

Sophie Wharton was just like any other normal girl who was going to step into her new life that was a college. We all can relate with her, we think college as a chance to escape from our old self and find our new self. But who knew that she will accidentally step into a magical society. The moment she stepped into magical society her life become closer to hell. Her parents were almost get killed because of her. There is something that you all should know that this magical society does not tolerate humans. Little sneak peak from chapter 5- The Invitation card "It is an emergency," Master Wayne said. "This morning a human entered here..." "You mean here, magical realm..." Draven said, looking concerned. "As a matter of fact, yes," Master Wayne said. "How is that even possible?" "She got an invitation card," Master Wayne gave the card to the headmaster. "She must have applied to our human school," Master Wayne suggested. "Even then I have not sent any invitation this year," Draven said, getting worried. "Sir, what do we do," Master Wayne asked. "Kill her," Draven said without hesitation. Find out what happened, Will she be killed even if she died will she will be able to reincarnated. Readers if you want to find out the illustration that I chose to represent my characters then follow me on: Instagram-@ryan_writer6 This will help you to visualize and will make the story interesting for you. Happy reading.

Ryan_Writer · Fantasy
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106 Chs

Eric Ruiz

Early in the classroom, everyone was wondering why they were called. They were standing in the line in front of Master Wayne. Sophie was yawning.


Master Wayne noticed a small tornado side to him on the ground.

"Attention," Master Wayne shouted.

They got straighten their back and Sophie stopped yawning. With a magical tornado, Draven appeared. The tornado vanished and he got visible.

"He is our headmaster, Draven," Sophie whispered to Laura.

"How do you know?"

"I have met him," Sophie Whispered.

"Ahem," Master Wayne signaled Sophie and Laura to stop. They stopped talking.

"Meet our headmaster, Draven," Master Wayne announced.

"Finally, the snake came out of his burrow," Ikaria commented.

Draven chuckled. He walked towards Ikaria.

"You are short-tempered," Draven commented, in a low voice, was handshaking.

He did a handshake with everyone it was the first time to see their headmaster. Since then they have just heard about him or saw his picture, physically they never met. Sophie did not give her hand for a handshake. Sophie glared at him.

"I heard you wanted to meet me?" Draven whispered, going closer to Sophie. He had his hands at the back.

"Come directly to my office,"

Draven walked some steps backwards and apologized.

"I am your headmaster...I know it's hard to digest..." Draven said with a smile.

"...but I think this was the right time to show myself,"

Draven glanced at Master Wayne.

"Fifty rounds to warm up," Master Wayne announced.


"Did he say fifty or fifteen?" Sophie asked.

Laura grabbed her hand and dragged her. They all left.

"They are weak," Draven said, getting near at Master Wayne as soon as they left. Draven's smile faded away.

"What do you mean, sir?" Master Wayne asked.

"Train them their ass off," Draven said, taking off.

"Ikaria I have something to say," Dakota said, stopping her at the gate of the classroom.

"I am not interested," Ikaria said.

Dakota grabbed her hand and vanished.

"Where did they go?" Xion wondered, turning back.

Dakota pushed Ikaria to the wall. They were in a dark room with a window that was half-opened. Dakota stood with her hand on Ikaria's neck near the window. Dakota's expressions were terrifying.

"Remove your hand before I bury you into deep water," Ikaria said, with her hand on Dakota's neck. She was getting angry.

"Tell me, do you still love him?"

"I don't know what you are talking about," Ikaria said, keeping away the eye contact.

"You bitch...you know what I am asking," Dakota shouted, punching at the wall near Ikaria's head.

"You don't scare me," Ikaria said, getting powered up, her eyelids and hand glowed.

She removed Dakota's hand from her neck. Ikaria pressed Dakota onto her knees to the ground.

"Yes, I still love him and..." Ikaria said. She took a deep breath.

"... I get angry every time I see you with him,"

Dakota stood up was getting powered up. She removed Ikaria's hand and twisted it. She grabbed Ikaria from her neck once again and pushed harder to the wall. Ikaria trembled and started to feel suffocated.

"Stay away from him...it's a warning," Dakota said.

Dakota lifted her hand and Ikaria dropped to the ground. Dakota left. Ikaria caught her breath.

"Why it is always cloudy?" Sophie wondered, glancing at the weather.

"They are the shields," Xion said, startling Sophie.


"It's not the actual weather...we are not even out," Xion said, walking backwards to the track. He was smiling at Sophie.

"The weather is projected through magic,"

"I want to learn everything..." Sophie said, in a loud voice.

"I'' tell you...but first," Xion said, signaling her to come to the track.

Sophie walked towards him and they started to walk together.

"Do we need to run fifty rounds?" Sophie asked, smiling.

"Not at all...just some rounds to warm our body," Xion said, smiling.

"Why it is cold...weather is fake?" Sophie asked, rubbing herself to feel warm.

"It's to make us believe that it is an actual winter," Xion explained.

"Start running...and complete it fast...I am fucking hungry," Laura interrupted.

She was running and already completed some rounds. Abel was looking for Ikaria while running alone. Zale was peacefully running alone.

Xion and Sophie smiled at Laura and started to run. Dakota and Ikaria joined them on the track.

"Where were you?" Xion asked.

"Had something to sort out," Dakota said.

"Where were you?" Abel asked.

"I was punishing a bee for stinging me," Ikaria said.

"What?" Abel stopped.

He stood with confused expressions. Ikaria turned at him and grabbed his hand. Ikaria and Abel left the track, after them, others left too to the dining hall.

They all sat with their delicious food and started to eat. Sophie saw at Xion's plate.

"How do you drink from this?" Sophie asked, holding a cylindrical holder in which Xion's drink was stored.

Everyone gasped and stared at Sophie even Zale stared too. Xion kept his head down. He made a fist.

"What happened?" Sophie asked, noticing everyone was staring at her.

"Xion doesn't like when someone takes his food from his plate," Laura whispered, going closer to Sophie.

Sophie's eyes widened and immediately she stretched her hand to put the drink on the plate but accidentally she spilt it onto Xion. Sophie's hands started to shiver. Laura's mouth got widened.

"I am sorry," Sophie said, repeatedly.

"It's ok," Xion said, heading up and was controlling his anger.

Ikaria got up with her glowed hand and stretched towards Xion but in between Dakota grabbed her hand.

"I am here to help him," Dakota said, politely but with fire in her eyes.

"Seriously, you will only burn him," Ikaria said, seeing into her eyes and was smiling. Dakota got provoked but Xion handled her.

"Thank you, Ikaria but I can help myself," Xion said.

Xion made his hand glowed and ran over the stain on his clothes. The stain immediately disappeared.

"Wow, now I am free from laundry too," Sophie said, clapping slowly-slowly.

Everyone laughed except Ikaria and Abel. Zale smiled but soon settled, no one saw him smiling.

"Lame joke," Ikaria said.

"Enough to make laugh a human," Dakota said.

They emptied their plate and started to take off. Abel and Ikaria were already left. Sophie was the only one who was sitting with her plate.

"Come fast," Laura said, waving her hand. Sophie waved her too.

She noticed a familiar face in front of her. A boy winked at her. Sophie recognized him, he was the same boy who winked at her last time when Sophie visited the dining hall for the first time. He asked through his hand to come over to Sophie's table. Sophie raised both her eyebrows and nodded with a smile. He went over to her table with his plate.

"Hi, I am Eric Ruiz," He said, stretching his hand for a handshake.

"Sorry, can't do a handshake," Sophie said, hanging her dirty hands in the air.

Eric gave a rest to his hand.

"I am Sophie Wh...," Sophie said, stopping in between.

"Just Sophie,"

"Nice to meet you," Eric said with a smile.

"Same here,"

They ate together without was leaving the eye-contact.

"I am done," Sophie said, standing up.

"Meet you, later," She started to walk.

"Listen, would you mind a walk?" Eric asked, sitting with hands on the table.

Sophie smiled. Eric stood up and walked towards Sophie. He asked for Sophie's hand. They held hands. Eric noticed a rare aura but did not react. They walked through the walls. Sophie left his hand and took some steps forward.

"This is your room," Sophie said with a smile.

"It is," Eric said.

Sophie walked towards him and got closer. Sophie kissed him. Eric took her in her arms. Sophie wrapped her hands around his broad shoulders and Eric had his hands on her backbone, not on her ass. After an intimate kiss, Eric pushed her to see her face.

"I know you are a human," Eric said, holding her face. Sophie gets scared.

"NESCIUS," Eric incanted.

Sophie became unconscious immediately, she fell in Eric's hands.

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