

Sophie Wharton was just like any other normal girl who was going to step into her new life that was a college. We all can relate with her, we think college as a chance to escape from our old self and find our new self. But who knew that she will accidentally step into a magical society. The moment she stepped into magical society her life become closer to hell. Her parents were almost get killed because of her. There is something that you all should know that this magical society does not tolerate humans. Little sneak peak from chapter 5- The Invitation card "It is an emergency," Master Wayne said. "This morning a human entered here..." "You mean here, magical realm..." Draven said, looking concerned. "As a matter of fact, yes," Master Wayne said. "How is that even possible?" "She got an invitation card," Master Wayne gave the card to the headmaster. "She must have applied to our human school," Master Wayne suggested. "Even then I have not sent any invitation this year," Draven said, getting worried. "Sir, what do we do," Master Wayne asked. "Kill her," Draven said without hesitation. Find out what happened, Will she be killed even if she died will she will be able to reincarnated. Readers if you want to find out the illustration that I chose to represent my characters then follow me on: Instagram-@ryan_writer6 This will help you to visualize and will make the story interesting for you. Happy reading.

Ryan_Writer · Fantasy
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106 Chs

The Noise Cave Part-I

Alarm clock rung.


"...mm..." Sophie murmured.

She in her sleep moved her hand to find the alarm clock but then she remembered that it is voice-controlled.

"Die," She said.

She forgot that she is in the magical world... As she said the word die the alarm clocks blasted.


"What the fuck," Sophie startled.

She half-bent sat on the bed. She still had a blindfold on her eyes. She removed the blindfold and picked up her phone to saw the time.

"It's 5'o clock..."

"Who the fuck set the alarm,"

Suddenly Laura appeared in front of her. Sophie got startled.

"What is this?"

"Sophie it's me, Laura,"

It was like a hologram but Laura appeared there with the magic.

"Are you real?"

"Yes, you can even feel my skin,"

Sophie stretched her hand and touched her cheeks. She felt her warm skin, her hand did not pass to Laura's image as happens with the holograms.

"What are you doing?"

"I came to wake you up,"

"You must have broken the alarm," Laura assumed correct.

Sophie saw it here and there.

"Get ready fast," Laura ordered.

"Meet downstairs,"

Laura disappeared.

"This is very bad, anyone can see me whenever they want," Sophie thought.

"No privacy at all,"

Sophie with caution covered herself with the blanket and went to the washroom. After forty-five minutes she met Laura and Dakota downstairs.

"I told you to be early..." Laura said, as soon as Sophie came.

Sophie yawned.

"Why you wake me up this early?" Sophie asked.

"Today we have a treasure hunt," Dakota said.

Sophie cried out.

"I don't have energy for that," Sophie groaned.

Laura and Dakota laughed. Dakota patted Sophie's back.

"Let's go," Laura said.

Sophie was feeling lethargic. Laura had to drag her to the class. Everybody was already present there. Sophie started to walk on herself as she saw Xion. Everyone was standing with their hands folded at the back. The room had no benches which previously were present. Dakota and Laura both immediately sat on their knees with their hands crossed in front of their chest as soon as they saw Master Wayne.

"Good morning, Master," Dakota and Laura both said at the same time.

Sophie followed them afterwards.

"Good morning," Master Wayne addressed them. Master Wayne with his hands folded at the back was standing in front of everyone.

"Shall we go then?" Master Wayne said.

Everyone nodded.

They started to form a circle. Sophie was confused though she did not ask anything she just followed everyone. They all held hands the circle completed.

"Hold your breath," Master Wayne said, signaling at Sophie with eyes.

"Me?" Sophie murmured, tilting her head at Laura.

Laura nodded.

Sophie took a deep breath and held it. They vanished from the room.

Sophie gasped.

"Kha...khak..." She went on a little distance from them and sat, stretching her legs.

"I am feeling like..."

"I am revolving,"

"I am going to puke..."

Sophie held her head grabbing her hairs. She was facing the land.

"Are you alright," Laura asked, patting her back.

"Why we brought her," Ikaria said.

Dakota went to Sophie to look after her. Master Wayne raised his hand in front of the sun. For a time being his hands were emptied but as his fingers came close a small bottle appeared.

"Dakota," He called.

Dakota went to him. Master Wayne gave her that bottle and asked her to feed it to Sophie. Dakota took the bottle and gave it to Sophie.

"Drink it," Dakota said.

"What is this," Sophie asked.

"Master Wayne gave it,"

Sophie drank it. As she did her eyes widened, her tiredness vanished. She rose with the energy.

"This is better than an energy drink," Sophie said.

"I am feeling much better now,"

"Why is she in here?" Ikaria murmured. Master Wayne likely to heard Ikaria.

They all gathered around.

"This is 'THE NOISE CAVE'" Master Wayne announced.

The place was covered with light-dark clouds though the sun was visible. The cold wind was blowing. It was a small flat mountain. Around it was a dense forest. Sophie moved closer to the edge. She saw that the mountain on which they were standing was not a mountain it was a cylindrical shape tall rock. It was so tall that the trees were also looking small in front of it. She could not even able to spot a river or any bird.

"Why are we so high," Sophie asked, getting scared. Her hands were shaking and her face turned pale.

"Go, inside I'll be waiting," Master Wayne said.

They started to move. Sophie looked at the cave she could not able to see its body or how long was it. It was just the entry gate of the cave.

"I hope I come alive," Sophie murmured.

"Did you say something," Laura asked.

Sophie nodded in no.

The cave was wide than it looked from outside. The whole cave was shining with the different colors of crystal engraved inside of the walls.

"What on earth are we looking for...?" Ikaria asked.

"Master Wayne did not specify," Xion said.

"I'll go and ask," Sophie said, turning around.

As she turned she saw an endless path. The entry from which they came was not there anymore.

"Where is the gate?" Sophie asked, getting frightened.

"Are we stuck here forever," Laura said.

Xion saw at Zale to ask if he knows something but he did not ask anything. Zale was continuously murmuring something.

"Do you know anything?" Ikaria asked Zale.

Zale started to move ignoring everyone.

"Maybe Master wants us to get him some treasure," Ikaria said.

Ikaria started to pull the crystal from the wall.

"I don't think we should do that," Dakota said.

Ikaria did not take the warning. She pulled it.

"Yay..." She held the crystal in her hands. It was of pink color and medium size.

Suddenly a cold wind passed through them.

"Run," A sound said in an eerie.

"Did anyone hear that," Sophie asked.

"What," Laura whispered.

"Leave the crystal to its place," Sophie said in a low voice, pointing at Ikaria.

"I don't take orders," Ikaria said, rudely.

"Do it," Xion said.

Ikaria refused it and kept the crystal in her pocket. Suddenly she felt like someone was grabbing her leg.

"Stop using your power," Ikaria said.

"I am not doing anything," Xion said.

"Me too," Dakota said.

They all together saw downwards. A giant root was grabbing her leg. The root pulled her. She fell to the ground. The root continued to drag her.

"Ahh..." Ikaria screamed.

Everyone ran towards her.

"Stop this, Abel," Ikaria yelled.

Abel raised his hands in the air.

"My power is not working," Abel said.

"Let me try," Xion said.

Xion concentrates on Ikaria and raised his hand.

"Not working,"

While they were testing their power Sophie was running with her full strength towards Ikaria. She jumped to the ground and grabbed Ikaria's hands. Others grabbed Sophie. Xion gripped over a crystal.

"Give the crystal," Sophie yelled. The wind was blowing with its full strength making it hard for them to communicate.

"I will not," Ikaria grumbled.

"Please, trust me,"

"Do it fast," Xion yelled, his grip was likely to lose.

Ikaria picked out the crystal from her pocket. She held the crystal in her hand and thought for a while. Ikaria saw at Sophie then she threw the crystal. As she did that the root left Ikaria's leg and disappeared. The wind stopped too. Everything calmed down.

"Thank god," Sophie relieved. Everyone panted.

Ikaria with a rude attitude freed her hand from Sophie and stood up, instead of saying thank you she said.

"I will take revenge for this insult,"

Laura stood and came close to Ikaria.

"You should be thankful," Laura said. Ikaria and Laura stood close to each other gazing into each other's eyes.

"It's ok Laura," Sophie said, getting stood up.

"Leave," A sound in the cave said.

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