
That one night

Maria and Nikolas were on a break.I saw that as a perfect opportunity to finally have Nikolas for boyfriend.i thought that I deserve him more than anything.Nobody of my friends really liked him.Everyone except Rachel was against him.at that period of time i was so mad at my friends.whatever they would fall in love with somebody,even through I did not really like them,I would not say anything.I was thinking that I am nice friends by telling them what they want to hear,but not what i think.


It was Tuesday.In my school we have this big pre-test before our finals.They basically give as pretty much the same type of test as finals.I was so nervous for that,but also that week was my birthday.

That night,because I was stressed of school,I decided to have a nice walk in my street.I had my airpods.I clearly remember everything.i was listening to Olivia Rodrigos song "All I want".Suddenly,someones hand were covering my eyes.I was scared to death.It was around 9PM,It was dark and I thought that someone is going to kidnap me.After few seconds,he I just saw this beautiful guy standing in front of me.It was Nikolas.

He was wearing gray Nike track suit.He looked me directly in the eyes and he simply with a smile on his face said "Hi".I slowly took off my airpods.I could not believe it was him.But this time,I was not that confused.I said hi too and we started talking.At the begining my legs were literally shaking because I was so nervous.But how the time go on,I was more and more relaxed.He told me that his parents are fighting and that is why he is out. I felt so sorry,because my parents had kinda the same problems while my grandmother was sick.We talk about some random stuff that night for one whole hour.about our teachers,dogs,brothers,movies and TV shows.We kinda had the same taste in movies,expect he told me that he hate Titanic,which is by the way my favourrite movie.

At one moment while we were sitting in the park in my street I saw that is already 10PM and that unfortunately I need to leave.He told e that he will going to escort me home.While we were walking,he told me that he is so sorry for stupid joke that he made a few weeks ago,which was very sweet and nice moment.We were standing in front of my house.I said:"Thank you so much,you are such a sweet and nice guy,it was a wonderful night.He hugged me.I did not make a really big deal of it in my had at that moment,because I truly believed that he friendzoned me.But,when I turned to go,he grabbed my hand.he looked me directly in the eyes.It was the most beautiful picture I have ever seen up to that night.He told me:"Look Jovanna,I may be the biggest nerd on the planet right now,but I feel like there is something really special between us.I do not know what is it,but I truly bealive that it is magic.I was looking at his face.His black hair,beautiful brown shiny eyes and these perfect teeth.He looked like a dream.I said:"See Nikolas,I have a crush on you for about two months now.I love you,but..." He started to kiss me,but something in me told me,RUN.That is exactly what I did,I ran in my house.That night I felt so bad.

I layed in my bad crying.He was the guy I love so bad.The guy that I dram about last two weeks every night.The most perfect boy to exists,but I could not do it to Marddie.I know her since I we were seven.Even know we were never close,it felt like by kissing him I would break her.