
Eldoria Alpha

*ding* "What would you like to name your contract?" Tru thought long and deep as he watched the onyx colored snake nibble at the flowers. The sight made him laugh. It finished devouring all the flowers before it crawled up Tru arm and laid across his shoulders. "Shadow. I'll name him Shadow." *ding* "The name Shadow has been set." The systems voice drifted into silence as a small black snake tattoo appeared on his right ring finger. He petted Shadows head as he looked through his information. *ding* Name: Shadow Rank: Rank F(S) Contract: Tru Lee Affinity: Dark Magic Level: 0/15000 *Skills* Strength(Passive)- Rank F(S) Fortitude(Passive)- Rank F(S) Elemental Adaptability(Unique)(Passive)- Rank S Mana Mastery(Passive)- Rank F(S) Mana Perception(Passive)- Rank F(S) Dark Mastery(Passive)- Rank F(S) Shadow Orb(Active)- Rank F(S) Shadow Fang(Active) Rank F(S) Elemental Breath(Active)- Rank F(S) Shadow Walk(Unique)(Locked)(Active)- Rank F(S) Tru's jaw dropped as he looked over the skills of the young Necrocoil. He couldn't believe his eyes at how many potiential S rank skills it had not to mention its growth. "Just what are you, I've never heard of a Necrocoil before. But these skills have to be a cheat though right ?" Tru chuckled nervously as Shadow slept on his shoulders.

Aerus_1212 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
49 Chs

Chapter 22- Request

Tru looked over and lying on the floored was a badly beaten and hardly alive Carson. He ran over and saw a dagger laying on his side. He went to remove it when Carson stopped him.

"Don't. It hurts….*cough*…trying to pull it out…*cough* *cough*" he struggled to get his words out when he coughed up purple blood. Tru looked in his bag but didn't find an Antidote amongst the things given to him by V.

He instead pulled out a health potion and poured it on the wound. The color shallowly returned to Carson's face and his breathing became steady. Carson lifted himself up to where he was lying on the wall.

His vision came back a bit and he saw Tru was wearing the uniform of the Seekers of Oblivion. "Tch don't tell me you're one of them too. Bad enough got betrayed by Bronson."

Carson eyed Tru wearily whom had a confused expression on his face. He looked down and made the connection that Carson was drawing. He quickly shook his head no.

"No! I just got these from someone that was with them. Besides what even happened here? It looks like a big battle happened." Tru looked around at the wreckage as Carson struggled to stay conscious.

"It was….your friend. The boy….Camelot. He did this while fighting a Crow. He got ahold of…*gasp*…a weird sword. Listen…*gasp*…I don't have much time left but…you..gasp…can save him." Carson gritted his teeth as he spoke his words. Tears filled his eyes as his pink flesh turned a deadly purple.

Tru said nothing but looked on in silence before looking away. Carson grabbed his hand and weakly squeezed it. Tru looked up and saw the man force a weak smile.

"Please….*gasp*….I wasn't the best person..*gasp*. But this is the….*gasp*…last bit of good…I can do. Please do thi-"


"Issuing mission•

Mission: Rescue Camelot

Rank: E

Description: Carson feels guilty about letting Camelot get taken away. Even more so because the end is coming. He is untrusting you to rescue Camelot and bring him to safety.

Goal: Rescue Camelot from the Seekers of Oblivion.

Reward: All skills +1 Rank

Carson's words drifted off as his body went still. Tru took his body and buried it behind the armory. He held the dagger in his hand when the Black Gauntlet switched modes and the dagger melted into it.


"The Black Gauntlet has absorbed the dagger."

"Poison detected. Creating new skill"


"Skill acquired Black Death(Unique)(Active)-Rank S has been acquired"

Black Death(Active)(Unique)- Rank S: "Skill allows user to inject deadly poison concocted by the Black Gauntlet. Poison causes permanent blindness in one eye. Cannot be used twice in same target. UNIQUE SKILL CANNOT BE TAUGHT OR LEARNED."

Cooldown: Instant

Purple black lines began emerging from the bottom of the gauntlet. It became stretching and branching out almost like purple veins. The gauntlet automatically went into Accessory mode where in addition to the red band it now had purple vein like cracks along it.

Tru took out a large glowing rock about the size of his palm. It lightly pulsed with magically energy. "You know seeing a Rank A magic stone up close really doesn't look anything that special."

He shrugged before using the Black Hauntlet and absorbing the Magic Stone.


"Rank A Magic Stone Absorbed"

"+15105 Magic Level, +30210 Magic Level for Shadow"

"Current Magic Level 15446/100000, Shadow Current Magic Level 18275/150000"

"Shadow's Rank has increased from F to E"

"Mission Reach Rank E(1 of 6) is complete.

"Skill Soul Link(Unique)(Passive)-Rank S has been acquired."


Soul Link(Unique)(Passive)-Rank S: "Skill allows bond to share a deep connection with its contracter. Enables contracted to be able to use passive skills of bond as if they were their own. UNIQUE SKILL CANNOT BE TAUGHT OR LEARNED.

"Skill Mana Perception(Passive)- Rank F has been shared. Skill Dark Mastery (Passive)- Rank F has been shared. Skill Shadow Orb(Active)- Rank F has been shared."

Tru's body instinctively began to absorb the Dark mana around it. The aura enveloped his body though not as much as the Pyro mana. No, this man felt smooth and silkly like it was evading his grasp yet always there.

Dark Magic: Shadow Orb

He formed a small dark orb of mana in his palm and blasted it forward. It hit a tree and dented it before disappearing. He frowned in disappointment as the skill wasn't as destructive as he imagined it would be.

"Awwww this a let down how come it doesn't have as much 'umph' like you Shadow? Wait a minute where is that darn Necrocoil?" Tru scratched his head and looked around when he looked at his hand.

The snake tattoo now stretched from the tip of his finger all the way up to his wrist. He circulated his mana as black smoke came from the tattoo.

"Contract Summoning: Shadoow"

The smoke came together to form Shadow's body's. Tru waited but began to notice that the form the black smoke was taking was a lot larger than before. Once it finished forming Tru could see Shadow's rank wasn't the one thing that changed.

The small black snake now stretched over thirteen feet long. It's deep black scales now had a slight red hue on them and the flame on its tail grew larger. It stood up and easily towered over Tru.


The Necrocoil roared into the air while blowing a stream of fire. Once it was finished it came down and looked at Tru before trying to lay on his shoulders but ended up squishing the man instead.

"Hey hey hey, now! I'm sorry but you're a bit too big for that now buddy. I think you're gonna have to start walking…well slithering on your own hahahaha." Tru laughed out loud but looked and saw Shadow wasn't as amused.

He began to replenish his mana and forced it his eyes. When he opened them he used Mana Perception and looked all around him. He could see the different types of mana all around him in various colors.

He looked at Shadow and saw a mixture of red and black mana. He looked down at the black bracelet and could see a mixture between red, black and purple mana. He caught a bit from his own hand that was deep red but had flecks of black mixed into it.

Through the ruins he saw mostly gray which meant that it was devoid of mana. He continued looking around when he saw three blobs of green mana. They were located behind the library.

"Come on Shadow let's take a look around before we leave. Who knows we might even find something good while we're here." He grinned heavily while walking towards the back of the library.

Shadow followed behind close as it could when they reached the back after a shower walk. From there it could see three green blobby creatures rolling around in the grass.


Name: Sticky Slime

Rank: Rank E

Affinity: Aero

Magic Level: 1499/1500


Mana Mastery(Passive)-Rank D

Wind Mastery(Passive)- Rank D

Strength(Passive)- Rank F

Fortitude(Passive)- Rank F

Stalking(Passive)- Rank B

Teamwork(Passive)- Rank F

Sticky Orb(Active)-Rank D

Wind Blast(Active)- Rank D

Physical Immunity(Unique)(Active)- Rank S

Size Manipulation(Unique)(Active)- Rank S

Description: "A large blob of magical energy. It is impervious to all physical attacks. Known for skulking in the shadows to stalk its prey. It's magic core is visible through it's 'body'.

"Hmm slimes, tricky but not unbeatable." Tru turned and looked at Shadow. "Listen Constrict and Shadow Famg aren't going to work so you'll have to use blasted and wide area magic. Ok?"

Shadow rolled its eyes before it laid on the ground and sneakily went to the Slimes. The blobs were unaware of the pending attack. Shadow neared when a slime stopped moving.

The black snake didn't move an inch as it watched the slike. After a moment the slime began to roll towards it. Shadow raised up and used a fiery Elemental Breath. The steam of fire melted the slime into goop leaving behind the magic crystal.

The other two slimes bounced towards Shadow. Tru launched a Ifrit's Shotmelting away part of a slime. The other one dodged the blast of magic and retaliated sending out balls of goo.


Sticky Orb(Active)-Rank D: "Skill allows user to shoot out orbs of sticky goo. Once it makes constant with target it locked them in place for 30 seconds. Lock time increase with skill rank.

Lock Time: 30 seconds

Cooldown: 5 minutes

The hit Tru in the chest and plastered him to a nearby tree. He tried to free himself but was unable to move. Shadow rushed over but was hit with Sticky orbs that glued it to the ground. Tru watched as Shadow struggled to free itself while the Slimes inched closer towards them.

"Well this is a bunny way to go out."