

I feel like the fact that they broke up didn't change much.It felt like nothing happened.All the teacher knew for love betwen Nikolas and Maddie.Everyone was joking about them.I mean they didn't make fun of them.They made jokes like:"Maddie where is Nikolas?",or "Maddie didn't study for test because she needed to chat with Nikolas."

Hearing them I was sick to my stomach.I was so jelos.Every time I see Maddie I would think what does she has and I don't.The fact that I fall in love with Nikolas before her was really annoying me.I started to feel like I need to change my personality so he would start to love me.I was so stupid back in the days.But no, seriosly.I went so far with it.First it started like this.I saw him bying this apple juice that was so expensive.So the next they I bought the same drink,took it to school and walk with it next to Nikolas.But later,I took it a little bit too far.Remember that blue hoodie...Well I liked it that much that I went to the mall with Rachel and bought the excect same hoodie.How could I be that stupid?

My friend Anna told me one day:"Look Jovanna,you see what type of person Maddie is.She wore short skirts and shtits to school,she post pictures on innapropriate picrures on Instagram..Everybody knows that she has minimum ten guys in her Inatagram dms that she is ready to date.Maddie date people just to make drama and get on her popullarity.You are not like that.If you see that she is kind of person he looks for,he don't deserve you." I was thinking about this for days.Maybe Anna is right.