
Eden of Babylon

pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. In a world where adventures,power,glory,fame and wealth . All come from one place and here we call it eden . Here you can be whatever you want to be or at least try to. In eden there are these dungeons all over the world and these dungeons are connected to other worlds and universes only by conquering these dungeons will you be able to stand among the ranking or even the most strongest of all . In this story you will follow Leonard as he grows through the stages of life hardships,love,betrayal and most of all rage . Follow Leonard as he become a strong individual known as the beast king.

Belair_smooth1116 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

-3 loved ones lost


This could be heard by anyone with ear deep in the jungle. A short round man with a long greeting beard that reaches to his stomach. The hair on his head was clean cut but you couldn't really tell from all the sweat that was coming off of him. This strange man had about 1500 men with him you could tell that he was very important because out of these 1500 men there was eight who stood out a lot more. Just from the look you could tell they were adventurers. There was 2 mages both elemental. One has matsered the elements of earth while the other mastered the elements of lighting. Both gave off an aura only s rank adventurers can do. There was also a monk for healing and support also close combat , a shield bearer to tank beast and other other dangers of the world , a swordsman to be more precise a samurai, an assassin for stealth and scouting, a ranger but more specifically a elf ranger. Being an elf their racial traits are extremely super senses and also elf's are actually born in the first so naturally they would be excellent hunters. And last but not least a berserker this guy was huge he had a bald head and his muscles couldn't help but emit power he held a two handed axe in one hand like it was a light baseball bat just from looking at him you could tell he was dangerous and his aura was even worse. This band of strong individuals could be seen around the round one whose name his also king Avalon from the kingdom of Fluram. A lovely kingdom glistening with power and riches. But on this beautiful day the king happen to be in the forgotten continent Babylon. In search of a old forgotten universal item that gives the user the ability to heal any illness ever and gives a passive skill to be immune to all status effects towards the user indefinitely. But little did he know a child ate it 7 years ago.

"Hey mama when will you fight with me at your full strength your only going about 20%, haha how am I gonna get any stronger like this? You want me to be the strongest right."

Leo said while jumping around dodging Sekhets plasma balls which is the fourth evolved skill of fire ball. The power from one of these attacks could take out a whole village with the population of 10,000 humans.

"Ha my child if I went full out I'd burn this forest and turn it in to a Desert terrain killing all life in this Paradise. My child since you were a baby the fruits you have eaten are some of the most unique and powerful fruits in the world not only are they delicious but they help strengthen your body and your core with out a strong body the aura that you release would destroy you body. I have been training you since a baby to control and gather the energy around you to strengthen your aura. And since the age of 5 I have trained your body to be as strong as an epic type beast which for a human is very strong. A normal humans body is as strong as a common type beasts body so when you go on adventurers when your 16 you will already be on the level of a low rank B. So it should be durable at the beginning.

Right now Leo's stats for a regular child at the age of ten is actually high but this is all due to the training Sekhet has giving him since she has found him. These are the stats of a

Race: Human


Level: 0

Class: None

Title: None

HP: 100

MP: 50

Stamina: 50

[ Stat ]

Strength: 5

Stamina: 5

Agility: 5

Intelligence: 5

Mentality: 5

(Available points to distribute:???

[ Skills ]

Passive skills: ???

Action skills: ???

But Leo's is quite different.

Race: Awaken beastmen

Name: Leonard

Level: 0

Class: None

Title: None

HP: 1,500

MP: 250

Stamina: 200

[ Stat ]

Strength: 40

Stamina: 20

Agility: 30

Intelligence: 25

Mentality: 25

[ Skills ]

Passive skills:

( Beast sense: heightens all the sense of the user giving them the senses of a beast strength of skill goes up as skill levels up.) Lv. Max

( Evo/Beastly appetite: user is able to eat anything and everything giving the user permanent stat buffs.) Lv. Max

( Temperature immunity: the user is immune to all temperatures in the world.) Lv. Max

( Beast aura: gives the user the basic stats of a beast and also changes the aura of the user strengthening it more.) Lv. Max

(Holy touch: skill giving to nullify all debuffs to the body and to instantly heal the body. At Lv max user is allowed to apply effects on others.

Action skills:???

Unbeknownst while sekhet was training with Leo her life force was leaving her even more she only had a few minutes left.

"Leo let's take a break I must speak with you about something of the Utmost importance."

Leo stopped his training grab his water satchel. That was made from the scales from a sea dragon that never run out of fresh water.

" what is it mama."

" Leo today is your tenth birthday and I have a have to tell you my child that I am dying and I don't have much time in this world left. And I wanted to let you know that of all the millennials I have been alive I have never met any beast or human like you. You have shown me how you love and enjoy life to my fullest extent. I am sorry I can not watch you grow into a powerful adventurer." Sekhet said while trying to hold back some tears she never knew she had sekhet was a goddess and of all her time she has never experienced emotions like she has with Leo. One time when Leo was 4 and they were in a cave in the shattered Amazon a epic class beast the

Three eyed basilisk with the span of 150 ft this monster is a mental and a poison type beast but even still it tried to eat Leo and sekhet tired it to shreds in the matter of seconds.

"Leo and because I will no longer be with you physically I have enough power left to be with you spiritually I have been holding this universal necklace for the last 600,000 years it belonged to the former Beast king and it has the capabilities to hold my soul but because of my power and because of this item I'm not sure how long I can stay with you but I know my soul will always be with you here."

Leo took the necklace and glazed at it and his mother. The news she has just told him made his insides feel a way he didn't know how to explain. All he knew is he wanted to cry but couldn't. So he looked at the necklace again and he couldn't say at the least that it wasn't a wonderful gift. It had lion teeth as sharp as knives on it with what looked like tiger , gorilla , rhino and cheetah's fur on the neckline of the necklace and the power it was giving off was astronomical. When he put it on he felt stronger almost like a king.

As Leo listened and Sekhet talked Sekhet body slowly started to fade away.

" My son know that I always cared and always loved you. Be strong eat well and never let anyone see you down hold your head up high. I will begin putting my soul into your necklace"

While doing this atleast a mile away trees being cut and men marching and shouting can be heard.

" Sire I think we should be close the location of the item you have been searching for the Holy Golden Apple it amazes me that you have actually found the location of one of the forgotten fruits from legends sire" said the kings assistant with her purple silk hair her fair skin and luxurious slim body. With eyes the color of pure amethyst.

" Ha Elizabeth finally my son will cured it devastated me when he was struck with an incurable disease known as Affentix it happens when the users elemental affinity is high and absorbs the worlds elemental energy at a high rate making the users body uncontrollable due to the extreme amount of energy and he is only 12 I need this fruit to save his life. With the damage from the disease I'd say he has about two more years left.

As Leo watches his mother's body disappear all he could feel was sadness and rage a feeling he has never felt before.

And finally sekhet was gone leaving her soul behind as the remains of her body glowed and a pile of items was in the place she once stood all Leo could do was stare with tears rolling down his face. He hurriedly grabbed the items. Which was a ring and a pile of other things that quickly flew to the ring. Which scared Leo for a moment until he realized he was alone something he has never been all his life.and at that moment he let all his feelings out which at the same time let out his aura in an intense explosion from being held and built up for so long it made the jungle shake.


Every person the king bought stopped in there tracks as they all felt the explosion before they heard it the shock wave made everyone including the adventurers tense up the berserker of all began to smile and say

"Ha do you feel that presence."

Said the berserker named Mordecai

" yes we must not let anything happen to the king." said the Samurai shen fu.

" Sean use your skills to locate the location of that explosion." Yelled the king

" affirmative Sean responded" Sean was the assassin class Adventure.

"Sure stand back." The mages yelled as they summoned multiple protective spells and buffs to the party.

"Sire I have located the explosion and you might not like it sir."

All the king could do was clench his fist and grit his teeth. " where. "

" Sire it's coming from right next to the location of the holy golden apple."


The king replied and said " let's go check it out everyone be on your ques and pay attrition remember this is the forgotten continent for a reason."

As the king said this he could hear the cry's of something that sound almost like a human child.

As the group and small army arrived at the location all anyone could do is stare with wide jaws as they looked at the scenery. The grass, the trees and even the water in the surrounding in a 5000 meter radius was burned to crips. That's not what had them all shocked what had them all shocked was how in the middle by a cave a human boy say crying. Eyeing the small army with the strongest killing intent that shouldn't be coming from a child his age. The king solely but surly walked to the child with the aura only a king could have with such elegance and power the king walked up to the boy feeling the power come off of this child he couldn't do anything but be mesmerized and fascinated with this child the next thing he did shocked Leo with everything of a king he said.

" child why are you here all alone where are your parents. A child of your stature should not be here."

Leo just looked up at him not knowing what he said because he doesn't know how to speak he can only communicate through via wave link so he replied to the king via mind link.

" who are you and why do you look like that."

The king was shocked beyond all imagine as this child of such a young age can communicate via wave link only a human of a certain level is able to do this most humans their whole life are not able to do this. This child is very mysterious and extraordinary.

The king replied via wave link saying " I am the king of Avalon one of the strongest kingdoms of my continents came here looking for a fruit called the Holy Golden Apple to cure my son."

As the king said this Leo's eyes lit up a little from hearing one of his favorite fruits being spoken of but his excitement didn't last long as Leo has been eating on those fruit since he was a baby so there are no more of them plus he has burned the last remains of the tree it grew from with the explosion.

Leo replied with " im sorry but those fruits are no longer here as I have eaten the last one a while ago and as you can tell the remains have all but been burned."

As he said this the king looked down for a moment then looked back up.

" As I have guessed but my trip may not have been for not. Where are your parents at child."

The king said to Leo.

" my mama has just left me and these are all I have left of her." Leo said this as he showed the king his necklace and ring.

The king replied with. "Ahhh as I see child well as a king of a powerful nation I can not help but to offer you to come stay at my castle and receive some of the best teachings and power one can only dream of."

As the king said these few but powerful words. Leo could be seen slightly smiling from hearing the word power the one thing his mother taught him that no being is this world without power so to be truly strong one must be powerful. With his smile showing all his white teeth saying. " yes I'd like to becoome stronger even stronger than my mama."


As all this happen unbeknownst Leo could not hear it or even notice it but in the back of Leo's subconscious these notifications could be seen and heard.

[ You have acquired an evo item. ]

[ Heron's necklace acquired ]

[ Herons necklace description: Boost the all stats of the user by 50 once acquired the effects does not leave even after the item is taken off ] Lv. Max

[ Evo Storage Ring: an item with a dimensional storage space with the radius of 10m. Radius expands when ring levels up.] Lv. 1

[ 1,000 platinum bars , 5,000 gold bars , 10,000 silver bars and 20,000 bronze bars acquired.]

[ Evo Skill acquired.]

[ Evo Skill: heavenly roar : user roars like a mighty lion giving off a powerful gust of wind breaking the sound Barrier.] Lv.1

-Title upgraded.

Title upgrade from Beast king -> Demon Demon beast king.

[ New Demon Beast Skill acquired.]

[ Evo Skill acquired.]

[ Evo Skill : Beastdom: Invite beast and humans to your kingdom beast that are invited receive a human form to level up just like an Adventurer and adventurers receive a stat boost as if they were born a beast. With said skill both beast and adventurers evolve.

[ Rewards received ]

System Unlock completion......75%

System Unlock completion...... 76%

System Unlock completion.......77%