

The journey of a man who had transmigrated into a world filled with Pokemon.

King_Rycon · Anime e quadrinhos
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16 Chs

Chapter Five: The Meeting!

Main Character Pov~

"What?" I couldn't help but mutter a confused 'What' out of my mouth as I looked at the Onix in confusion. It said that its leader had wanted to see me, the leader whom I assume is the Chief Steelix of this territory. 

Why now of all times? Is it because of all the damage Groudon caused by hatching? Does the territory leader want to get revenge? 

No, if he wanted revenge or was seething with rage. He would have come here by himself and try to kill us right away rather than wait.

I looked at Groudon who was looking at me, wanting to hear my opinion on the matter.

I sighed and looked at the Onix.

" Alright, fine. Let's go meet your leader." I told the Onix who nodded and lowered his head on the ground.

' Get on, I will take you to our leader.' Said the Onix as he gazed at both me and Groudon.

We both jumped as we sat on top of the Onix's head.

We both surprisingly fit on the top of its head with enough room to spare, I was shocked that especially Groudon who was 2 Meters tall and heavy as hell was able to fit on top of the Onix's head as he was carried around like nothing. I grabbed the rocky horn on top of the Onix head to not fall off. the Hatchling Shiny Groudon merely sat there gazing at the Onix beneath him.

' Brace yourself, the journey will be quite rough.' With that warning, the Onix immediately went to work as it dug underground taking us to God knows where, I felt Groudon create a Aura Barrier around us both on top of the Onix head to protect us from all the debris the Onix had brought as It dug deeper into the Ground.

Eventually the Onix stopped digging down and started digging to a certain direction.

After 10 whole minutes of digging, the Onix momentarily stopped as it gazed at the front.

' We are here.' with that the Onix broke through the final layer of Rocks which took us to a massive tunnel system that could fit tens of Onix of the same size as the Level 115 Onix with us.

The Onix guided us down as it spoke ' Follow me, we should arrive to our destined location shortly.'

We followed the Onix as it led us through the complex tunnel system which honestly felt like a massive maze, we spent half an hour walking and moving around the tunnel system before finally coming across a gigantic Crystal door which was impressive both in size and architecture, the doors were roughly 50 meters in height enough to fit any Onix or Steelix aiming to pass through.

The massive doors began creaking seemingly on its own, opening to reveal a massive hall room of gigantic proportions. The Onix took the Lead as it moved inside the room, Me and Groudon glanced at each other and followed it as we trekked behind him. As we entered the room, the doors behind us closed off on their own. 

I started looking at the great hall room, and immediately I saw hundreds of Onix inside the Massive throne room. and around atleast 20 Steelix where were all decently larger than the Onix, I watched at amazement at all the Giant Pokemon in the room, Countless Onix and Steelix all around. In the middle of the room was massive stairs that led to a Massive Crystal Pillar, where the biggest Steelix leisurely sat, surprisingly it was a shiny Steelix.

' Holy crap, that Steelix is massive.' I couldn't help but look at the Shiny Steelix in amazement. It was literally 35 meters in height! It dwarfed all the other Steelix in the room with its sheer size and Aura, I could feel a tremendous mountain of power coming from the Steelix. But was amazed me is the crystal-like texture of the Steelix Body, that thing was freaking Shiny Crystal Steelix.

As we entered, I saw all the attention of the room focus into us. All the eyes of the Onix and Steelix befell on both me and Groudon, I can see the look of fear and awe as the residents of the room had gazed upon Groudon, whom despite still being undeniably a hatchling new-born Groudon, He was still a natural born Pokémon of Legendary Pokemon Status that commanded awe, fear and respect to all Pokemon across the whole world.

" You had finally come." said a deep powerful voice that sent shivers to my spine, I didn't even feel him establish an Aura connection, yet he was able to easily speak to me without me feeling it, what a dangerous Pokemon.

As the Strongest Steelix in the room spoke, everyone focused back on the Shiny Steelix.

Undoubtedly the Chief and Ruler of this land, the Steelix who rules this whole Mountain a Pokemon full of wisdom and might. All the Onix in the room didn't dare look him in the face as they were all scared of him, the only exception was the Onix we had come with who had gazed at the Shiny Steelix with a proud expression, the Steelix on the other hand looked at their leader with respect and reverence. 

What had amazed me was that I saw other Rock and Ground Type Pokemon such as Geodudes, Gravelers and even a few Golems! there were also some flying types such as Zubats, Golbat and Crobats, I was surprised.

All the Ground Types, Rock, Poison, Fire and Steel Type Pokemon seem to be eyeing with me with curiosity as they had noticed my extremely high affinity with their elements.

' I had brought them as you asked, father.' The Onix who had taken us here replied as he was looking at his father, who was the leader of the clan.

" Good job son." The Shiny Steelix complimented his son before looking at all the occupants of the room.

" You are all dismissed, Go. Meanwhile, I will speak with our Guests here." The Shiny Crystal Steelix commanded, and everyone obeyed as they began to exit the throne room, after a couple more minutes only me, my Groudon and the Steelix Clan Chief remained.

The Steelix came down from his Crystal Pillar and began taking the stairs down towards us.

In the meantime, I used this as a chance to Observe him.


Pokemon Name: Steelix

Species Name: The Iron Snake Pokemon.

Nickname: N/A

Pokedex Entry: #208

Height: 35 meters

Gender: Male

Age: 288 years old

Growth Stage: Full Grown Adult

Pokemon Potential: SS [ Heroic]

Pokemon Ranking: SS - Supreme Class Pokémon [ 512x]

Pokemon Inborne Affinity: Rock-Type and Steel-Type

Ability: Sturdy


Level: 232


Health: 501,760/501,760

Aura: 370,176/370,176


HP: 980

AURA: 723

ATK: 775

DEF: 802

SP. ATK: 751

Sp. DEF: 853

SPD: 719

Total Stat Points: 5603


Pokemon Status: Uncaught Wild Pokemon and Mountain Chief.

Special Traits: Shiny ★ and Unknown.

Held-On Items [ Can hold up to 3 Items]: Unknown

Current Moves: Unknown


Holy crap, this Overpowered Steelix is over level 200!

' What a monster' I thought as I began to sweat, if this Steelix wanted to kill us it would have easily done so, effortlessly in fact.

Me and Groudon wouldn't stand a chance right now, we are way too weak to face something of this calibre right now. So, this is level of a clan Chief Pokemon,, but perhaps the most amazing thing out of this is that this Pokemon had apparently lived for 288 years!

This thing is freaking ancient... It's stats also match its Age.

So, this is what to be expected of a  Pokemon whom are of the highest calibre in this mountain range. I wonder how he compares to other clan leaders.

Judging from my Aura Sense, the others were not even close to this things level. Even the other Steelix.

I took out the Pokedex and pointed it at him. 

" May I?" I asked the Steelix for permission to scan it into the Pokedex.

" Ah, isn't that the metallic contraption you humans use to scan Pokemon? You wish to scan me, eh? Go ahead, I already know all about that device." The Ancient Shiny Steelix cackled in laughter which sounded somewhat metallic to the ears as it slowly descended down the stairs.

" Steelix, the Iron Snake Pokemon. Steelix lives even further underground than Onix. This Pokémon is known to dig toward the earth's core. There are records of this Pokémon reaching a depth of over a thousand miles underground. Tempered underground under high pressure and heat, its body is harder than any metal. Onix evolves into Steelix through use of a strange item. Its body is coated with steel powder and notably hard—not even diamond can leave so much as a scratch. It chews its way through boulders with its sturdy jaws. Its eyes can see in the darkness underground. It's said that if an Onix lives for 100 years, its composition becomes diamondlike as it evolves into a Steelix." The Pokedex ended with a beep as it unveiled tons of Information about Steelix.

A thousand miles underground, while it definitely sounds impressive. You also have to remember that the Pokemon world is roughly 2,600 times larger than Earth, so a thousand miles deep Underground isn't much compared to how deep the Planet's Core truly is.

" Looks like humans are far knowledgeable than I gave them credit for." The Ancient Shiny Crystal Steelix said after hearing the Pokedex scan it as it finally finished descending down the stairs and was getting near us.

Up close you can see how truly massive this thing is. 35 Meters in height is no joke at all. Its more than two times the size of that 17.5 Meters tall Onix who I had thought was a giant.

" Allow me to introduce myself first, my name is Ayron Stellarknight. There is something I wish to ask. How can you talk?" I asked the Steelix curiously as I realized that it could not only speak telepathically to our minds but also speak human language with its own mouth.

" A fairly reasonable question to ask. You see, when Pokemon reach a certain threshold of power they can use their Aura to translate our words to the human tongue or even use our advanced and superior Aura to accelerate our learning and thought process to instantly learn the language of the humans altogether. Meaning that any Pokemon that reaches this level can easily speak the human Language." The Ancient Steelix paused before continuing.

" Only I out of my clan had managed to achieve this level of power throughout years of hard work. I also am the only one capable of speaking the Human language freely.  When it comes to someone such as my son, he had learned to use his Aura efficiently to speak to a human's mind telepathically. So, speaking Pokémon speaking in a human language isn't as common as you may think." The Ancient Steelix Chief finally finished explaining.

I nodded as I took in all the new information.

" So why did you want to see us?" I began asking the real questions.

" When you first came into my territory, I had originally expected you to be one of those trainers who wanted to catch one of our Clan Members, I intended to ignore you at first. But I had soon realized that something was off when I felt that there was a Pokemon Egg with you, at first it was hard to determine what kind of Pokemon it may be, but after a few weeks it was becoming more and more Obvious, the Aura it was emitting had the potency of a higher entity that I had only felt a few times in my lifetime. It wasn't just me, but every single Pokemon in my territory that had realized this, so as a result they all stayed as far as away from you and the egg as possible. Nobody dared to disrupt the emergence of a new Divine being." The Ancient Crystalline Shiny Steelix said as it eyed Groudon with awe and respect.

The baby Groudon in return merely tilted his head in confusion at what he is hearing, he had no idea of what kind of entity he was after all.

But the Mountain Chief Knew.

" To think that the long-awaited Divine Being would be someone of your Calibre, Oh Mighty Young Groudon. I also must admit that I had not expected you to be a shiny variation, it is truly an honour to meet a being of your status." The Ancient Steelix recounted with a light bow, which is unfit for a being of its power and stature. 

This goes to show how big of a deal Groudon is in the Pokemon World. even as a baby he is shown absolute respect and reverence.

He was truly a Legendary Pokemon, through and through.

The Steelix turned its attention to me now.

" You are also extremely interesting, Human boy. Tales of Humans and Legendary Pokemon fighting side by side is not unheard of. I had heard countless tales of ancient times, ones in which Legendary Pokemon chose to befriend certain Humans worthy of their power." The Ancient Steelix recounted as its eyes became nostalgic as if it had remembered the ancient old days.

" Even in the current era. There had been countless rumours of humans and legendary Pokemon fighting side by side. However, this is the first time I hear of a Groudon and a Human befriending one and another. I knew you were going to leave so I had wanted to see and meet you before you had left. I look forward towards watching you both reach your true potential, Oh Human Boy and Mighty Young Groudon." The Steelix said as it grinned.

" I appreciate your kind words and encouragement. But I currently have concerns that prevent me from leaving and going on my way to a human settlement." I told the Steelix that I could not leave yet.

This caught both the Steelix and even Groudon's attention.

" What kind of concerns are you speaking of?" The Ancient Steelix asked with confusion.

" First off, I want to know why you seem extremely and strangely welcoming even though I am a stranger, why is that?" I asked the Steelix as I was curious about his behaviour.

" Ah, I can see your confusion. You are wondering why I am acting comfortable around humans right? Truth be told, during my younger years I used to be part of a human's team, He was an extremely powerful trainer. So, I know what it's like to be around humans and experience being trained by a trainer. Also, you have a fairly remarkable affinity with Steel and Rock, so I don't feel uncomfortable at all around you. Plus, I can feel your intentions through the usage of aura. You don't have any negative thoughts." The Steelix began, his story aroused our interests. No wonder this Steelix is so strong, he had a trainer during his younger years!

Oh, I went off topic, back to my trainer. You see eventually as the years had passed, he grew extremely old, so he had retired and decided to travel the world alongside his Pokemon, I was part of that team. During our travels we came across this wild land where strong Pokemon constantly preyed on the weak. My trainer who was extremely worried for the well-being of the Pokemon in this land, had decided to live here and claim a mountain as his territory and make it a safe haven for weak Pokemon. He eventually died of old age and left us, his Pokemon to take of this mountain and protect all the weak Pokemon." The Ancient Shiny Steelix revealed as I widened in surprise, no wonder I saw many other Pokemon besides Onix and Steelix in this territory they were all being protected! Even in the meeting earlier I saw many other Pokemon other than Onix and Steelix.

" I see." I nodded at his explanation; I was still extremely surprised as I didn't expect his story to go that deep.

Groudon seemed to be in deep concentration as he absorbed the elder Shiny Crystal Steelix's words.

But since he said the whole team of the trainers Pokemon had stayed, what happened to the others? why is the Steelix the only one that remains?

" Me and Groudon's bond and friendship is not something I wish to uncover to the whole world any time soon, and with him being as young as he is. I don't believe we are ready to go out to human world just yet. There are countless evil Organizations who will try to hunt Groudon if we go out now. I will spend an entire year here and get as strong as possible, that way Groudon wouldn't be in danger should we ever come across any evil groups." I paused to take a breath before continuing.

" I will also attempt to catch another Pokemon to train alongside me and Groudon, I plan on keeping Groudon as a secret for now from the public even after our training is complete. The world knowing that I am a Pokemon Trainer with a Legendary Pokemon in my team is undoubtedly going to bring a lot of unwanted attention to me. Also, I will need another Pokemon anyway to use and rely on when I am in Public. It will also undoubtedly make it easier to hide Groudon." I told the Steelix and my Groudon my current plans.

Groudon looks surprised at first, he didn't know I was this worried about him. but slowly he realized the truth behind my words and knew that he was currently extremely weak in the grand scheme of things and needed to become stronger. Strong enough to honour the title of "Legendary Pokemon".

The Steelix also seemed surprised and nodded seriously after hearing my words.

" A wise choice, choosing to get stronger before venturing out into unknown. This world is a very dangerous place, caution is very important. I see that you have a good head on your shoulders, you may remain here for a year if you wish to do so. Regarding your other issue, I have the perfect solution." The Steelix announced catching my undivided attention.

" A perfect solution?" I asked and the Steelix nodded.

" You see, a couple of younglings had been trying to sneak out of this territory in which I had kept safe for many years to venture outside. A bunch of young rowdy ones who had wanted to foolishly go out and explore unknowing of all the dangers outside this land. I couldn't let them outside as beyond this mountain lies countless other tribes and clans who had claimed other mountains, and they are extremely ruthless and bloodthirsty." The Steelix paused with a deep sigh of exhaustion and worry.

"This whole chain of mountains is fraught with danger and powerful Pokemon, I managed to fend off all the dangers thus far thanks to all the experience I gained under a powerful Pokemon Trainer. This mountain range had been labelled as one of the three most dangerous and unexplored area in the Kanto Region!" The Steelix declared with narrowed eyes.

' Top three, so there are atleast two other areas as dangerous as this one huh? and this is just counting the Kanto region..... I know of 8 other Regions, each of them has to be atleast as equally dangerous as Kanto if not even more.' I thought deeply with a thoughtful expression.

" I will allow you to take one of the talented young ones with you on your journey when the time comes, but you may only choose one out of the group. Most of them are troublemakers who are wet behind the ears, though. They have a tendency to disobey orders, but some of them may end up liking you due to your impressive affinities with Poison, Rock, Steel and especially Fire and Ground."  The Steelix announced to me with a grin.

I chuckled at that.

" Honestly, I don't think I had ever seen anyone with such an extremely monstrous affinity with Fire Type Aura as much as you do, but what is even more scary is your absurdly tremendous affinity with Ground - Type Aura, which is far more monstrous, I thought my senses were playing tricks on me. I guess it is to be expected. Only someone with such a monstrous Ground Type affinity could possibly have a chance to catch a supreme divine entity such as a Groudon, even though it's currently an infant. I had the misfortune of witnessing the power of a Legendary Pokemon firsthand. It was extremely frightening and beyond anything I had ever experienced, I felt true fear. Your Groudon does have a lot of Potential, but can he truly match up to that thing? he is still too young." The Steelix recalled with a shiver as he became pale at the thought before he turned to look at my Groudon with calculative eyes.

My Groudon merely snorted with an eye roll before growling, saying that he isn't afraid of anything. If I didn't have a deep Aura connection, I wouldn't have understood what he said, as he is too young so he still can't speak human language yet.

I felt my curiosity hit its peak as I asked the Steelix a question.

" What Legendary Pokemon did you encounter?" I asked the Ancient Shiny Crystal Steelix who once again paled as he shivered at thought of that monster.

" It was a Yveltal, me and my trainer came across a Yveltal over 250 years ago in the Kanto Region. Even though both me and my trainer had trained day and night and have gotten stronger by leaps and bounds. I can confidently say I wouldn't last a single second against that Pokemon." the Steelix said with a shiver, the name of the Pokemon made my widen my eyes in surprise and shock.

Yveltal, huh? Makes sense how he would get traumatized from such a Pokemon, Yveltal is literally the Personification and the God of Death in the Pokemon world. It can command Death itself with its mere will alone, it is said that it can cause terror in the hearts of everything just by being around it. Yveltal is the concept of terror and death personified.

Confronting such a powerful Legendary was way above my pay grade, I would need Groudon to reach its full growth and level it up before we can hope to take on a Yveltal.

It would be an interesting battle to see, Groudon the God of the Land and Earth against Yveltal the God of Death and Terror.

Fighting other Legendary Pokemon with my own Legendary Pokemon sounds like an interesting thought. It's strange though, what was a Kalos Legendary doing in the Kanto region? Seem's like Legendary Pokemon really love wandering around a lot.

Now when it comes to his offer, I think I should accept it. There should be a few good Pokemon to choose from. This mountain and territory are extremely huge, it easily dwarfs any major city or mountain back from my world in size. 

" I will accept your offer." I told the Steelix who nodded with a Grin.

" Very well, I will go and inform them. I will be back soon, please wait until I go and finish gathering the rowdy young ones. They had formed some sort of clique in this territory, there is a total of 31 of them. I doubt all of them would come, however a few might agree, some due to a chance to finally getting out of this Mountain and others because of the fact that they had been intrigued by the thought of being under a powerful trainer. They would be thrilled to know that they finally have a chance and opportunity to finally explore the outside world." The Steelix said as he told us to wait here as he went outside of the great meeting hall.

Seems like this Steelix is the overprotective type, I chuckled as I stretched my arms.

" That was one hell of a day, wasn't it buddy?" I asked my Groudon as we sat on the stairs side by side.

" Grou" replied Groudon, saying he was feeling rather sleepy.

Which makes sense, he hadn't slept ever since he hatched out of that egg which was today! It's hard to believe he hatched today; it feels like it's been a while. Crazy how time works, maybe our bond is so strong that I had gotten used to his presence by now.

We spent the couple of hours waiting for the Steelix to come back, they must be quite a handful bunch if even a Steelix on his power was taking this long to gather them.

~ 3 hours later~

It's been nearly three hours, I was considering sleeping alongside Groudon who had given up on waiting and was now inside his Master Ball, taking a nap.

I yawned as I tiredly and patiently waited. Finally, after three whole hours the doors to the massive hall began creaking opening to reveal the Massive Shiny Crystalline Steelix who had returned back, behind him were 9 shadowy figures of various shapes and sizes. Seems like only 9 out of 31 Pokemon he had mentioned agreed to participate in this.

I stood up and walked towards them, as they did to me.

As I was getting closer to them the Steelix spoke.

" These 9 young Pokemon have decided to participate in your selection. Choose which one of those nine you wish to take with you on your journey as a trainer as your second Pokemon. I suppose you could consider it as an unofficial starter selection. I don't think the Young Groudon is what the humans would refer to as a 'Starter'. I can definitely see why you sought a second Pokemon. One these nine will assist you on your training and your future journey in one year from now." the Steelix announced as he stepped away from the nine Pokemon, revealing their identity.

I gratefully thanked him before looking at the Pokemon he brought. 

A Shiny Geodude, a Honedge, a Growlithe, a Noibat, a Pawniard, a Vibrava, an Eevee, a Pawmi and a Shiny Aron.

Sadly, none of them are pre-evolved forms of Pseudo-Legendary or regional royal Pokemon, but it seems like I won't be disappointed at all. I mean, there are two shiny Pokemon in this group. Seeing them in real life is interesting, they are also far larger than the anime interpreted. Just like every Pokemon I had seen so far. I had a decent affinity with some of them, others not so much.

I have my hopes high on some of them, particularly one.

What an interesting selection of Pokemon, I took out my Pokedex to scan them one by one. But I used this as a front to scan them using my 'Observe' skill from the same order I named them.


Pokemon Name: Geodude

Species Name: The Rock Pokémon

Nickname: N/A

Pokedex Entry: #74

Height: 1.2 m

Gender: Female

Age: 3 years old

Growth Stage: Full Grown Adult

Pokemon Potential: S [ Unique]

Pokemon Ranking: B - Middle Class Pokémon [ 16x]

Pokemon Inborne Affinity: Rock Type and Ground Type

Ability: Sturdy

[ Hidden Ability: Sand Veil.]


Level: 26


Health: 1,824/1,824

Aura: 1,328/1,328


HP: 114

AURA: 83

ATK: 90

DEF: 87

SP. ATK: 86

Sp. DEF: 85

SPD: 79

Total Stat Points: 624


Pokemon Status: Uncaught Wild Pokemon.

Special Traits: Shiny ★ and Unknown.

Held-On Items [ Can hold up to 3 Items]: Unknown

Current Moves: Unknown


An extremely decent Geodude, I guess? A shiny Geodude isn't particularly cool one though.

It's got fairly decent potential, it definitely set the bar for the Pokemon to come. It even has a hidden ability!


Pokemon Name: Honedge

Species Name: The Sword Pokémon

Nickname: N/A

Pokedex Entry: #679

Height: 1.6m

Gender: Male

Age: 4 years old

Growth Stage: Full Grown Adult

Pokemon Potential: AA [ Super Rare]

Pokemon Ranking: C - Low Class Pokémon [ 8x]

Pokemon Inborne Affinity:  Steel Type and Ghost Type

Ability: No Guard


Level: 20


Health: 536/536

Aura: 632/632


HP: 67

AURA: 79

ATK: 70

DEF: 69

SP. ATK: 73

Sp. DEF: 72

SPD: 85

Total Stat Points: 515


Pokemon Status: Uncaught Wild Pokemon.

Special Traits: Unknown.

Held-On Items [ Can hold up to 3 Items]: Unknown

Current Moves: Unknown


An Aegislash would be cool to have. 

What a shame it didn't pass the bar set by Geodude.


Pokemon Name: Growlithe

Species Name: The Puppy Pokémon

Nickname: N/A

Pokedex Entry: #58

Height: 1.4m

Gender: Female

Age: 2 years old

Growth Stage: Full Grown Adult

Pokemon Potential: AAA [ Epic]

Pokemon Ranking: B - Middle Class Pokémon [ 16x]

Pokemon Inborne Affinity: Fire Type

Ability: Flash Fire


Level: 31


Health: 1,904/1,904

Aura: 1,680/1,680


HP: 119

AURA: 105

ATK: 107

DEF: 95

SP. ATK: 120

Sp. DEF: 99

SPD: 134

Total Stat Points: 779 


Pokemon Status: Uncaught Wild Pokemon.

Special Traits: Unknown.

Held-On Items [ Can hold up to 3 Items]: Unknown

Current Moves: Unknown


I really love Growlithe, but the bar set by the Shiny Geodude beats you unfortunately.

So, I am going to have to pass on this one as it didn't pass the bar either.

You're still a cool Pokemon though.


Pokemon Name: Noibat

Species Name: The Sound Wave Pokemon

Nickname: N/A

Pokedex Entry: #714

Height: 1.5 m

Gender: Male

Age: 1.8 years old

Growth Stage: Full Grown Adult

Pokemon Potential: AAA [ Epic]

Pokemon Ranking: A - High Class Pokémon [ 32x]

Pokemon Inborne Affinity: Flying Type and Dragon Type

Ability: Frisk


Level: 55


Health: 6,208/6,208

Aura: 5,632/5,632


HP: 194

AURA: 176

ATK: 181

DEF: 205

SP. ATK: 185

Sp. DEF: 212

SPD: 202

Total Stat Points: 1355


Pokemon Status: Uncaught Wild Pokemon.

Special Traits: Unknown.

Held-On Items [ Can hold up to 3 Items]: Unknown

Current Moves: Unknown


Nice stats you got there, Noibat. You currently rank second place on my list of choices, this Noibat seems like the type of Pokemon that works extremely hard considering that its significantly higher in level compared to the other options I have seen thus far. Its only 1.8 years old too!!

Good thing about this Potential System is that for example, if a Pokemon with AAA Potential evolves at around level 100 + its Potential increases by a whole rank! Potential means that Pokemon can reach levels much faster and quicker than those with lower potential. 

And it's easier to break through the next rank barrier the higher your potential is. It's possible for a B ranked Potential Pokemon to reach level 200 + but it will take extremely long for it to reach such a stage.

This Noibat is fairly decent as it had reached level 55 at such a young age, as expected of a Dragon Type Pokemon.


Pokemon Name: Pawniard

Species Name: The Sharp Blade Pokemon

Nickname: N/A

Pokedex Entry: #624

Height: 2 m

Gender: Male

Age: 5 Years Old

Growth Stage: Full Grown Adult

Pokemon Potential: A [ Very Rare]

Pokemon Ranking: A - High Class Pokémon [ 32x]

Pokemon Inborne Affinity: Dark Type and Steel Type

Ability: Inner Focus

[ Hidden Ability: Pressure]


Level: 51


Health: 5,760/5,760

Aura: 4,800/4,800


HP: 180

AURA: 150

ATK: 183

DEF: 200

SP. ATK: 172

Sp. DEF: 199

SPD: 175

Total Stat Points: 1259


Pokemon Status: Uncaught Wild Pokemon.

Special Traits: Unknown.

Held-On Items [ Can hold up to 3 Items]: Unknown

Current Moves: Unknown


Oh, this is the oldest one so far. Its 5 years old. But it also has the worst Potential so far despite being the oldest and the second highest in level.

Why is it not evolving into a Bisharp? Its current level is perfect for evolution as it would increase its potential by 1 rank. It has a hidden ability too....

Oh, I remember. In the games Pawniard could evolve at level 52, I wonder if that's the case here too?

Well, it doesn't really matter anyways. So, let's just check the next one.


Pokemon Name: Vibrava

Species Name: The Vibration Pokemon

Nickname: N/A

Pokedex Entry: #329

Height: 2.5 m

Gender: Male

Age: 3.3 years old

Growth Stage: Full Grown Adult

Pokemon Potential: S [ Unique]

Pokemon Ranking: B - Middle Class Pokémon [ 16x]

Pokemon Inborne Affinity: Ground Type and Dragon Type

Ability: Levitate


Level: 42


Health: 2,112/2,112

Aura: 2,464/2,464


HP: 132

AURA: 154

ATK: 155

DEF: 136

SP. ATK: 165

Sp. DEF: 143

SPD: 158

Total Stat Points: 1043


Pokemon Status: Uncaught Wild Pokemon.

Special Traits: Unknown.

Held-On Items [ Can hold up to 3 Items]: Unknown

Current Moves: Unknown


Oh wow, Okay.....  Finally found someone who could finally contend with Geodude in stats.

This thing may be higher level than Geodude, but Geodude is shiny which gives it an edge over Vibrava.

But this Vibrava will undoubtedly become a powerful Flygon one day, it's about time we saw something that can prove to be a decent competitor against Shiny Geodude.

Right now, it's between Shiny Geodude and Vibrava. However, it's still too early to judge considering that we still have three Pokemon we haven't observed yet.


Pokemon Name: Eevee

Species Name: The Evolution Pokemon

Nickname: N/A

Pokedex Entry: #133

Height: 1.2 m

Gender: Female

Age: 8 months

Growth Stage: Full Grown Adult

Pokemon Potential: AAA [ Epic]

Pokemon Ranking: D - Lower Class Pokémon [ 4x]

Pokemon Inborne Affinity: Normal Type

Ability: Adaptability

[ Hidden Ability: Anticipation]


Level: 8


Health: 108/108

Aura: 192/192


HP: 27

AURA: 48

ATK: 25

DEF: 29

SP. ATK: 33

Sp. DEF: 22

SPD: 43

Total Stat Points: 227


Pokemon Status: Uncaught Wild Pokemon.

Special Traits: Unknown.

Held-On Items [ Can hold up to 3 Items]: Unknown

Current Moves: Unknown


Now we have you....

Eevee, where do I start? Well, you have a hidden ability and AAA Rank Potential which is fairly decent. 

Sadly though, with Pokemon like Shiny Geodude and Vibrava involved, I simply can't choose you. They are too good to pass up on.


Pokemon Name: Pawmi

Species Name: The Mouse Pokemon

Nickname: N/A

Pokedex Entry: #921

Height: 1 m

Gender: Female

Age: 1 year old

Growth Stage: Full Grown Adult

Pokemon Potential: AA [ Super Rare]

Pokemon Ranking: B - Middle Class Pokémon [ 16x]

Pokemon Inborne Affinity: Electric Type and Fighting Type

Ability: Natural Cure


Level: 29


Health: 1,312/1,312

Aura: 1,776/1,776


HP: 72

AURA: 111

ATK: 105

DEF: 102

SP. ATK: 100

Sp. DEF: 101

SPD: 140

Total Stat Points: 731


Pokemon Status: Uncaught Wild Pokemon.

Special Traits: Unknown.

Held-On Items [ Can hold up to 3 Items]: Unknown

Current Moves: Unknown


Well, well.... if it isn't one of the ninth Generation Pokemon from Pokemon Violet and Scarlet. What brings you to Kanto? You're so far from home, this is not Paldea buddy.

Seeing your stats, I would say you definitely are not the best option I have today. You're literally a glass cannon of speed.


Pokemon Name: Aron

Species Name: The Iron Armor Pokémon

Nickname: N/A

Pokedex Entry: #304

Height: 1.75 m

Gender: Male

Age: 1.2 years old

Growth Stage: Full Grown Adult

Pokemon Potential: S [ Unique]

Pokemon Ranking: B - Middle Class Pokémon [ 16x]

Pokemon Inborne Affinity: Steel Type and Rock Type

Ability: Sturdy

[ Hidden Ability: Heavy Metal]


Level: 48


Health: 2,928/2,928

Aura: 2,272/2,272


HP: 183

AURA: 142

ATK:  185

DEF: 200

SP. ATK: 180

Sp. DEF: 171

SPD: 126

Total Stat Points: 1187


Pokemon Status: Uncaught Wild Pokemon.

Special Traits:  Shiny ★ and Unknown.

Held-On Items [ Can hold up to 3 Items]: Unknown

Current Moves: Unknown


Holy.... S Rank Potential on an Aron, one that's shiny....

Ladies and Gentlemen.... we have a winner. 


You have new notifications:

Your Observation Skill has Levelled up!


Your Observation Skill has Levelled up!


While Aggron isn't a Pseudo Legendary, it's the closest thing out of all these options to being one. This Aron having S rank potential and being shiny did nothing but sweeten the deal. It's also freaking level 48 and its only 1.2 years old.

The Pokedex finally caught up to my thoughts and began scanning Aron after finishing scanning all the other Pokemon.

" Aron, the Iron Amour Pokemon. This Pokémon has a body of steel. To make its body, Aron feeds on iron ore that it digs from mountains. Occasionally, it causes major trouble by eating bridges and rails. It's earned the name the Iron Armour Pokémon due to it being clad in organic steel armour. A new suit of armour is made when it evolves. The old, discarded armour is salvaged as metal for making iron products. When Aron evolves, its steel armour peels off as it sheds the steel carapace that covered its whole body and develops a new one. In ancient times, people would collect Aron's shed armour and make good use of it in their daily lives." The Pokedex ended the scan with a beep as it said everything that is needed for a person to know about Aron.

You know, the funny thing. I just realized our names as similar. Aron and Ayron. What a weird coincidence.

I think it's in my best interest to go for Aron and train it to become an extremely powerful Aggron, moreover not only does it have a Hidden Ability, S Rank Potential but it's also a freaking shiny.

While not as awesome as a shiny Groudon, it still has its own charm.

I smirked and put the Pokedex back in my pocket.

" Going off that wide smirk on your face, you have finally come to a decision I take it? If so, then go ahead and pick which of the nine Pokemon presented do you wish to accompany on your journey." The Steelix asked.

I nodded and looked all of the nine Pokemon in the eye, all of them had a fierce expression as they awaited my response. I can feel their emotions which are leaking with Aura, they are determined to whatever it takes to explore the world and become stronger.

However, that was the feeling I received from only the Pokemon that I shared a decent affinity see. Which included only the Fire, Rock. Steel and of course, Ground. I hadn't mentioned Poison due the absence of a Poison Type Pokemon among the Pokemon lined up before me.

I could feel strong emotions from the Pokemon I had no strong affinity with using my Aura, but I couldn't pinpoint them properly and accurately.

I smiled and walked towards the Pokemon I chose.

I knelt down in front of the Pokemon and patted its head, making it purr.

" Aron, do you wish to become my Pokemon? I will show you an adventure the likes of which you had never seen or imagined before." I declared proudly as I asked the Aron to join my team.

I glanced at the other Pokemon and they all seemed to show signs of displeasure, disappointment and some like Eevee and Growlithe looked somewhat sad even.

I also glanced at the Steelix who seemed to be surprised yet pleased with my decision as he nodded in satisfaction at my choice.

" Not a bad choice, this Aron is the child of a friend of mine who had passed away very recently in a battle between Warring Clans in this region. His Mother was a Powerful Aggron, she was also one of the Pokemon who was in my deceased Trainer's team, she will be happy that her son is in good hands. I trust you completely to take care of him and nurture him to become a Powerful Pokemon." The Ancient Steelix explained as he seemed very happy with my decision.

I looked at the Aron who seemed extremely excited and happy that it was the one I chose to take with me on my adventure. As he roared, as if telling me 'Thank you! I will make sure you will never come to regret this decision'. 

I smiled and touched the Pokemon with an Ultra Ball I pulled out as it sucked the Aron in and caught the Shiny Aron inside of the Ultra Ball without any sort of resistance, just one click and Aron was caught.

' That's another Pokemon on my team.' I said as I was extremely happy that I had 2 Pokemon now. Both of which happen to be shiny, I had a lot of luck with Shiny Pokemon recently didn't I?

However, despite my current lucky shiny streak. I felt like it would be a very long time before I become lucky enough encounter a another wild shiny that arouses my interest. [ Possible Foreshadowing?]

I suddenly saw a notification pop up and beep from my Pokemon and the Pokedex registered my new catch.


You have successfully caught a wild ' Shiny Aron'!


Current Pokémon Party: Groudon and Aron.

Pokémon Caught Count: 2


I smiled as I read the message.


Chapter Five- Ends