

Sophie Wharton was just like any other normal girl who was going to step into her new life that was a college. We all can relate with her, we think college as a chance to escape from our old self and find our new self. But who knew that she will accidentally step into a magical society. The moment she stepped into magical society her life become closer to hell. Her parents were almost get killed because of her. There is something that you all should know that this magical society does not tolerate humans. Little sneak peak from chapter 5- The Invitation card "It is an emergency," Master Wayne said. "This morning a human entered here..." "You mean here, magical realm..." Draven said, looking concerned. "As a matter of fact, yes," Master Wayne said. "How is that even possible?" "She got an invitation card," Master Wayne gave the card to the headmaster. "She must have applied to our human school," Master Wayne suggested. "Even then I have not sent any invitation this year," Draven said, getting worried. "Sir, what do we do," Master Wayne asked. "Kill her," Draven said without hesitation. Find out what happened, Will she be killed even if she died will she will be able to reincarnated. Readers if you want to find out the illustration that I chose to represent my characters then follow me on: Instagram-@ryan_writer6 This will help you to visualize and will make the story interesting for you. Happy reading.

Ryan_Writer · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
106 Chs

Glimpse Of Malignus

Laura knocked at Sophie's door repeatedly and asked her to open the door but no response came. Laura opened the door got kicked out. She fell to the ground. She realized that Sophie was not inside.

"Where the hell is she?" Laura wondered.

She rubbed her bum at the point where she felt pain. She stood up and directly went to Dakota's room. She knocked at the door. Dakota opened the door.

"What happened?" Dakota asked, holding the door, half-opened.

"Have you see Sophie?" Laura asked, forgetting the awkwardness.

"No, she must be in her room,"

"No, she isn't,"

"Don't worry, she must be exploring,"

"Could be," Laura said, walking towards her room.

Dakota was going to close the door but Laura stopped at the door.

"Dakota, I have something to tell,"


"Can I come in?"

Dakota nodded. Laura walked inside the room. Dakota offered her to sit. They sat in front of each other on a chair with a center table. Dakota poured two cups of coffee. Dakota lifted the cup and gave it to Laura. Laura took a sip.

"Say, what you wanted to tell," Dakota said.

"I...wanted...," Laura quavered.

"Why are you nervous?" Dakota said.

Dakota signaled her to take a deep breath and smiled at her. Laura settled.

"I wanted to say sorry about last time," Laura said, putting all her courage.

"I am sorry I like girls...and I like you,"

Laura was sweating and was swinging her hands due to nervousness.

"Don't be sorry...it's alright," Dakota said with a smile.

"We are friends...there should no formality between us,"

She lightens the mood.

"But you know I like boys...," Dakota said.

"I am sorry,"

"It's not your fault," Laura said with a smile.

"Now, we are clear,"

"Yes, and listen...feel free to talk whenever you want," Dakota said, smiling brightly.

"I did not think...it would be this easy," Laura said, standing up from the chair.

Laura said goodbye and started to walk towards the door but Dakota stopped her and gave her a warm hug. They both were smiling. Dakota went to her room. She was in a melancholy mood. She jumped on the bed and lay until she fell to sleep. After exactly forty-five minutes she woke up because she saw a bad dream. She saw Sophie was in the danger. Laura sat up on the bed and dialed her number. She called numerous times but the response was the same, Sophie's phone was switched off. She ran towards Sophie's door and once again knocked at it but there was no response. That meant Sophie still did not return. Laura was getting frightened and went to Dakota. Dakota opened the door and saw Laura was scared to hell.

"What happened, why are you shivering?" Dakota asked, coming out of her room and held Laura from her shoulders.

"Sophie is not back yet," Laura whimpered.


"Be strong, we will find her," Dakota said, handling Laura.

Dakota grabbed Laura's hands and went to Ikaria's room. She did not knock. Dakota kicked the door and it opened. "Bang!"

Ikaria was getting intimate with Abel. They were on the bed. Ikaria was on top of Abel and they were kissing.

"What do you think what are you doing? Ikaria shouted, getting down.

"Where is Sophie?" Dakota shouted, getting angry.

"How do I know..." Ikaria said.

"...I am not her P.A,"

"Don't fool me...she's not in her room," Dakota said.

"I am telling you...I don't know," Ikaria shouted.

"You won't tell like this," Dakota said, getting powered up.

She lifted Abel from the neck. Abel felt pressured and the veins on his face started to highlight.

"Leave him," Ikaria said, getting powered up, she grabbed Dakota's neck.

Laura got powered up and lifted Ikaria's hand from Dakota's neck. She further pressed onto her knees.

"We were together the whole time..." Abel trembled.

"...believe us,"

"This time I have nothing to do with Sophie," Ikaria said.

Dakota left Abel and he fell on the bed. Laura stopped too. Ikaria stood up and went near to Abel, she took him in her arms. Abel panted.

"Let's go, you have to help us," Dakota ordered.

"Why would we?" Ikaria said, getting angry.

"I am not asking this is an order," Dakota yelled.

Ikaria's face was all red because of her anger. Ikaria and Abel both stood up by was using each other support. They all altogether went to the boy's dormitory. They found Xion and Zale in the common room was sitting on the couch with a book in their hands.

"What happened?" Xion asked, noticing them they were in haste.

"Why you all look, so fucked up?"

"Sophie is missing...again," Dakota informed.

Xion glared at Abel and Ikaria.

"Not my fault," Ikaria said, glaring at Xion.

"Trace her aura," Zale said.

"Laura…come here,"

Laura walked near to Zale. He stood up and asked Laura to give her hands. Zale held her hands and asked her to focus on Sophie. Zale and Laura closed their eyes.

"Patiare Innubere Nostris Ad Auxilium Coniungere Cum Sophie Muros"

They both enchanted. They opened their eyes that time they were glowing.

"Follow us," Zale said, still holding Laura's hand and was continued to focus.

They walked with small steps. They all came stood in the dining hall. Laura and Zale out focused themselves.

"Where is she?" Dakota asked.

"She is in the world of MALIGNUS," Zale said.

"Fuck," Ikaria said, getting tensed.

"How the hell she went in the shadow world," Xion said, getting angry.

"Should we ask Master Wayne for help?" Dakota suggested.

"No, Sophie had to face disciplinary action," Xion said.

He was sitting on the bench and thinking.

"Let's save her once again," Xion said, standing up.

He asked to move in a line. He ordered Ikaria to be at the last and Zale to be in the front. Dakota was in the center, Abel was second last, Laura was in front of Dakota and Xion was behind Zale. At last, he warned everyone not to power up. They formed a line and went into the wall. Zale was tracing Sophie's aura.


In Eric's room, he puts Sophie on his bed. He went out of his room, left Sophie alone. After some minutes he came with another boy. He was tall like Eric but more muscular than him and had black skin color. He was wearing a red sweater that looked like his school uniform. Eric locked his room.

"Zeph, I have something for you," Eric said, showing him Sophie.

"Who is she?" Zeph asked.

"I saw her with Xion,"


"Upon that, she is a human," Eric informed with a smirk.

"What?" Zeph shouted.

Eric immediately closed Zeph's mouth to stop him from screaming.

"Control bro," Eric said.

"Should we tell the master?" Zeph suggested.

"We would be rewarded," They both laughed.

"Sure, we will report her but before that...," Eric said, turning towards Zeph.

"...shall we take a look at this beautiful piece?"

"Why not," Zeph said with a smirk.

Suddenly Sophie started to come to her senses. She touched her head and removed her hairs from her face. She saw Eric and Zeph standing in front of her. She with a force stood up from the bed.

"You bastard," Sophie shouted, getting angry and was grabbing Eric's collar.

"Little girl woke up," Eric said, touching her cheek and was smiling.

"Little...," Sophie said, grabbing Eric's balls.

"Ahhh...," Eric screamed.

Zeph held Sophie with both hands. Eric gasped and sat on the ground. He stood up and slapped her. Sophie's lip started to bleed.

"You mud blood, how dare you," Eric said, getting angry.

He grabbed her hairs, tightly.

"Today, I'll teach you to behave," Eric said.

Zeph dragged Sophie to the bed and wrapped her hand to the bedhead with the rope. Zeph held Sophie's legs while Eric removed his sweater. Eric ran his hand on Sophie's face and came down to her zip.

"You bastard, Xion will kill you," Sophie said.

He opened her zip and started to touch her boobs. Sophie was struggling.

Suddenly Xion and others came out of the wall. As Xion saw the scene he powered up and walked towards Eric in a rage. Xion twisted Eric's neck. Eric fell to the ground. Everyone was shocked.

"What the fuck you did," Ikaria shouted.

Zeph was going to sneak out of the room but Dakota got powered up and grabbed him from his neck.

"Cover his eyes and mouth," Xion warned.

Dakota dropped him to the ground. Laura sat and covered Zeph's mouth and eyes. Xion opened the rope. Sophie immediately hugged him. Xion consoled her.

"Thank you for coming," Sophie said. She was trembling and scared.

Xion pushed her to see Sophie's face and told her to calm down. Xion cleaned her blood with his hand.

"What we will do?" Dakota asked, pointing at Eric's dead body.

"Don't worry, he is not dead," Xion said.

"But with this, they could start a war with us," Ikaria said.

"Zale, I need your help," Laura said, sitting on Zeph's body.

She was still covering his mouth and eyes. Zale sat and placed his both hands on both sides of Zeph's forehead.

"OBLIVISCATUR" Zale and Laura together incanted.

Zale became unconscious.

"We took his memory and put him sleep," Laura said.

"Great, do here same," Xion said.

Dakota grabbed Sophie's hand and pulled her closer to herself. She hugged her. Laura and Zale took Eric's memory too.

"Before someone else come, let's go," Xion said.

Everyone nodded. They formed a circle and vanished without was wasting another second. Eric murmured became conscious.

"They bastard...don't even know...," Eric touched her neck.

"...they can't take shadow's memory."

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