
ELENA (The Tale Untold)

This tale is dedicated to a female psychopath named Elena. More precisely 'E'. Who tortures people to feed her insanity and use the excuse of reasoning, that they deserve to die. It's also about the boy who is infatuated with her. And sees more to her than insanity. A computer hacker? A genius programmer? Or just the guy with an unsettled past? As the time goes, her routined crime killing attracts the unwanted attention around. Attention of someone who was never in the picture, handsome- but mysterious- officer. Who is just more than obsessed than her case of brutal killing. The world she had planned started to crumble apart. And her way of tackling her inner demon get lost too... Her sanity? Was that even there? And if it was always there, then why did she hide it? A pragmatic and sensational novel whose theme revolved around the campaigns and series of dark taboos of life. As she tackles with several emotions like hate, love, betrayals and more, she changes. For the better? Or for the worst? Join the thrilling life of Elena as she tackles with her inner devil. But if the cost is priceless, can she take it? ----------------------------------------- "What about love?"He abruptly queried me while I was quoting the last sentence and surprisingly I didn't know the answer. I got quiet what is love? How it even work? I control everything for myself including all emotions but emotions can't be controlled, so I was never made to love, right... Yes the demon was once an angel But there was a reason he became a demon. Or maybe he was always a demon just deluded to be an angel...

thplatonicwitch · Teen
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18 Chs


I learned to observe other people. That's sort of what it teaches you.

To pay attention,

Which can also be a really natural human skill.



We walked in and I saw the blondie fighting for his life. Actually just trying to get up. Yeah I do have the reason to call him a blondie. He has that dirty blonde hair colour and golden eyes and most of all he is blind. Like who killed his sister just because they share different opinions and have different preferences. As we came, his gaze was totally diverted to Elena and this blondie was looking at Elena rather fiercely.

"Can you see?" Elena asked calmly after setting herself up. On the comfy chair beside the bed on which blondie was plopping.

Blondie just nodded his head to ensure the yes. I guess he didn't have any energy to say anything. I pity him.

You should pity yourself.

"Okay, follow my fingers." Elena started making a smile in the air from her fingers and blondie kept following it. The last time I saw that calm attitude and smiley face was when Elena loved me. So yeah never.

That was brutal.


Slap on the face!

"Hey, car blind! can you hear properly?" I grinned while asking him. So that I can be included in this situation too.

"Car blind??" Elena asked confusingly. While diverting her attention from the patient in checking.

"Well, he is blond and his name is Carson; so carblind."

"Isn't it?" I said while halting my smile, but I broke into a giggle.

"That's such a lame pun," Elena said while having a straight face. But it did look like she was holding her chuckle too.

You can smile

I wanted to tell her.

"I can hear. And my name is Carson," Carson said. With a face that he can't wait to slap me but bitch doesn't have the energy to do so. And he's going to die soon so he can have a good time.

What a good person you're?

"Okay, forget his lame puns. Carson rests well here. I'm a tourist and this is my boyfriend...we were....so that's your luck...evening." I was so shocked that I didn't even hear what she said after that. I'm still mesmerised by the word BOYFRIEND. Man what? What! What- I'm screaming on top of my lungs but my lips still can't even grin. I'm lost in my fantasy and it's so beautiful. Man, I'm dancing like barbie even though my voice sounds like a donkey. Yeah I mean the voice I'm singing in my head.

Hold your horses. Relationships are meant to be broken.

Which shitty philosopher said that?

Your beautiful insecurity.

"Heyyy!" Elena slapped on top of my head. And her brown sweater tugged a little between my hair stands and the button. But it got loose as soon as it got tugged.

What luck I have!

I came back from my rollercoaster when she snapped me once again.

"Hey!" She shouted.

"Yeah." I replied to no one in particular while smiling like crazy as I was twitching while standing.

She slapped again, this time on my face. It's the third time I guess.

"What?" I shouted this time fully back in my conscience.

"Are you back? Were you possessed before?" She asked.

"No..." I said. Because seriously I was fighting the notion of what I should be saying. It just happens sometimes.

Elena dragged me from that room. With the remark that blondie should rest and I was dying to ask why she came up with such an excuse.

Yeah because she likes you...

Dumb head.

"What happened to you?" She said while putting her hand on my forehead to check if I have a fever. Even her hands are so cold but warm and soft and pretty and...

"Umm, the thing is, why did you do that?" I said after pushing back the thoughts of her mesmerising hands. While my teeth were all out and my eyebrows were going up and down excitedly waiting for the reply.

"What?" Elena flatly replied.

"You know, boyfriend?" I asked again, this time putting stress on the word boy-friend.

"So should I have said you are a friend. So I'm a city modern girl out in a village living in the same compartment with my FRIEND?

Do I look like a bitch?" Elena said sarcastically while chuckling.

It doesn't sound that weird.

I was waiting for better excuses.

No, you were waiting for honest replies.

"Ohh..." I replied in a feeble voice. Am I a puppy or something? I get angry when she doesn't look at me and one smile or word from her can drive me crazy. "WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?" I screamed.

"I DON'T WANNA LIVE FOREVER." Elena answered while walking outside from this place.

"What?" I wailed.

"I'm completing the song," she said. And her footsteps were gone.

Her voice is so intriguing. Everything about her is good and that's the worst thing because I don't get bored of her at all.

Even if all her dominant points fade, you will still love her.


You have fallen hard.

Who knows? She might be in love with me too.

I got a message from Elena telling me to buy a knochenbreacher . After I settled myself in Mom's room while Elena was resting in the room opposite mine.

"Konchem Teacher ?" I tried to pronounce the word confusingly.

"Now, what the hell is that?" I mumbled.

Then I read another message saying Messer knife which looked like a word with an origin so I searched and wtf.

"Is she gonna become a butcher? Now she will slaughter buffaloes??"

"Wait..." I remember her words of slaughtering Carson. Fuck! Fuck! fuck!

"Okay, calm down. I also killed 3 people just in the morning. Wait, I KILLED 3 PEOPLE. I shouldn't have joined her. Mommmmm save me, save me." I'm so timid but I need to do it since I joined her. She hates people who leave halfway. Now that I have already done so much; I guess I won't stop. Maybe she will look at me differently if I can stand beside her, firmly.

Since it's a village it was easy to find a knochemeteacher. Man, I will just call it a brutal knife.

Now it was evening . I had already bought that brutal knife. And from the moment I have given it to Elena; she has been looking at it like I look at her.


No, lovingly.

"My pretty knife," Elena mumbled.

"Are you going crazy?" I asked while being a little scared but showing no hostility.

"Yep, I'm so excited and it's driving me crazy."

"So what will you do?" I asked with a dominant voice while trying my best to not lose calm.

"He's going to come because it has been a long time since he started to feel better. I'm gonna tell him with reasons about what he did was right. And then tell him about all the money that will belong to him and property now that his sister is dead. Then as he will be smiling with hope lingering in veins I'm gonna knock him out. You know my skills right? Then you're gonna hang him like a piñata. The white cloth will be used to cover his eyes. Then I will tell him why I'm gonna kill him and how. Then I will untie the cloth. He's gonna see my face and then I will slaughter him." She explained with such calm composure that I'm even questioning if she knows what she said.

"Elena, I always wanted to ask, where did you learn those skills ?" I said while changing the topic or I will start vomiting if I keep listening to that.

"God-given," she replied, not paying attention to me.

"Ah, yeah," I muttered.

"You don't have to be so mysterious with me," I mumbled, annoyingly.

"You wouldn't like to know my past, so don't try to know it," she said while observing her notch teacher or whatever. But it looked like those words directly pierced through my soul.

What have you gone through?

I wanted to ask but I was in no position to do so.

After some time, that blondie came. Elena firmly changed her expression from an intimidating monster to a pretty modern girl.

Everything happened just like she described; even smoother. She first told him how leslies and gays should die because they destroy the natural discrepancy. And how what he did was so good. But wait a damn minute! Why is he not questioning Elena about how she knows him? Didn't she say we were tourists? Wait I was gone to my fantasy Disneyland so I didn't hear her. What exactly did she say that he's convinced of? Wasn't this guy known to be clever? Well he's a blondie, what can you expect?

You racist.

I'm sorry.

"Umm, I shouldn't disrespect blondies, but they sure are vegan..." I cracked at my joke forgetting what's gonna happen.

I started paying attention again. Now they were on the lottery part and that guy started smiling like hell. And I'm flatly amused at the fact that this guy is straight-up believing in all the fed-up lies told by Elena. And my fear was lurking in and here it is.

Elena knocked him out. Like seriously she just knocked his neck. And he didn't even have the chance to resist. I started my work and hung him up with the help of the buckle bound to the roof. She told me to do it outside the spare room in front of the kitchen as it will be easy to clean.

Please let me get buried in the ground.

I won't ask for anything.

I couldn't see a hint of fear on her face which just made me more scared. She tied the cloth and splashed some water right on his face. He was up again.

"What's this, who motherfucker did this?" He screamed while he was hanged.

Why am I here ?

"Shut up and listen. Now you are playing as a piñata. You see, my birthday was long before but I didn't do the piñata play. So will you help me?"

"What rubbish?" He screamed and she slapped him while smirking.

God, help me.

I take back the word that I love her.

"You killed your sister because you didn't like her opinions. So I will slaughter you cause I don't like you. It's a valid reason right?"


"Well, do kill me. I'm not scared. There are many like me. You can't send all of them to die." Blondie screamed and spat some saliva out.

"Why do you think I want to end all of you? You are so cheeky. Do I look like an embodiment of justice who will kill the homophobic?" She untied the piece of cloth. he saw Elena in her real estate . Yeah I forgot to tell. Elena wore her black long boots and red top and black dress with a coat and dark red lipstick after knocking him out.

She did bring everything for today. He saw Elena and was both mesmerised and scared because his expressions were both amusing and frightening .

Elena put the blade in front and cut her finger slightly. But I think it got a little deeper. Maybe to show how sharp it is but it gave a haggard feeling inside me when she twitched a little. I was standing as far as I could from both of them watching the scene as it unfolds.

Before he started screaming, Elena had already held her sabre. I will say in the air and she slew HIM like a butcher.

She kept doing it until the voice was gone and the blood spouted all around the room. It was a horrifying sight.

It can't be a beautiful sight.

But Elena only got little drops on her face which she cleaned. And then told me to use that sterile alcohol and soap water all around that place that we bought earlier.

"We have to leave early. let's clean it and leave." She declared calmly while looking at all the mess.

"Clean? Why don't we burn it? Also, why leave early?" I asked while trying my best to distract my attention from what happened just now.

"You will know." We both clean it. And surprisingly Elena did help me with alcohol and cleaning the footprints. She even sat on the ground to pick some remains and her hair was tangled up. We cleaned it and disposed of all the things by burning them. We got out from there and we left the body there and I don't know the fuck Elena is trying to do.

We left after doing everything fastly and honestly I have no idea what's gonna happen. I drove the Lamborghini while the handle kept being swift and I just got away from a serious accident. We were in Ottawa in less than 2 hours and it was past midnight. I don't know why we ended everything in a day. And it was the most haunted day in my life.

We exchanged goodbye and left. She told me to check my email tomorrow morning, not now. Which made me utterly confused.


"So now is the right time. 2 hours have passed. Why are they so slow?" I mumbled while I was sitting on my bed.

Someone knocked on the door loudly, making me hissed.

"Ahan, here they come." I grinned as I jerked myself up. Walked to the door and opened it.

"Miss Elena Ravendale. You are under arrest for the murder of Carson. In Suho. Just two hours before."

"Me?" I said while tears were slipping from my eyes. And my cute face was enough to melt even the coldest eyes.

"Umm. You have the right to remain silent or the right to the attorney." The middle man between two police guys said while his face looked disturbed.

"Ahhhhh!" I started screaming while my cheeks were turning red. I was crying on top of my lungs.

"Are you stupid? She is just a suspect. shut up!. Hey little girl, let's go. I'm sure you are not a culprit. Even the most heinous killers can't kill like that, alone a little girl."

Different identities are perfect in different situations.

They took me without even cuffing my hands and I guess my plan is a success.

I grinned as we walked out.