
Eden of Babylon

pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. In a world where adventures,power,glory,fame and wealth . All come from one place and here we call it eden . Here you can be whatever you want to be or at least try to. In eden there are these dungeons all over the world and these dungeons are connected to other worlds and universes only by conquering these dungeons will you be able to stand among the ranking or even the most strongest of all . In this story you will follow Leonard as he grows through the stages of life hardships,love,betrayal and most of all rage . Follow Leonard as he become a strong individual known as the beast king.

Belair_smooth1116 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

-2 First birthday

"Leo wake up it's your birthday your finally one years old don't make me have to come and get you. You little rascal". Sekhet said to Leo via mind link with sekhet having high intelligence her and Leo can communicate via wave links. Only the god beast are capable of this feat and it is by far the easiest way to talk to a human.

"I'm coming mom I'm coming " haha I wonder what mother has set for me today even though I'm still kind of tired. Mom had me up all day yesterday to gather the energy of the world and the wild beast aura from of the beasts here in the forest. I don't mind though because when I do it it feels funny it tingles all over my body I makes me laugh but if I laugh mom will get made because it's not time to play. I like playing because I get to play with my best friend Wu he's a monkey haha literally but he's not a regular beast monkey he's a holy beast monkey. You could say we are something of brothers we was both born on the same day we are the same age and height the only thing is he he has powers and I don't but one day I will. Wu says that in this world all human beings can do all sorts of things fly , run faster than lighting , people that can control the elements and some are so strong that they can destroy a whole Mountain in one punch. Ha isn't that so fun I hope one day when my power awakens it'll be the strongest ever. ( little did little Leo know he was born with a very unique ability called system creation which is based off of his lifestyle , surroundings, thought process and emotions.)

As Leo ran to his mother greeting her by jumping and landing on her mane that he loves so much. All his mother could do is smile and let him do it. But while he did she spoke. " leo today is your first birthday and I have a gift for you to become a strong beast and strong human you must make your mind , body and soul exceed it limits by ten fold. And for the past year I have taught you solely to collet and feel the energy around you whether it is the energy from the world or from beast because to be strong you need to have to energy and magical capacity to do so and at a certain time in your life all your hard work will show and you will make me proud."

As sekhet said this smiling all she could think about was how she must make this child as strong as possible before she leaves this world it's said that she only has 9 more years left so little time but enough to mold this child to become great even at the age of one he is able to fully collect all the energy around him in a 100m radius his mana reserves look small now but in the long run it will be astronomical not only that but his energy every day without him knowing I slowly slip my slipping life energy into him giving him a good foundation for him to stand on while I'm gone. But because of that his intelligence has expanded far pass what it should be I'm not to familiar but his intelligence should be as high as it is at the age of one he his able to fully communicate via wave link his regular status as a human whole is as if it is x2 for his normal species. I did this to make sure his body is well healthy and strong. "Ok Leo are you ready for your gift!!.

Leo looked down at his mother happily replying yes he can't wait and saying he can only turn one once.


"Well Leo today I will be teaching you to channel all the energy you have collected and will collect in the future and cover your body as a means of protection in case I am never there." As sekhet said this she released her aura and every beast in the area began to tremble as if their instincts were telling them to run. All Leo could do was smile and be amazed and say " haha mommy this tickles."

Sekhet then held all of that energy and surrounded herself with a translucent aura around her body making it strong , hard and extremely hot. But all Leo could was sit there thinking of how warm and cozy it felt right now Leo was sitting on sekhet while her aura was giving off heat off over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. But of course to Leo it only felt warm in the cold winters sekhet would keep them warm by giving off heat as hot as 2000 degrees fahrenheit.

"So Leo today I want you to start controlling the energy you collect to harness your aura to be able to protect yourself. As she smiled while in the midst of her thinking and talking Leo had already begin putting his aura around his body as an extra layer of superior skin. ( hmmph this boy is very extra ordinary to be able to do this so fast only beast of a ultra-rank can do this.)

Leo then replied " yes mama " as he smiled playing with sekhet tail.


I am so sorry please don't judge me on this I am a beginner and I am trying this out I know that my writing needs a lot of work but I hope you can help and give me feed back and also I hope you enjoy the story line the next chapter will keep to 9 years later on his 10th birthday 🙀 enjoy hahahahahahah