
Elysium: The Divine System

What happens when an angel whose task is to protect humans has no understanding of the very people he needs to protect? You turn him into a human and make him live as one. The only way he can return to his home is by reaching level 100 and completing the tasks assigned to him by a system you created to teach unruly angels a lesson. This story takes place in two different "worlds" and involves a system. If this is something that interests you or you are simply curious, please give it a read. *The cover is from pinterest so please support the author there."

NkSchan · Fantasia
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42 Chs

Archive 4: Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime

Uriel had been standing by the door with a stern look on his face.

 Magnus swallowed his non existent saliva unconsciously.

There's was only one person in the entire universe that scared him, and that was his Master. And this thought still hold true till this day, however his second in command Uriel although wasn't as scary, but he came quite close.

He also couldn't figure him out at all, and people he couldn't figure out made him uncomfortable.

Of course this didn't mean that he hated Uriel, in fact Uriel was his best friend and his closest confidante.

He trusted him with his life but Uriel had this demeanour that made him seem like this impenetrable wall that was incapable of crumbling.

But it wasn't simply his demeanour that was intimidating, his appearance was no joke either.

He had long glossy raven coloured hair that was tied back in a low ponytail giving him a clean and refined look, and unlike most angels, Uriel had sharp features mixed with the typical soft features angels possessed, making him look both handsome and beautiful at the same time.

He had golden coloured eyes with silver hues that were slightly slanted, and was dressed in the training uniform that accented his tall and slim figure.

He had an oppressive presence that made you think twice about wanting to mess with him. He was also one of the most powerful angels in the Realm aside from myself.

Uriel was a gifted marksman and has never once missed a target.

What made him exceptionally unique was the fact that unlike other combat angels that were experts in a specific weapon, he could used any weapon with ease.

Any weapon you could possibly think of, Uriel had it in his arsenal, he was no short of weapons.

He was agile and quick on his feet, with battle awareness on par with my own. Despite his intimidating looks, his closed-off personal and cold demeanour, Uriel was the kindest angel he knew and he couldn't ask for a better friend and more importantly partner. 

It didn't change the fact that he was scary. He could definitely picture him guarding the gates of Hades. Magnus thought to himself. 

"I'm sorry, I got caught up in a conversation with the twins." He said while smiling sheepishly.

Sorry twins, looks like I'll be using you guys as a cover. Not very holy of him, but he made that the twins would be paid back for this sacrifice. 

"Right." Uriel replied back, eyeing his best friend suspiciously.

"What's the meeting about anyway? It's not like you to call one without prior notice."

Magnus didn't say anything and only gave him a look which made Uriel frown. 

Looks like this he's serious this time, Uriel thought to himself. 

It was finally time for the appointed gathering and everyone made their way into the meeting room. There was a total of two hundred combat angels gathered in the large room.

To better explain the layout, the training facility consisted of different chambers that each had their own purpose. And in one of the many rooms was a sort of conference room that was rarely used considering how much Magnus loathed meetings.

He found them stuffy and when he had something important to tell the group he would usually tell them via air mail or air tapes.

The other angels didn't mind this method and so Magnus kept up with this system.

However, there were times where it was absolutely necessary for them to meet in the conference room and this was usually for dangerous missions or task that needed to be completed right away.

Hence the reason why everyone it the room was tense.

One of the angels whispered to the other. "What do you think this meeting is about?" The other replied, "maybe there's a dispute between the Realms that might result to war?" The other replied back looking a little panicked, "I really hope not. Just the other mission drained me, I don't think I can handle another." The other angels nodded their head in agreement.

The other angels was going to say more when he suddenly felt someone staring at him, he turned to look and made eye contact with Commanding Officer Uriel, who looked like was about to obliterate him.

He quickly shut his mouth and turned to face the front. 

"Holy morning to you all." Magnus started.

"Since I know we are all busy, I'll try not to take too much of your time, however this needs to be said.

First and foremost, I would like to congratulate everyone for the hard work we've put in for this term.

I received our monthly Deiform's and are numbers were the highest in all of the Division.

I am proud of all of us, glory to the Heavenly Realms." Magnus finished saying with a smile on his face. 

He soon heard cries of joy and laughter among his soldiers, the whole room was filled with high spirits. This made him smile even more. 

"Glory to the Heavenly Realms!" They all shouted.

Magnus waited for everyone to calm down before continuing with his briefing. 

"Now according to the reports, there seems to a rising problems going on the Human Realm and the Power Division are having problems with keeping the situation under control. Therefore we have been tasked with an important mission."

Magnus paused, and looked around the room, trying to gauche his soldier's reactions.

Some looked confused, worried and others had knowing looks on their faces.

If Magnus could guess, he made the assumption that the people with the confused faces were wondering how severe the situation could be that even the Power Division couldn't deal with themselves, which he understood.

The worries faces, were most likely worried for their colleagues especially because of the severity of the situation, and lastly the knowing looks were probably the soldier's who had an idea about our role in this scenario.

Overall, it seemed like the got the gist of the situation.

He then turned to look at Uriel who was standing by his side, his face albeit void of any emotion, he could decipher that his friend was in deep thought. It would only take a couple of seconds for him to figure out what would be happening.

And surely enough when he figured it out, he immediately turned to look at Magnus his eyes widened. Magnus couldn't help but smile, which in turn made Uriel's face frown even deeper in confusion.

The Grand Chief quickly turned to face his soldiers once again. 

"Master has given us a mission. Since the Powers are having trouble dealing with this, it our duty to aid them and provide them with assistance.

Letting things go on like this will only cause more problems in the Human Realm, which cannot happen. His first task for us was picking fifty soldiers that will be going down to Earth alongside myself." 

Magnus then went on with his briefing, making sure not let out a single detail.

This included their roles, who would be qualified to go and what needed to be done.


"We will be leaving in ten days. I will be sending an air message to the people chosen for this mission.

I would like to clarify, that I deem every single one of you as qualified for this mission, you are my solders, one of the best soldiers in the Divisions, and even you are not picked, worry not because there will be many more missions in the future.

I am proud of every single one of you, and this task will be completed without failure. That is all." 

He finally finished his briefing after an hour. 

Uriel has finally been introduced. He's Magnus' bestie.

He exudes dark/cold beauty energy lol.

Uriel: U-ri-uh-l

NkSchancreators' thoughts