

Sophie Wharton was just like any other normal girl who was going to step into her new life that was a college. We all can relate with her, we think college as a chance to escape from our old self and find our new self. But who knew that she will accidentally step into a magical society. The moment she stepped into magical society her life become closer to hell. Her parents were almost get killed because of her. There is something that you all should know that this magical society does not tolerate humans. Little sneak peak from chapter 5- The Invitation card "It is an emergency," Master Wayne said. "This morning a human entered here..." "You mean here, magical realm..." Draven said, looking concerned. "As a matter of fact, yes," Master Wayne said. "How is that even possible?" "She got an invitation card," Master Wayne gave the card to the headmaster. "She must have applied to our human school," Master Wayne suggested. "Even then I have not sent any invitation this year," Draven said, getting worried. "Sir, what do we do," Master Wayne asked. "Kill her," Draven said without hesitation. Find out what happened, Will she be killed even if she died will she will be able to reincarnated. Readers if you want to find out the illustration that I chose to represent my characters then follow me on: Instagram-@ryan_writer6 This will help you to visualize and will make the story interesting for you. Happy reading.

Ryan_Writer · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
106 Chs

The Library

"Where are Abel and Ikaria," Sophie asked with chicken nuggets in her hands.

"Don't know," Dakota said while eating her salad with the fork.

Sophie moved her head here and there.

"Do all they study here," Sophie asked.

"Not in this building," Laura said.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean..."

"Why don't we give you a tour," Xion suggested interrupted Laura.

"Good idea," Sophie gets excited.

"Where Should I put this plate," Sophie asked, holding it in her hands.

Dakota told her to put the plate on the table and asked to move away from the table. Sophie stood at a distance from the table for some minutes. As she did that the plate disappeared.

"Whoo..." Sophie amazed, her eyes widened. She instantly got half-bent.

"Where did it go,"

"When you are done it disappears," Laura said.

"I have finally released from washing dishes,"

"Do you remember Laura?" Titled her head at Laura.

"Yes, I do,"

"What are you talking about," Dakota asked.

Others were still having their meal.

"At our high school..." Sophie said, sat at the same place.

"We were asked to do our dishes..."

"...in order to teach us..." Sophie laughed, covering her mouth with her hand.

"I remember what you said," Laura chuckled, pointing at Sophie.

"I told my teachers..."

"We don't do dishes at our house so..."

"...it is just a waste of time for us to do it here..."

"...and even workers wash afterwards this is a just a waste of water too,"

"What they said? Dakota asked.

"They are such assholes..."

"According to them that is 'UNIQUE'," Sophie commented, highlighting the word.

"I am done..." Zale said in his deeper voice, stepping out of the table.

Zale was hearing everything all the time but did not react to any of the conversations. He was too focused on his meal.

"I am heading to the room..."

"...before sleep read about 'The Noise Cave'"

Zale went out of the door from which Sophie and others came.

"Laura can you give me your phone," Sophie turned towards her and said.

"Sure, what happened?" Laura asked.

"I want to call, mom,"

"What happened to your phone," Xion asked.

"It broke," Sophie said, giving him the phone.

Xion held the phone in his hands and covered it with his fingers.


Xion gave back her phone.

"It looks brand new," Sophie amazed.

"Thank you so much," Her eyes sparkled.

Xion smiled.

"Oh...tons of missed calls," Sophie goes over her phone.

"Why there is a treasure hunt," Xion said, showing his disappointment.

Sophie closed her phone and put it in her pocket.

"What is a noise cave?" Sophie asked.

"Don't know," Everyone said.

Sophie ran her hand in her hairs then put her one hand on another hand on the table.

"What should we do then," Sophie asked.

"Should we go to the library?" Laura suggested.

Sophie nodded.

"We cannot come," Xion said, holding Dakota's hand.

"Sorry," Dakota said.

Sophie's expression drastically changed when she saw them holding hands. Xion and Dakota left.

"Shall we go?" Laura asked, turning to her.


A boy from another table winked at Sophie. He was sitting at the front table.

"Laura, he just winked at me,"


"At the front table..."

Laura saw at him. He was tall, fair, well-shaped with orange hairs and a neck tattoo.

"Don't mess with them," Laura warned.

"Be careful,"

"You are too cautious," Sophie said to Laura, smiling at the boy.

"Did you find anything?" Ikaria asked.

Abel was going over Sophie's wardrobe.

"We searched the whole place but there is nothing," Abel said.

Ikaria kicked the basket near her in disappointment. Some things came out of the basket. Ikaria glanced at it. She sat bending her knees. Abel walked towards her. She picked a photo frame.

"They must be her parents," Ikaria said, showing the photo frame to Abel.

"Give me," Abel said. He took the photo frame in his hands.


A replica produced of the photo frame.

"Clever," Ikaria said, putting her hand on Abel's shoulder.

Abel turned around. Ikaria kissed him.

"I'll get my men on her," Abel said.

"Are you hungry," Ikaria asked, getting closer to him.

"No," Abel answered.

"Do you want to have sex?"


Ikaria nodded.

Abel put the photo frames and grabbed Ikaria from her waist. They kissed, he bit her upper lip and then she bit his lip. Abel lifted her and Ikaria wrapped her legs around him. Abel laid her down on Sophie's bed.

"Get a condom," Ikaria said.

Abel waved his hand in the air and a packet of condom appeared in his hand. Ikaria smiled. Abel got down. Ikaria felt warm. They kissed again. Abel ran his hand all over her body from the stomach to her breasts. Ikaria had her hands on his head. After some minutes they stood from the bed and wore their clothes.

"Let's go," Ikaria said.

"This..." Abel said, pointing at the mess they made of Sophie's room.

"Omnia in omnibus locis suis" Ikaria enchanted, stretching her hand.

Whatever the mess they made was got fixed and everything was back to its place.

"GRANTHALAYA" Sophie reads.

"What the fuck is this,"

"It's Sanskrit,"


Sophie looked at the door. She found that there were no handles to open it also the door was not opening with the push.

"Can't they have normal things around here," Sophie complained.

"Just walk through the door," Laura suggested.

She freezes for a second, her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. She did not say no because she assumed from Laura's face that there was no other way. She was not afraid because she had gone through the wall before but still she was uncertain. She closed her eyes and walked through the wall with small steps.

"What the heck," Sophie said, getting angry.

"What happened?" Laura said, stood near her.

"What is this..." Sophie grumbled, taking some steps forward. She stretched her hands.

"This is smaller than...a toilet,"

It was a small room without any bookshelves. It had two chairs with a small table. The room was brightened by millions of candles that were flying in the air.

"Calm down," Laura said, grabbing Sophie.

Laura and Sophie sat face to face.

"Will the books come flying," Sophie assumed.

"Yes," Laura said.

"Really," Sophie's eyebrows rose.

Laura put her hands on the table and closed her eyes.

"The Noise Cave," Laura announced.

A book appeared on the table.

"THE NOISE CAVE by Magic's press," Laura reads.

"They got press..."

"It's good we don't have to walk for the books,"

"We can have a date here," Sophie said.

Laura chuckled.

"How others get their chance..." Sophie asked.

"...if only two people are allowed at a time,"

Laura laughed.

"Did I crack a joke," Sophie muttered.

"Do you really think that...this is the only room here?"

"The library is infinite,"

"You can get any book in the world,"

"Are you kidding," Sophie said.

"Try it,"

Sophie glimpsed at her.

"Map of the soul," Sophie announced, following Laura's procedure.

The book appeared. Sophie stood up and puts one leg on the chair and another on the table. She made victory posture and screamed.

"I love you...I love you..." Sophie speaks while kissing the book.

"Eww..." Laura disgusted.

Sophie gave her a death glare. Sophie's happiness was out of the world. They took both the books and came out of the room. They stood in front of the door from which they entered.

"See the wall," Laura said.

Sophie glared at it. The wall could not seem to end.

"It...s," Sophie trembled.

"Infinite," Laura said.

"It has millions of rooms..."

"...and it gives you room automatically,"

"Sexy..." Sophie said, looking up.

In the headmaster room.

"Sir, did you find anything?" Master Wayne asked.

"Nothing yet," Draven said.

"From my men, they seem to be humans,"

"So, what we do know?" Master Wayne asked.

"Carry on with your plan for now,"

"Ok, sir,"

Master Wayne left.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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