
Eden's Bounty

Everyone has secrets. No one knows that better than Criminal Psychologist; Eve Blakely. She's used to doing all sorts of jobs for the law enforcement. Talking to criminals to see if they were fit to stand trial and sending them off on their way if so, and sending them off to therapy if not. But what happens when she finds herself to be the target of a killer they haven't caught? Not everything is what it seems in the sleepy, Southern town of Eden, and she's about to learn first-hand experience of why some people just can't be 'fixed'.

Lu_Bei · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


 The rain poured down in a steady downfall outside the window for the third day in a row as Eve Blakely stared out the window into the dismal, gray world beyond the glass.


That described a lot of the things that were going on in her life, lately. Her thoughts were a constant whirlwind of confusion that she could never fully get a grasp on and even as she sat in her office chair listening to them, she still couldn't get an understanding.

 She had lots of friends, a high-paying job, and on the outside appearance, a seemingly perfect life. She wasn't unattractive by any means. Long, ebony hair with sharp hazel eyes. Slim but curvy. Long-legged. Overall, five foot five inches of pure beauty. Twenty-seven years old and instead of being a model, she chose to be an expert in criminal justice as a psychologist.


"Miss Blakely?"

 Eve blinked and turned her head to find her intern peeking in at her from the doorway. "Pardon? Did you need something, Nathan?"

 The young man fumbled with his fingers for a moment or so before he cleared his throat and attempted to raise his voice in answer. "Well, um...your mother is on the phone. I tried to explain to her that you were busy but she...er…"

"It's alright. I know how my mother can be when she wants something. No one can stop her until she gets what she wants. Patch her through to me directly." Eve swiveled back around to face her desk, pushing aside the clutter of folders and papers to have a clear reach of the phone.

"Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry, Miss Blakely." Nathan slumped his shoulders before he fled the room.

 Eve sighed.

Such a cute boy. If only he'd gain a little more confidence and backbone. She was certain he'd have several of the girls running around Eden eating out of the palm of his hand. She glanced down at the blinking red light indicating that she had a waiting call and sighed as she pressed the button and held the phone up to her ear.

"Hello, mother," Eve sighed.

"Eve, dear," Lucinda Blakely answered in a business-like tone. "Will you be coming home for your sister's recital?"

 Eve glanced at her calendar. "When is it?"

"Friday, two weeks from now."

"No, I'm afraid not. I have to appear in court on that--"

"Court!" Her mother interjected.

"Ouch. Yes, court. It's not for me, it's for work." Eve changed phone hands to rub at her throbbing ear.

Her mother gave an exasperated sigh. "I swear they always have you working such hard cases when the family gets together."

"I know. I'm sorry. Give Gracie my love and an ice cream for me."

"I will, dear. She misses you, you know."

"I miss her too."

"So does Patrick. He asks about you quite often."

 Eve felt the color drain from her face at the mention of her stepfather. "Oh... Well, in any case, I'm sorry that I can't make it. Have Gracie call me sometime. I'd love to hear from her."

"It's alright. Work is work after all and we're proud of you, sweetheart. By the way, who was that boy who answered when I called?"

"My intern, Nathan Chase."

"He sounds young."

"He's twenty. You just scared him a little." Eve laughed.

"What a pity."

 After talking to her mother a little while longer, Eve finally hung up the phone and glanced down at photos of her, her little sister, and her mother.

 Hmm... by now she'd be thirteen.

She missed Gracie dearly. 

But she couldn't return to that house…

"Don't," she scolded herself firmly. "Don't think about it."

"Miss Blakely!" Nathan was shouting at her from the hallway.

 How curious. That boy never shouted about anything.

 Before she even had the chance to stand up, he burst into the room with another manilla folder that was practically ripping at the seams from all the information it held.

Eve nodded toward it. "What's that?"

"A marine." Nathan panted as he handed it to her. "This guy is a marine stationed here locally."

"Okay. What does that have to do with us?" Eve asked as she began flipping through the photos and information.

Hm. He didn't look half bad.

Messy black hair. Beautifully savage green eyes. Tall. An animal lover. Tribal tattoos.

 Suspected serial killer.

"Oh." Eve exhaled and rubbed her temples.

"The big guy wants you to track him down and interview him." Nathan shook his head. "Please reconsider. It sounds dangerous. Your mother and sister would be worried if they found out you were getting involved with something like this."

"It'll be even worse if this guy turns out to be the culprit and is allowed to roam free, Nate. I have to go. All I have to do is interview him. I'll know if he's our guy or not." Eve sighed and shut the folder.

 Sometimes, she really hated her job.


"Hold down the fort while I'm away. Oh, and relax, would you? It could be a hell of a lot worse in my opinion."

"Yes, ma'am."