

Sophie Wharton was just like any other normal girl who was going to step into her new life that was a college. We all can relate with her, we think college as a chance to escape from our old self and find our new self. But who knew that she will accidentally step into a magical society. The moment she stepped into magical society her life become closer to hell. Her parents were almost get killed because of her. There is something that you all should know that this magical society does not tolerate humans. Little sneak peak from chapter 5- The Invitation card "It is an emergency," Master Wayne said. "This morning a human entered here..." "You mean here, magical realm..." Draven said, looking concerned. "As a matter of fact, yes," Master Wayne said. "How is that even possible?" "She got an invitation card," Master Wayne gave the card to the headmaster. "She must have applied to our human school," Master Wayne suggested. "Even then I have not sent any invitation this year," Draven said, getting worried. "Sir, what do we do," Master Wayne asked. "Kill her," Draven said without hesitation. Find out what happened, Will she be killed even if she died will she will be able to reincarnated. Readers if you want to find out the illustration that I chose to represent my characters then follow me on: Instagram-@ryan_writer6 This will help you to visualize and will make the story interesting for you. Happy reading.

Ryan_Writer · Fantasy
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106 Chs

Surviving The Maze Part II

Sophie and Xion were just going to get die under the weight of the falling cloud which was supposed to be light. Fortunately, they dodged it. The road behind them was getting destroyed at a fast pace.

"Fast," Dakota shouted.

The mirror was just some steps away. Laura stood near the mirror and stretched her hand to help. Dakota jumped into the mirror.

"Behind you," Dakota warned.

Xion turned around he saw the whole place was filled with hot lava below the ending road. The path was quickly getting end. Xion thought that he may not be able to make it to the mirror so, he threw Sophie in the mirror. Sophie landed on Laura, they fell to the ground. Dakota too fell because they had not untied the rope. Dakota sat up and watched Xion falling into the destroying world.

"Xion..." Dakota shouted, cried out.

Dakota went near the mirror. Sophie and Laura sat and realized they lost Xion. Dakota was about to jump in the mirror in sorrow but Sophie immediately pulled her.

"Are you gone nuts?" Sophie said, keeping her emotions locked inside.

Dakota was crying, loudly. Suddenly they saw a hand on the almost destroyed mirror. Then they saw Xion's face. They immediately went closer to him and pulled him. Dakota pulled his one hand and Sophie another while Laura pulled Sophie. Xion got up and sat. They all panted.

"Xion, watch out," Sophie shouted, pointing at the mirror.

The mirror behind Xion started to shake. Xion crawled towards them. The mirror with the time broke and its glasses fell on the ground. With the luck, no one got hurt by the broken mirror.

"You bastard," Laura said, hugging Xion.

She was beating him with her hand in the name of love. Xion was smiling and on the other hand, Laura and Sophie hugged.

"What would happen to me without you?" Dakota Moaned.

"I am alive," Xion said, wiping Dakota's tears.

He took care of her and helped her stand up they still were hugging. Sophie watched both of them and turned away. Xion saw Sophie and grabbed her hand. They talked through their eyes then he let go of her hand. Laura was there all the time and tried to digest everything she was watching. Dakota and Xion stopped hugging.

"Thank you for saving me," Sophie addressed everyone.

"By the way...What is this place?" Sophie noticed around her.

"It's the mirror room...all the mirrors you are seeing here are prisons," Dakota said.

"...and I was in one of them," Sophie sighed. Everybody nodded.

"Sophie," Laura said.

"How you got there?" Laura asked.

"I remember you went directly to your room,"

"I don't remember exactly," Sophie said.

"I met Ikaria...when I was about to go inside my room," Sophie explained.

"After that, I was in there..."

"We will think about that later," Xion said.

"First let's get out of here,"

"Wait...Where is Abel?" Xion noticed.

"Ikaria came and took him," Laura said.

"What then how we escape now," Xion said, getting tensed.

"We can teleport," Dakota said.

"Can we use magic?" Xion asked.

Dakota nodded and they all made a circle. Sophie again held her breath. A tornado started to form around them and within a second they vanished.


Ikaria put Abel on her bed. They were in Ikaria's room. He moved backwards and rested his back. Ikaria got a medical kit from her bathroom. She sat beside him and before applying any ointment she opened a small bottle. The material inside of the bottle was shining.

"What is this?" Abel asked in a low voice.

"It will heal you from inside," Ikaria said.

He drank the potion then Ikaria started to apply the ointment on his bruises.

"Did Dakota do this to you?" Ikaria asked.

Abel nodded.

"Don't worry I will make her pay," Ikaria said.

"I am sorry," Abel said in a low voice.

"Now, they know the secret of 'Mirror Church',"

"It's okay," Ikaria said.

"Do they know about the map?" Ikaria asked.

"No," Abel answered.

After the ointment, the bruises completely disappeared from Abel's face and that potion had healed the broken bones. The ointment was made with magical herbs. He quickly fully recovered. Ikaria removed his clothes which were covered in blood and discarded them. Ikaria too removed her clothes and she held Abel's hand. They both together went into the bathroom. They took a bath and kissed each other, repeatedly. Ikaria jumped and wrapped her legs around Abel. He supported her with his hands on her ass. They non-stop kissed.


"Where were you all?" Master Wayne asked.

Sophie, Laura, Dakota and Xion wondered how they got there.

"Where are Ikaria and Abel...?"

"...and how you all are covered in mud?"

They stood with their hands at the back.

"I want you all in the training hall," Master Wayne ordered.

They all sighed.

"Any questions?" Master Wayne asked.

"No master," They altogether answered.

They walked and left the class. They were still wondering how they teleported there instead of the girl's dormitory.

"Xion did you thought of the classroom?" Dakota asked.

Xion said that he did not think of anything at all in fact he thought that Dakota initiated the teleportation. However, Dakota also denied the fact, she did not initiate it. Then they asked Laura and she too denied it. They turned to Sophie.

"I can't do that," Sophie said.

"Let's think about that later," Xion said.

"Let's freshen up...we have a training to catch," Dakota said.

"Why...god...why," Sophie agonized.

Xion kissed Dakota and took off. The girls while was going towards their dormitory discussed whether they should tell about their little adventure to Master Wayne or not.


In the headmaster room. Draven was thoughtlessly sitting on his chair. Suddenly a small round ball beeped. He got all hassled. He immediately closed the curtains and put out the fire from the chandeliers all that with just a snap of fingers. He stood straight in front of his table and gently touched the glowed ball that was beeping. As he touched that, a man's real-time holo picture appeared. The image was blurred but the sound was cleared.

"Master...What happened?" Draven said.

"You punk...you think I wouldn't know," That person said, getting angry.

"What are you talking about, Master?" Draven said, politely.

"I know a human has entered and she is a Wharton..."

"...I also know what you did to her parents,"

"Sorry, Master," Draven said, getting on his knees. He was shivering.

Suddenly Draven started to feel suffocated.

"M...as...ter..." Draven quavered.


He struggled but soon released. Draven panted.

"It was just a little medicine..." That person said.

"...if you again do anything without telling me...you will die,"

"I will master..." Draven said, standing up. He started to sweat.

That person disappeared. Draven reset the setting with a snap of fingers. He closed his eyes and called out Master Wayne's name. Master Wayne immediately appeared.

"Did something happen?" Master Wayne asked, walking towards the desk.

"The 'MAP' is missing," Draven said.

"What do you mean by missing?" Master Wayne asked, getting tensed.

"Recently someone stole it,"

"What do you mean stole it?" Master Wayne said, getting confused.

"How can anyone steal it...,"

"Other than you and me...only one person knew about it and he is dead..." Master Wayne shouted.

"Behave...you fucking bastard," Draven warned.

"Sorry, master..." Master Wayne apologized.

"...but this is serious,"

"I know and I want you to find out about this..." Draven ordered.

"I'll try," Master Wayne said. He was going to take off but Draven called out to him.

"I want you to monitor Sophie's every moment like you do with the others," Draven said.

"Sure," Master Wayne said, feeling guilty. He did not ask any questions instead he left the room.

Have fun reading it.

No Chapter on Sunday!!!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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