
chapter 12

A week before Hogwarts

today was the day the Lovegoods and Greengrass were going to get their school supplies from diagon alley but first, we needed to head to gringotts bank to get some money.

on the way there Luna kept talking about stealing a dragon from gringotts yeah I turned her down straight away and for the rest of the trip, she kept pouting and kicking the ground in frustration.

I had to promise her an absurd amount of items to stop her sulking mum seemed to have sneaked off down to knockturn alley.

we made our way to the bookshop to get our school books and while there I noticed Hermione in a corner panic-reading 3 books at the same time.

she suddenly looked up with eyes like a rabid animal about to attack so I slowly backed away like fuck this shit I'm out apparently the books and movies really downplayed her panic about tests and book knowledge.

after my stressful stair down with Hermione my only thought was yeah I'm not getting involved with that psychopath or the rest of them fuck that.

for goodness sake harry killed in his first year Ron's brothers have tried to kill him for a number of years which must not be mentally healthy their complete nut jobs and that's coming from the insane person.

after collecting all are supplies and an owl for me to post letters I called it Apophis after the Egyptian god of chaos as he was a scrappy little fucker and enjoyed the chaos.

and with all that I was ready for Hogwarts now, I just needed to wait for this week to finish up the head to platform 9 and three quarters

7 days later

as we were getting to ready to leave mum kept giving me pamphlets filling my case with them for her cult Luna tried to sneak into my suitcase at least 3 times and dad was as usual working.

when we got to the platform daphne and her family were waiting for us since the contract was signed their family had been doing well for itself as they were under our banner of neutrality.

after all the tears hugs and trying to climb in my suitcase yet again me and daphne climbed onto the train ready for adventures at Hogwarts to begin.

we found an empty compartment and placed are things down when we had sat down I asked Daphne when Tracey Davis would show up.

turned out she would be arriving quite late and so we would have to wait 15 minutes before she would get here.

I began to think about the movies and books again of harry potter and began to plan things to stay out of the way of the golden trio.

I also felt my cultivation make some small improvements as I still continued to cycle my magic into the earth.

as Tracey came running into our compartment the train started moving and I knew the journey had finally just began and I was looking forward to the adventures we will all have.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

overlord9000creators' thoughts