
EMBERS OF MAGIC chronicles of two hearts

Shadows, sinister as they can be never haunt without a reason.... what will you do when you find yourself running from the shadows? This is a story about love, power, fear and vulnerability... Everyone fears what they cannot comprehend. Persian, the crown prince of one of the most dominant kingdoms wakes up one day to find out he possesses the forbidden.... MAGIC... Persian has it all rainbows and cupcakes until shadows start haunting his very being.... But why? To make matters worse, a looming war lurks in the dark..... why are the shadows haunting him and what for? what will happen when Persian finds out that the truth will jeopardize his love with his boyfriend Amon? what will happen when the ever loving royal family finds out there is a traitor in the palace? what will happen when persian realises that his life has never and will never be the same? Can persian defeat the shadows? or will he succumb to the relentless onslaught of the shadows? Can persian handle the truth or will it break him? what really is the truth? xXxX Amon watched in agony and pain as persian fell.... He dragged himself to Persian's body In a surreal moment, the body seemed to liquefy, each formless tendril of essence gently rising, dissipating into the air like ethereal gas. It was as if the very fabric of reality had unwoven itself, allowing the being to disintegrate. Amon held Persian with watery eyes "no, no, no, this is all my fault...I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry" Do not miss an episode of this heart throbbing series.... EMBERS OF MAGIC :The chronicles of two hearts

Nana_the_writer · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

CHAPTER 23 :Safety Before Shadows


Seraphina stood there glazed and confused "run from what? You are scaring me....percy."

Fear propelled Persian into action as he broke free from his frozen state, grabbing Seraphina's hand and pulling her with him. Their feet pounded against the ground, racing desperately, but the shadows were relentless, closing in like a pitch-black wave.

"I told you to run" shouted Persian...

Seraphina gasped holding her robes "from what exactly?"

Before persian could give an answer, the shadows twisted, manifesting eerie, dark tendrils that snaked around them. Persian felt the oppressive weight of the magic pressing down on him, but Seraphina seemed oblivious,Persian saw shadows but seraphina just saw leaves rustling.

"Why did we stop?" asked seraphina was scared out of her wits by the current situation they were in.

He shouted, urging her to move, but it was too late.

The shadows coiled around them, tendrils of malevolent energy seeping into their very beings.

Persian gasped, feeling his life force drain away as the shadows absorbed it greedily, growing stronger with every stolen heartbeat. Seraphina screamed in agony as she felt like she could burst.

Seraphina's screams echoed in Persian's ears, a heartbreaking symphony of fear and despair.

Unable to withstand the onslaught, they fell to the ground, helpless against the shadows' relentless drain on their vitality. Persian strained against the darkness, trying to shield Seraphina from its insidious grip, but the shadows had them ensnared, their life force being siphoned away into the inky void.

In that moment of despair, Persian's eyes met Seraphina's,

"What is going on persian?"asked seraphina as tears welled up in her eyes.

Persian held her hand as a sign of comfort "I am so sorry you have to go through all of this,all this was never suppose to happen to you"

Persian's voice broke as he pleaded with the shadows, his eyes desperate and filled with anguish. "Please, she's innocent! She has nothing to do with your vendetta. Let her go, I beg you!"

Seraphina, bewildered by Persian's cries, looked around, her eyes wide with confusion. "Who are you talking to, Persian? I don't see anyone!"

But the shadows, their formless darkness coiling around Persian, responded with a chilling hiss, their voice echoing like a chilling breeze. "We gave you time, time to uncover the truth, but you chose ignorance over wisdom. Now, we will unleash our wrath upon anyone we desire, just as we were hunted down."

Persian's heart sank, realizing the dire consequence of his defiance. The shadows had become malevolent entities, driven by their own twisted motives. He clutched Seraphina's hand tightly.

With determination burning in his eyes, Persian looked towards the shadows, his voice firm. "If you want revenge, take it out on me, not innocent souls. I will face whatever consequences await me, but spare those who are blameless in this."

But the shadows merely laughed, a hollow sound that sent shivers down their spines. "Your sacrifice won't save them. We hunger for chaos, for despair, for souls. Your defiance will only fuel our hunger."

Persian's determination to protect seraphina was boundless...

He knew using his powers would give him out but to save her life was all that mattered.

Persian's hands trembled with desperation as he tried to summon his magic, but it twisted and spiraled out of control, sparking anger within the shadows. Their wrath manifested in a violent act,"you're pathetic, get her."

they seized Seraphina.

"No,no,no seraphina" Shouted persian whose eyes were like dams ready to break.

The shadows slammed her onto the unforgiving ground of the fields.

Seraphina, bewildered and in pain, wept openly, her voice cracking with fear and confusion. "What the hell is happening to me?" she cried, her words lost in the wind.

Struggling to her knees, Seraphina felt an unexplainable pain coursing through her veins. The shadows, in their malevolence, were draining her life force, leaving her weak and vulnerable.

Meanwhile, Persian, his eyes wide with horror, was forced to watch as the shadows taunted him. Their voices echoed in his mind, chilling him to the bone. "You see, little prince," the shadows hissed, their words a sinister melody. "We'll kill them all, just like this.....slowly, one by one. Their suffering will be your eternal punishment."

On his knees, Persian pleaded with the shadows, his voice raw with desperation. "Please, I'll do anything you want! Just stop this! Spare her!"

The shadows, however, showed no mercy. Their laughter, cruel and echoing, filled the air like a sinister symphony. "Oh, little prince, your desperation is almost touching," they sneered, their voices like icy tendrils creeping into his mind. "But you see, the time for deals has long passed. Now, it's simply time for you to witness the consequences of your actions."

Persian's heart twisted with helplessness, his eyes fixed on Seraphina, who writhed in pain as the shadows drained her life essence. Every gasp for air, every flicker of her weakening pulse, tore at his soul.

In a last-ditch effort, he shouted, "Take me instead! Let her go and take me!"

The shadows, however, only grew more malevolent. "Oh, how noble of you," they hissed, their voices dripping with sarcasm. "But your sacrifice won't change the inevitable. She will succumb to the darkness, and you will be left to suffer the guilt."

Tears welled in Persian's eyes as he watched Seraphina's strength wane, her life force being consumed by the shadows. His voice, now a desperate whisper, pleaded one final time, "Please, spare her. I'll do anything, just please... have mercy."

"you shouldn't have the right to speak of mercy" hissed the shadows...."Did they have mercy on us...did they?"

The shadows grip on Seraphina tightened. With a final, chilling cackle, they continued their relentless onslaught, indifferent to Persian's anguish, leaving him to witness the agony of his dearest friend.

As persian was watching on to the suffering of seraphina...a subtle memory flashed before his eyes...

He saw himself with Seraphina's mother on her death bed "take very good care of my little girl for me" cried Seraphina's mom as she took Persian's hand into her own...

"I will and that is a promise" said persian...

In the midst of despair, something within Persian shifted. A surge of raw power, fueled by desperation and rage, coursed through him. His body glowed with an ominous dark blue-black aura, a manifestation of his newfound strength.

With a roar that echoed across the field, Persian rose into the air, his eyes blazing with determination. He released every pent-up emotion, every fear, and every ounce of anger he had ever harbored. The force within him erupted, creating a powerful shockwave that obliterated the shadows surrounding him.

His eyes, once familiar, now glowed with an otherworldly intensity, a deep and haunting shade of dark blue. With newfound clarity, Persian flew towards Seraphina, repelling the shadows that dared to assail him. Each movement was filled with purpose and resolve.

Reaching Seraphina, he whispered an ancient incantation, "luminous lux."

As he uttered the words, his body glowed with a brilliant, blinding white light. The light expanded, spreading like a cleansing wave across the fields, obliterating every trace of the shadows that had tormented them.

In that moment, Persian's power had awakened, his will and determination forging a shield of pure light that banished the darkness. Seraphina, her eyes wide with awe and gratitude, watched as the shadows dissipated, leaving behind a newfound hope and the lingering echo of Persian's powerful magic.

As the brilliant light faded, the shadows dispersed into nothingness, leaving the field bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight. With their tormentors banished, Seraphina stood amidst the remnants of the magical onslaught, trying to comprehend the inexplicable events that had just unfolded.

Persian, his body exhausted from the immense outpouring of power, fell to the ground, unconscious. His breathing was shallow, and his features were etched with weariness. Seraphina rushed to his side, her hands trembling as she gently cradled his head in her lap.

The magnitude of Persian's strength left her in awe, yet a profound concern gripped her heart. How could someone she knew so well possess such extraordinary power and she was so oblivious to it? Questions swirled in her mind, but for now, all she could do was watch over him, feeling a mixture of gratitude and fear for the mysterious force that resided within him.

As she gazed at Persian's peaceful yet weary face, she whispered words of thanks to the night, her heart filled with a deep sense of appreciation for the miraculous intervention that had saved them both. In that moment, amidst the quiet aftermath of the supernatural battle.


Back at the Palace

Amon, his body still warm from the hot bath, entered his room, unaware that he wasn't alone.

Amon's footsteps halted at the sight of his father, Roy, sitting in his room, an unexpected and imposing presence. "Father," Amon gasped, his voice betraying his surprise. "What are you doing here? It's dangerous for you to be in the enemy's territory."

Roy's eyes, hardened by years of leadership, softened as he looked at his son. "I came to ensure your well-being, Amon. We may be in the time of war, but you are still my son," he said, his tone carrying both authority and paternal concern.

"But Father, if you're seen here, it could jeopardize everything," Amon protested, his worry evident.

Roy placed a reassuring hand on Amon's shoulder. "My son's wellbeing is greater than the risks, Amon. I must know how you're faring, even if it means taking calculated risks." His voice was steady, his conviction unwavering.

Amon nodded, understanding the weight of his father's words. "What do you need, Father?" he asked, a mixture of determination and trepidation in his eyes.

Roy reached into his cloak and pulled out a small vial containing a shimmering potion. "This is a creation from our homeland," he explained. "It weakens the enemy's armor, giving our magic wielders an advantage. You know what to do, my son."

Amon hesitated, the gravity of the situation sinking in. "I'll do whatever it takes to protect our people," he declared, his resolve firm.

Roy nodded, his eyes reflecting pride in his son's determination.

Amon said to his father "I just hope one day, father, you'll know that there's more to life than war,"

A rare hint of vulnerability in his voice. "Your mother longs to see you. Visit us sometime, just to assure her that you're safe" said Roy

With that, Roy stood up, his imposing figure silhouetted against the moonlit night. Amon watched his father leave, a mixture of admiration, love, and responsibility churning within him. As the door closed, Amon was left alone, grappling with the complexities of his duty,love and the enduring ties of family.

Persian's eyes fluttered open, greeted by the dim glow of candlelight casting eerie shadows on the walls of his chambers. The pain in his body served as a reminder of the night's horrors. As he tried to sit up, he found Amon sitting by his bedside, his expression etched with concern.

"Seraphina," Persian's voice cracked as he uttered her name, his heart gripped by fear. "Is she alright?"

Amon's eyes softened with reassurance. "She's safe, Persian. She brought you here.

She carried you on her back, shouting for help. She said you were attacked"

Persian's shouted "no, no, she's gonna ruin everything...where is she now"

"Seraphina is with the king, being questioned about the incident and the identity of the attackers." answered Amon.

Dread settled like a stone in Persian's chest. "No,no,no,"

Persian's mind raced, his thoughts a chaotic whirlwind. "I need to see her" he said urgently, attempting to rise from the bed.

Amon placed a firm hand on Persian's shoulder, urging him to stay. "You need to rest, Persian. You're not in any condition to go anywhere."

Persian's gaze turned determined. "I can't rest until I see her"

Amon sighed, understanding the depth of Persian's concern. "Alright, but promise me you'll take it easy. You're in no state for confrontations."

With a silent nod, Persian agreed. Together, they made their way to the king's chambers, where questions hung heavy in the air.

Persian rushed into the king's chambers just as Seraphina was about to reveal more about the attackers. The room fell silent as all eyes turned to him. The relief on the king and queen's faces was palpable as they saw their son conscious and alert once more.

"Persian!" The king exclaimed, his voice a mix of concern and joy. "You're awake. Thank the heavens."

Persian managed a weak smile, his eyes flickering with determination. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I heard Seraphina was being questioned about the attackers. I couldn't stay in bed knowing she might need help."

The queen stepped forward, her expression a mix of worry and relief. "Tell us, Persian, what happened? Who were these attackers?"

Persian took a deep breath, his mind working quickly to come up with a believable story. "They were just shallow thieves, Your Majesties," he said, his voice steady. "Masked men dressed in black, trying to blend into the night. They seemed after valuables, not knowing they had entered the palace grounds. I tried to stop them, but they attacked me and Seraphina."

Seraphina was confused because she knew persian was telling lies....but why?.

The king's brow furrowed with concern. "Are you hurt badly, my son?"

"I'll be fine, Father," Persian replied, his voice laced with determination. "Seraphina and I managed to fight them off, but they escaped into the darkness. We'll need to be vigilant and strengthen our security."

The queen nodded in agreement. "We'll ensure the palace guards are on high alert. Thank you, Persian, for protecting Seraphina and yourself."

Persian's heart raced with the weight of his lie, but he knew it was necessary to protect the truth about the shadows and the mysterious powers that lurked in the darkness. As he stood there, his eyes met Seraphina's, and in that shared glance, she understood that they needed to talk. The shadows had come dangerously close to exposing their secrets, and the battle to keep their world safe had only just begun.

The moment they were safely inside Persian's room, Seraphina turned to him with a fire in her eyes. "Persian, you have some explaining to do. Why did you lie to your family about the attackers?"

Persian sighed, understanding the urgency of the situation. "I had to, Phina. If I had told them the truth about the shadows and the powers I possess, it would have put everyone in danger. The less they know, the safer they are."

Seraphina frowned, her frustration palpable. "But keeping them in the dark won't protect them forever. They need to be prepared."

Persian gently took her hands in his, looking into her eyes with sincerity. "I promise, when the time is right,I will tell them everything. But for now, I need to focus on finding a way to deal with these shadows."

Slightly pacified, Seraphina nodded, and Persian suggested they go for a walk in the palace courtyard. The night air was cool, and the moonlight cast a silvery glow over the lush gardens.

As they strolled beneath the ancient trees, Persian began to share his fears and revelations. "I've been hearing whispers in my head, Phina. Dark, eerie voices that seem to come from nowhere. And in my dreams, I see these shadows, haunting and tormenting me. I don't know what they want, but they're growing stronger, more menacing."

Seraphina's expression softened with concern. "We can't ignore this, Persian. We need to find out what these shadows are and how to stop them. Maybe the Royal Library has some ancient texts that could help us."

Persian nodded, determination burning in his eyes. "You're right, Phina. I'll research and find a way to protect our kingdom and everyone we care about. But I will be cautious. These shadows are powerful and cunning. I can't afford to underestimate them."

Seraphina stopped and asked "I've noticed something....why do you keep saying..."I or I'll" like you are in this alone.

You are not planning on doing it without me, are you?"


Tears welled up in Persian's eyes as he looked at Seraphina, his voice quivering with regret. "I'm sorry, Phina. I didn't want it to come to this."

Seraphina's confusion turned to fear as she saw the dark blue glow in Persian's eyes. Before she could react, Persian,flicked his hand, suddenly, one of Seraphina's guards carried her to her royal carriage.

Seraphina wiggled and tried to escape the guards clutch but his grip was firm..

Phina ordered him to put her down but he didn't... That was hen she realised the guard was under persian's control.

The guards, under his magical influence, followed his silent commands. Seraphina felt a strange sense of calm settle over her. She recognized the self-sacrificing determination in Persian's eyes.

As the carriage sped away, Seraphina tried to understand. "Persian, why are you doing this? What is going on?"

Persian's voice, though strained, held conviction. "I can't let them harm you, Phina. There are forces at play beyond our understanding. I'm trying to protect you, even if it means I must bear this burden alone."

Seraphina, still trying to break free, reached out to him. "But we can face this together, find a way to fight back. You don't have to do this alone."

Persian managed a faint smile amidst his turmoil. "I need to buy you time, to keep you safe while I confront whatever darkness is haunting us. Please trust me, Phina."

Seraphina said "if you don't let me out of here...if you face these shadows alone...if you get yourself killed.....I will never forgive you"

Persian smiled "I can live knowing you will never forgive me but I can't live knowing you are at a place I can't reach....Goodbye phina"

With those words, the carriage carried them further away, leaving behind a conflicted Seraphina and a determined Persian.

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