
Eldoria Alpha

*ding* "What would you like to name your contract?" Tru thought long and deep as he watched the onyx colored snake nibble at the flowers. The sight made him laugh. It finished devouring all the flowers before it crawled up Tru arm and laid across his shoulders. "Shadow. I'll name him Shadow." *ding* "The name Shadow has been set." The systems voice drifted into silence as a small black snake tattoo appeared on his right ring finger. He petted Shadows head as he looked through his information. *ding* Name: Shadow Rank: Rank F(S) Contract: Tru Lee Affinity: Dark Magic Level: 0/15000 *Skills* Strength(Passive)- Rank F(S) Fortitude(Passive)- Rank F(S) Elemental Adaptability(Unique)(Passive)- Rank S Mana Mastery(Passive)- Rank F(S) Mana Perception(Passive)- Rank F(S) Dark Mastery(Passive)- Rank F(S) Shadow Orb(Active)- Rank F(S) Shadow Fang(Active) Rank F(S) Elemental Breath(Active)- Rank F(S) Shadow Walk(Unique)(Locked)(Active)- Rank F(S) Tru's jaw dropped as he looked over the skills of the young Necrocoil. He couldn't believe his eyes at how many potiential S rank skills it had not to mention its growth. "Just what are you, I've never heard of a Necrocoil before. But these skills have to be a cheat though right ?" Tru chuckled nervously as Shadow slept on his shoulders.

Aerus_1212 · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Chapter 23- Peril

Tru struggled effortlessly as the Sticky Slime neared him. He looked over and saw Shadow struggling to free itself as the other Slime preyed upon it.

After a few moments Tru got his hand free and balsted the Slime with a Shadow Orb. It froze up signaling it was paralyzed. Tru then used Ifrit's Shot and the goo trapping Shadow melted away.


Shadow used Flame Wave and blasted the Slime backwards. It splattered into several pieces before they united into a single blood once more. Shadow then used Shadow Fang and bit at the slime.

The attack went right through it as Shadow became stuck inside the Slime. It began move frantically but couldn't free itself from the living sticky liquid.

"Shadow! Shit come on!" Tru blasted the rest of the Sticky shot off and freed himself. He then ran to where Shadow was trapped. He used Shadow Orb but caused little to no damage to the slime. Shadow was still trying to free itself but it's movements became les and less.

Shadow's tail flame slightly dimmed as time went on. Tru began freaking out before using Ifrit's Shot and blasting away the slime. Shadow was free but the slime was yet defeated as it recollected itself.

"I told you not to use physical attacks, it doesn't work. Magic onllyyyy" he scowled the large snake as he helped it up. Shadow then unleashed a Flame Wave and sent the slime flying back. It crashed into the other slime and splattered goo everywhere.

Tru shook his head impressed while he walked over to collect the magic crystals. He reached down to pick one up when the slime began to collect around it. Tru jumped back as the shop formed itself into one giant slime with both crystals.

"Tch dummy you just made yourself a bigger target. Didn't have to make this so easy." Tru laughed as he fired Ifrit's Shot. The balls of Pyro mana exploded and lit the slime on fire. The fire lasted a bit before going out leaving the smoke smaller than before.


"Skill Ifrit's Shot(Active) has risen to Rank D"

"Bloop bloop"

The giant slime began bouncing around and flinging Sticky Orbs everywhere. Tru narrowly dodged them as Shadow weaved between heading for the slime. It gathered a large flaming Elemental Breath and used it in the slime. It split the slime in to halves each containing a Magic Stone.


"Skill Elemental Breath(Active) has risen to Rank E"

It then used Flame Wave and knocked the halves away from each other. One splattered and fell to the ground as the goo spread everywhere. The other half still had some fight left in it but was blasted away by Tru's Ifrit's Shot.

Tru sat down for a moment when Shadow sat up and stared at the trees. Tru used Mana Perception and saw a massive glob of green mana above them.

"Awww shit, now I know where those slime came from."



"Damn kid you're heavier than you look like seriously." Bronson struggled tiredly as he walked through the Emerald Forest carrying Camelot. He laid the unconscious boy on the ground and took a break.

"Sheesh just how far away is the Retreival team? I'm not sure I can carry this boy for much longer. I'm not made for hard labor at all!" Bron groaned as he laid on his back looking into the sky.

"Yeah only if you worked as hard as you complained maybe you'd get something done. Hahahaha, then again it wouldn't be as sweet to take the glory from you. Wouldn't you agree Seeker of Deception?"

A familiar sweet honey like voice entered Bronson's voice causing him to sit up. He came face to face with V and the reat of the Seekers of Oblibion. He stood up and dusted himself off before giving her a glaring look.

"You would do well to mind your tongue Seeker of Truth. Last I checked you have yet to do anything while I have just recovered a Primal Weapon." Bronson boasted as hole poked out his chest proudly.

V raised a eyebrow at the cocky man when she looked son the ground behind him. There she saw a handsome young man with brown hair sleeping quietly. She walked up to him and saw a silver necklace wrapped around his neck.

Her eyes dropped down and saw the sword pendant and she reached for it when Bronson stopped her. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. Let's just say there are painful consequences touching it." Brian spoke in warning tone as V back away from Camelot.

"Well seems like you're good for something but why did you have to go and put him to sleep? Besides you couldn't get the sword before he did?" V berated Bronson while the latter turned a deep fed from anger.

He exhaled and calmed himself before picking up the sleeping captive. "As if I would waste time doing that. He did it all himself after he slayed a magical beast. I did no such thing I wouldn't want to anger the Master."

Bronson turned up his nose at V who in return rolled her eyes. She then took out a small blue orb from her pouch.


Item Name- Portal Orb

Rank- A

Item Description: "An orb infused with the mana of a target. Breaking orb allows user to teleport directly to target. Only has single use and disappears afterwards."

V smashed the orb on the ground and in front of them a blue portal opened. She stepped aside and gestured for Bronson to enter first.

"You know what they say age before beauty."

She smirked as he ignored her and. Tapped through the portal. Once he entered she and the rest of the Seekers followed in after him. They saw a giant mountain with a tail leading up to it.

They followed the trail and came to the bottom where they saw a log cabin. Outside the log cabin waited a butler dressed in a black version of their Seekers uniform. They approached the butler who bowed as they came closer

"It is good to see you return in good health Madam Truth and Sir Deception. I believe this is the one who has come to possess the Primal Weapon?" The butler spoke softly as he eyed the sleeping boy.

Bronson handed him to the Butler before wiping off his hands. "Ugh disgusting truly having to carry him around. Though to answer you're question yes that is him."

"Ah yes that was self explanatory apologies sir. The Master is waiting for you inside his study. The butler opened the door and V and Bronson entered in.

The log cabin's interior was decorated to seem coy and homely. There was many trophy heads of magical beasts the Master had slain. The largest sat above the fire place as it was his greatest one.

It was a giant blue dragons head with yellow snake like eyes. It had four sharp teeth and it was covered k n deep blue scales. At the bottom of it's plaque read 'Blue Leviathan'.

Bronson stopped and stared at the giant beasts head when V stepped up beside him. "It makes me wonder if the master has any limits to his power to slay all these beasts by himself. Especially a dragon at that just how did he do it?" Bronson spoke in a tone that glorified the Masters existence.

V almost gagged hearing that when the door to the study opened. "Come on you can glaze him more in person so let's not keep him waiting shall we?" He voice drifted off as she stepped into the study.

Bronson enters in and saw the walls where lined up with books cases filled to the brim. In the back of the room there was a large desk and a massive black rolling chair behind it.

In the chair sat a man with fierce looking red eyes. He had long silver spiky hair that went down his back. He was massive and muscualar and his body was littered with scars. He saw Bronson and V entered and gave them a large smiled that was filled with white teeth and sharp canines.

"Deception and Truth! How glad I am to see you in good health. I hope you both weren't fighting while you were coming here. You have to get along in order for this to work, you see." His voice was deep and rough yet gently as if he truth cared for his subordinates.

Bronson and V both dropped to their knees and bowed before. "WE ONLY LIVE TO FULFILL YOUR WISHES MASTER!" seeing the unification in the salute slightly moved the Master's heart. He gave a brief smile that vanished into a cold scowl.

His mana leaked from his body and began to suffocate the to kneelers. It was thick and heavy and they could barely continue kneeling when he realeased it. Sweat and fear filled their eyes when the man stood up and walked towards them.


Bronson rushed to his feet and looked up at the Master's glaring red eyes. He could feel his heart pounding and his anxiety rising. "Y-Y-Yes M-M-Master? " the Master towered over Bronson who was a easy six foot three.

The man said nothing but gave a large menacing smile and brought himself docto Bronson's height.

"Now tell me, how did a CHILD come into possession of the Primal Weapon you were supposed to deliver to me?"