of their connection, bound by love, friendship, and the promise of something profound.

Seraphina and Persian found a serene spot in the fields. Persian, ever the courteous host, inquired, "How is your sister, Seraphina? I heard she is expecting. Is she feeling well?"

Seraphina's eyes sparkled with affection as she spoke about her sister's pregnancy. "She's radiant, Persian. A bit tired, as expected, but she's brimming with excitement for the little one's arrival. We're all eagerly awaiting the newest addition to our family."

Persian smiled, genuine happiness etching his features. "That's wonderful news. I'm glad to hear she's doing well."

Seraphina returned the smile, her gaze softening. "And how about you, Persian? How have you been feeling lately?"

Persian hesitated for a moment, his eyes flickering with a hint of unease. "I'm... I'm fine, Seraphina," he replied, his voice carefully composed. Yet, Seraphina sensed a shadow behind his words, a fleeting glimpse of the turmoil he kept hidden.

She reached out, her hand gently touching his, her eyes filled with understanding. "You can talk to me, Persian. We're friends, after all."

For a moment, Persian hesitated, his defenses slowly crumbling under Seraphina's unwavering kindness. "I appreciate your concern, Seraphina," he smiled, his voice softer now. "There are just...things that baffle my mind ...you know all this royalty stuff but I'm.... I'm very fine"

Seraphina nodded, her expression sympathetic. "Whatever it is, Persian, remember you don't have to face it alone. Friends are here to support each other, in good times and bad."

Persian replied "thank....y..y...."

All of a sudden, persian froze with fear, it was as if he had seen death itself...

The air grew tense, the soft rustle of leaves silenced as if nature itself held its breath. Persian's eyes widened in terror, fixed on a distant silhouette that seemed to meld with the encroaching shadows. He felt an icy grip tighten around his heart, rendering him immobile, his voice caught in his throat.

Seraphina said "persian, persian!!". There was no response....

Her heart raced as she noticed a tear fall from persian's eyes...

" persian you are scaring me....stop it, this is no joke" said seraphina...

Persian's body shivered with coldness

Persian swallowed the painful lump in his throat....and let out a faint voice almost impossible to hear "Run...phina....run"

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