

Sophie Wharton was just like any other normal girl who was going to step into her new life that was a college. We all can relate with her, we think college as a chance to escape from our old self and find our new self. But who knew that she will accidentally step into a magical society. The moment she stepped into magical society her life become closer to hell. Her parents were almost get killed because of her. There is something that you all should know that this magical society does not tolerate humans. Little sneak peak from chapter 5- The Invitation card "It is an emergency," Master Wayne said. "This morning a human entered here..." "You mean here, magical realm..." Draven said, looking concerned. "As a matter of fact, yes," Master Wayne said. "How is that even possible?" "She got an invitation card," Master Wayne gave the card to the headmaster. "She must have applied to our human school," Master Wayne suggested. "Even then I have not sent any invitation this year," Draven said, getting worried. "Sir, what do we do," Master Wayne asked. "Kill her," Draven said without hesitation. Find out what happened, Will she be killed even if she died will she will be able to reincarnated. Readers if you want to find out the illustration that I chose to represent my characters then follow me on: Instagram-@ryan_writer6 This will help you to visualize and will make the story interesting for you. Happy reading.

Ryan_Writer · Fantasia
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106 Chs

Training Part-I

In Dakota's room.

Xion and Dakota both were taking bath together. Dakota hugged him from the back. Xion turned towards her and they kissed. Then came out and was wearing gowns. Xion sat on the bed it looked from his expression that he was thinking of something.

"What are you thinking?" Dakota asked, drying her hairs.

"I am thinking about Ikaria and Abel," Xion said.

"Don't take their name, I get angry," Dakota said, sitting on Xion's lap.

Dakota wrapped her hands around Xion's neck and he holds her from her ass.

"By the way...what were you thinking about them?" Dakota asked.

"I was thinking...how much they could know more..." Xion speaks, getting serious.

"The Mirror Church...and prisons..."

"I know..." Dakota said and nodded.

"I am afraid,"

"I think we have to get them to talk," Xion said.

"Will they talk?"

"I have a plan," Xion said.


In the Ikaria's room.

"Ikaria, they know that the Map is stolen," Abel said, running his one hand in the hair and another hand resting on the waist. He looked slightly scared.

"I did not think...they will know this soon," Ikaria said, making a fist. She had an angry expression.

"Soon they will start searching," Abel sat on the bed, his hand was trembling.

"Don't worry, I am here for you," Ikaria said, holding his hand and hugged each other.


Sophie was in her room, she took off her clothes and dumped them into the same basket under the washbasin. She took a wonderful bath and cleaned herself. She came wrapped a towel around her body and another towel on her hairs. She dialed Laura on her cell.

"What to wear for the training?" Sophie asked, sitting on the bed.

"Your uniform," Laura said.

"It got dirt so I dumped it,"

"Dumped it...where," Laura confused.

"In the basket under the washbasin,"

"Wait...I am coming," Laura disconnected.

Laura barged into Sophie's room. She was wearing her uniform. She went directly into the washroom and got the basket.

"What are you doing?" Sophie asked.

Laura did the basket upside down and nothing came from it.

"What the fuck...Where are my clothes?" Sophie wondered, standing up from the bed.

"It's an infinite loop," Laura explained, holding the basket.

"What...why they put there," Laura said, feeling melancholy.

"It acts like a dustbin," Laura said.

"Wait...my undergarments are also gone," Sophie said, grabbing her boobs.

"That's not the problem,"

"Why not...I don't have anymore," Sophie said, explaining her uncertainty.

"Wardrobe will give you," Laura said.

"What do you mean?" Sophie asked, getting annoyed.

"Omg...you haven't checked the wardrobe magic," Laura said, getting cutely shocked.

Laura dragged Sophie towards her wardrobe then she opened it.

"What?" Sophie said, getting annoyed.

"Ask for your undergarment," Laura ordered.

Sophie stood and watched Laura for a while.

"Underwear," Sophie said, showing no interest at all.

A pair of pink color underwear appeared in the wardrobe.

"Were you thinking of pink color?" Laura asked.

Sophie nodded with the underwear in her hands. Sophie screamed and started to jump, her eyes were filled with joy. Her towel dropped on the floor.

"I didn't see anything," Laura said, her eyes were opened all the time.

Sophie grabbed her towel and wrapped it tightly.

"You just gave me an ocean to drink," Sophie said, getting excited.

"Still you cannot have your uniform from here," Laura said.

"Who wants that shit now,"

Laura sat on the bed.

Sophie one by one baked clothes in the wardrobe and Laura repeatedly rejected it. After a while, Sophie baked a pair of track pants and a sport full sleeves t-shirt that Laura accepted.


In the training hall. Laura and Sophie thought they were the first ones to reach there but they were completely wrong. Master Wayne appeared out of the thin air in front of them.

"Ah...," Sophie got startled. She touched her heart and took some steps back.

"Where is your uniform?" Master Wayne asked, completely expressionless.

"I think I need a new one," Sophie said, making a cute face.

"Laura you go," Master Wayne ordered.

Sophie saw Laura walking towards the walls as she was watching her Laura disappeared into the wall.

"Where did she go?" Sophie asked.

"Training," Master Wayne said.

"You will be with me,"

"INCIPERE," Master Wayne incanted.

The hall was brightened up with endless chandeliers and the combat training equipment were starting to appear. There were all types of weapon for instance long swords of stainless steels in the corner were shinning, different types of arrowheads in the other corner, daggers, bow arrows and target practice boards, etc. Sophie was too excited to hold a real sword but her dream broke when Master Wayne gave her a sword made of wood.

"Are you kidding me?" Sophie said, holding the sword.

"It's for your safety," Master Wayne said, holding the twin of that sword.

Master Wayne asked her to follow him. Sophie raised the sword near her face. She placed her left leg at the back and right in front. She held the sword with her both hands. She strokes it three times in the air. She practiced it until the sword got stabled in her hands. Then Master Wayne started to strike at her and she was supposed to block. With the gap of three seconds he stroke three times repeatedly. Sophie saved it. It was Sophie's turn to strike at him. She did but Master Wayne wanted to be harder. She stroke repeatedly and at last, she broke Master Wayne's sword. Master Wayne was not enthusiastic as always. He was with his thoughts.

"Master, are you okay?" Sophie asked.

"I am okay,"

"Master, I am sorry for my behaviour," Sophie apologized.

"It's okay, you were angry,"

"Master, Can I ask you something?" Sophie asked.


"Why Draven wanted to kill my parents?" Sophie asked.

"Whatever happened to your parents...but I know for sure that the headmaster cannot commit this kind of things..." Master Wayne said.

Sophie did not say for some seconds but just starred at Master Wayne.

"I want to meet him," Sophie said.

"I don't think so," Master Wayne suggested.

"Why so,"

Master Wayne kept quiet.

"I have something to tell you," Sophie said.

"What?" Master Wayne said, in a low voice.

"They know I am a human," Sophie said.

"What..." Master Wayne said eyes widened, ears danced.

"Did they try to kill you?" Master Wayne asked, getting tensed.

"Not yet," Sophie said.

Suddenly they all entered from the top. They all were sweating and walked towards Master Wayne.

"Master Annon was absent, today," Xion said.

"I know, he is on the leave," Master Wayne said.

"I hope this is not water," Master Wayne commented, glaring at the sweat.

"Definitely not, master," Altogether except Sophie said.

"Dismiss," Master Wayne said and left.

Thank you for bearing the slow chapter. Tune in for mystery and conspiracies.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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