
ELENA (The Tale Untold)

This tale is dedicated to a female psychopath named Elena. More precisely 'E'. Who tortures people to feed her insanity and use the excuse of reasoning, that they deserve to die. It's also about the boy who is infatuated with her. And sees more to her than insanity. A computer hacker? A genius programmer? Or just the guy with an unsettled past? As the time goes, her routined crime killing attracts the unwanted attention around. Attention of someone who was never in the picture, handsome- but mysterious- officer. Who is just more than obsessed than her case of brutal killing. The world she had planned started to crumble apart. And her way of tackling her inner demon get lost too... Her sanity? Was that even there? And if it was always there, then why did she hide it? A pragmatic and sensational novel whose theme revolved around the campaigns and series of dark taboos of life. As she tackles with several emotions like hate, love, betrayals and more, she changes. For the better? Or for the worst? Join the thrilling life of Elena as she tackles with her inner devil. But if the cost is priceless, can she take it? ----------------------------------------- "What about love?"He abruptly queried me while I was quoting the last sentence and surprisingly I didn't know the answer. I got quiet what is love? How it even work? I control everything for myself including all emotions but emotions can't be controlled, so I was never made to love, right... Yes the demon was once an angel But there was a reason he became a demon. Or maybe he was always a demon just deluded to be an angel...

thplatonicwitch · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs


The plan is nothing,

Planning is everything.



The stuttering of my words and the trembling of my hands, my footsteps shaking and hair being a mess. My body language was telling how scared I was. I was successful in manipulating these people from the start about how I can never be a killer. Two police guys were already trapped in the misery that a girl like me can never commit even a crime; forget about a murder.

This much? Only for a guy. Isn't this naive?

We left the edifice while I trembled on every step and they helped me to keep up the pace. I sat in their car which was quite comfortable. Two police officers were beside me and one took the front seat. The driver looked quite suspicious of me. And he was exchanging glances with them probably about why I'm not cuffed.

Easy to please, easy to fool.

The human mind is nothing but a manipulative tool.

That includes me too.

Nevertheless, I pushed back my scramble thoughts and looked in the mirror in front. I realised how puffed my eyes were from all that crying but it's worth it.

We drove around the city, as the Dunden Police station was quite far from my apartment. I wanted to sleep right now without giving a fuck to any of them. But that would suggest how comfortable I am in the lion's den. And only who is stronger than the lion and more fearful than him; can be comfortable. And that is the idea I wouldn't like to give. After all, my hard-working eyes who cried all hour will be in vain if it doesn't proceed as I planned.

All three guys were taking me as a naive and innocent teenager. Of course, they have the information about me being 19 years old. But for me, they are just immature handsome fellows as the two beside me look like interns, hardly 22 years old. And the guy in front looks like 27 or something. These guys without experience taking me in just show how they think I'm not the murderer. And only one guy is a full-time officer.

Immature? At 22

Well, I'm 21!

Age doesn't determine my maturity, experience does.

After driving off, I'm surprised it took less than an hour. We got to the police station and it was quite clean. I guess it's the main branch so yes. The walls were white and I saw a bunch of policemen and women going here and there. Some were sorting something. And some were writing some reports and interrogating some people. There were some lawyers too, their dressing says it all. The long black coat pants. They were arguing with the police guys. None of it aroused my interest as I was looking for the guy with blue eyes.

They were all wearing the same uniforms. Yep the standard Canadian police uniform. The driver who drove us was not in sight. The guys who sat beside me in the car also left. Only the front seat policemen were with me. Strange?

They're taking me too lightly!

Perfectly according to the plan.

He told me to follow him and I did. And then told me to sit in the interrogation room. I have seen it before, I thought.

Yeah, now I remember. It was when the West gang guy got caught and I was here to testify for him. Yep, I was in the west gang. I was the one who made it prosperous and then I was also the one who destroyed it.

"Kudos to the impulsive past me", I giggled while making sure no one heard me.

After some time one guy came. And he looked like a middle-aged guy with a beard and he had pity plastered on his face with sunken eyes and a feeble smile. He gave me directions to a place called lock-up. I vaguely followed him while I looked like a messed up teen. I'm even disgusted by my appearance right now.

"Hey little girl. Don't worry, you will be able to get out easily and no one will touch you. Don't be scared." The middle-aged guy finally said after a century of looking at me with contempt.

"Really? I'm scared." I mumbled while my words were cracking and I seriously wanna laugh like hell at my acting. If Dr Sean was here. he would be pointing out where I acted wrong. Yep, I'm talking about the guy who gave me the skills I have now, the best surgeon skills.

Also the one Sylvia loved like hell.


I sat in lock up and saw two guys drooling over each other whom I remember as Matthew and Simon. The two well-known guys of the east Ontario gang, who wanted me to join them. But tusk! Tusk! Tusk! Their leader died in my hands. They must be looking for me like crazy.

"Pity them ." I whistled slowly while I smirked to the fullest.

They don't even know my face.

That's the fun. Vincent deserved to die.

"You! Come." Someone said and I left my thoughts. It was the guy in the front seat looking a little haggard. He looked like a guy who would always eat doughnuts. It can be seen from the huge size of his waist. Now, they have gotten the time to interrogate me and my acting skills start from here.

I followed him again to the interrogation room and sat there. I was shivering with fear and my puffed-up eyes were being visually impaired. Also I really wanted to sleep so that added the spice on top of my look.

A guy came in and it didn't even take a second for me to realise who he was . He was none other than Anem Scotts. The 23-year-old male with eyes as blue as the ocean and hair as dark as the night. But still not as dark as Hilmen. Having the height of 181 cm, a little more than Hilmen, born on the 2nd of November. Hilmen has 29th April. Yep, my memory is way too good when it comes to this. But why do I feel like I have met him before? His composure of how he walks. I have seen it before.

Aren't I comparing him to Hilmen again?

It was a casual physical impression I got.

How long can I hide?

Maybe, until the very end.

"You are a suspect here. Not the murderer so stop crying." He flatly said while looking at my puffy eyes. Not a hint of pity lurking on his face.

He's looking at me rather strangely. I can sense that easily. Also his voice; I have heard this voice where.

"Yes!" I screamed. I guess it's a little loud.

"What?" He asked.

"Umm, nothing." He's the hot fellow who saved me from tripping over and didn't let me kill that stupid teenager. Why is he acting like he doesn't know me?

And at that time, he was acting like a caring friend.

"My intuition is always right. He's a jerk."

So stay away.

I will. I only love one respectful jerk. But I'm not letting him know that, as long as he is there, it will be fine.

"Shall we start questioning?" He said professionally. And I collected my thoughts before they would make me burst.

"Yes," I said, in a cracking voice. I'm missing my dominant voice.

"Where were you last night?"

"I was in Suho. I had a trip with my friend," I said being honest .

"Can you tell me everything?" He asked in a calming tone.

"I work in Colborne Medical Centre. I am tired from work these days. So I thought of going to Suho with my friend. We walked around the village, enjoyed the wind, took shelter in a hotel and enjoyed our stay. There we saw an old house without a lock. We looked around, no one was there so we snuck in. It was pretty. Then we got out of there, as I had to work another day. We didn't stay there for a night and came back." The audacity of my testimony is quite high, and I calculated well.

They can work my testimony against me.

I know, that's why I told them everything without telling them everything.

I said with honest eyes and a crying soul. But it's all the truth except the fact the old house was pretty.

"Who's your friend?" It looked more like a personal question coming out scrawny from his mouth.

"It's Hilmen Tibet. Do you want his number?" I asked like an innocent teenager.

Someone came and told this guy how what I said was all real. From the routes and everything. And I was admiring his jaw-dropping beauty while sitting there. But his personality destroys it. They both kept their talk while I stared at the things around me.

"Do you wanna know why you are a suspect?" He asked me while looking right into my eyes. Which made me look into his eyes too. I just have an urge to always win the glaring contest.

"Y...e...s? If the real murderer won't kill me." I said which made him break into a laugh and I gotta admit his laugh is really pretty. But he also had that dangerous aura surrounding him. Hilmen doesn't have that.

Kill him

Better safe than sorry

But I'm gonna play.

"Your hair was found at the crime scene."

"What crime scene?" I asked like a lost puppy.

"A guy named Carson Simuel was killed and not just killed. He was slaughtered..."

"And?" I asked.

"I shouldn't tell you or you will get scared. Tomorrow we will have your friend and colleagues testify for you. If everything goes well, you will be out."

"Btw do you have a twin sister?" He asked abruptly which confused me .


"Oh okay."

"Why are you asking that?" I said, trying to dig for some information.

"Nothing, but you sure are pretty." He chuckled before he got up.

I was in a daze not because of the compliment. I got tons of it. The way he looks at me is very different. You can say it's a mix of the look that Hilmen gave me when I came in the room and Sierra gave me when I walked past her.

The look of desperation and obsessiveness with the hint of hatred.

Or the feeling of love?

I'm very good at reading faces and minds. That's what gets me overwhelmed every time. But I don't like troubles at all. I hope I'm wrong, I don't want another guy...

He left and I got back in the lock-up. This time it was a different one. It was pretty clean and no species of human was there. I sat there looking hopeless when I actually was just waiting for them to leave me alone. So that I can get my beauty sleep.


Ah, I can't sleep at all. It's 6 in the morning. Normally I'm lost in my fantasy world right now but here I am .

"What did she mean by looking at the email when you wake up?"

"I normally wake up in the afternoon and she knows that. She wants me to look at the email in the afternoon!" I really wanna look but curiosity kills the cat. I remember her words. I wonder how her cat is doing?

It's not the time for that.

To drift my thoughts I chose to take a walk and do my breakfast outside. So I walked to the nearest coffee shop and ordered an American and some toast. Elena likes a cappuccino I thought.

I grabbed the newspaper in front as I was waiting and WTF.

A young adult guy was found slaughtered in a house of Suho. And as the suspect has been caught; the police are still interrogating because the girl is quite young. They haven't disclosed the information so we can't conclude yet...

"Elena is caught? By the police!" I choked on air. But as soon as I was gonna run the Olympics my mind told me about the email. I ran to the house after getting my order. Starbucks? They are fast.

I read the email where Elena elucidated how she had left her hair there. And they are gonna catch her and then because of her acting skills and then testimonies of all colleagues she is gonna get out.

"But why go through that shit?" I screamed confusingly.

Then I read how she wants to catch that clingy guy. "Just for THAT?" I muttered random shit. She really goes too far just for that guy. Why can't we just kidnap him and get the information?

Because he's not as stupid as you.

"I fucking hate all this. She has also said for me not to come. Or it WILL BE SUSPICIOUS, my foot!" I got the call to testify in the afternoon, at 3 pm at most. And I wanted to run right now but I sat here for Elena's sake.

She plans everything so perfectly. Even me? I'm just a part of her plan. Mom; everything- she takes humans as pawns of her chess game.

She's such a devil, I shouldn't fall for her. I will stay away from her.

I mumbled when I knew how I'm never gonna follow that.