
Echoes of Jenova

In a world where quirks define individuals, a mysterious force from another dimension sends shockwaves through the fabric of reality, leading to the reincarnation of an ancient and powerful being. Sephiroth, the legendary antagonist from the Final Fantasy universe, finds himself reborn in the bustling metropolis of Musutafu within the My Hero Academia world. As Sephiroth adjusts to the quirks and dynamics of this new reality, he discovers that he possesses a quirk that grants him control over ethereal energies. Fueled by the remnants of Jenova's essence within him, Sephiroth's mere presence becomes a catalyst for chaos. "Echoes of Jenova" is a thrilling tale that combines the rich lore of Sephiroth with the vibrant world of My Hero Academia, exploring themes of power, destiny, and the enduring struggle of the infamous one winged angel. _______________________________________ Hello, this is the author and this is my first ever fanfic. English is not my main language No reincarnation No system No harem Hope you enjoy reading this fic. Bye ✌️

UR_0 · Anime e quadrinhos
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1 Chs

Character index

Main Character - Sephiroth 

Looks - (image)

Personality -

Cool and Calm Demeanor: Sephiroth has as calm, collected, and composed. He maintains a stoic and emotionless facade, rarely showing signs of agitation or distress. This demeanor contributes to his intimidating presence.

Intellectual and Strategic: Sephiroth is highly intelligent and strategic. He is a skilled tactician and military leader, capable of planning and executing complex schemes to achieve his goals

Ambitious and Power-Hungry

Isolation and Alienation: Sephiroth often feels a sense of isolation and alienation due to his unique heritage and the revelation of his true nature.

Powers and Abilities -

Superhuman Strength: Sephiroth possesses incredible physical strength, allowing him to overpower most opponents in direct combat. This strength extends to his swordsmanship, making him a formidable melee combatant

Mastery of the Sword (Masamune): Sephiroth wields a signature weapon called the Masamune, an extremely long katana. His proficiency with the sword is exceptional, and he can execute swift and precise strikes with deadly accuracy.

Magic Proficiency: Sephiroth is a skilled magic user, with proficiency in various magical spells. These may include offensive spells like Fire, Ice, and Lightning, as well as more advanced and devastating magic attacks.

Telekinesis: Sephiroth demonstrates telekinetic abilities, allowing him to manipulate objects and enemies with his mind. This power is often used to enhance his combat skills and control the battlefield.

Flight: In some instances, Sephiroth is depicted as being able to levitate or fly. This ability adds to his otherworldly and supernatural presence.

Shape-shifting (Jenova's Cells): Sephiroth's body contains Jenova's cells, granting him the ability to shape-shift and assume various forms. This power is often used to surprise and confound his enemies.

Superhuman Speed and Agility: Sephiroth can move at incredible speeds and possesses exceptional agility, allowing him to evade attacks with ease and strike swiftly.

Healing Factor: The presence of Jenova's cells also grants Sephiroth a powerful healing factor, enabling him to recover from injuries at an accelerated rate. This makes him highly resilient in battle.

Mind Manipulation: Sephiroth has the ability to influence the minds of others. This power is often used to manipulate his enemies, driving them to serve his purposes.

One-Winged Form: In his final confrontation, Sephiroth takes on a powerful transformation known as his "One-Winged Angel" form. This form enhances his abilities and represents his ascension to a more god-like state.

Love Interest - Android 18 

Looks - (image)

Personality -

Calm and Composed: Android 18 maintains a calm and composed demeanor. She often approaches situations with a level-headed attitude, rarely displaying strong emotions.

Confident and Assertive: Android 18 is confident in her abilities, both in combat and in various other situations. She is not afraid to assert herself and can be quite assertive when needed.

Independent: As an android, Android 18 is designed to be self-sufficient and independent. She is not easily swayed by the opinions or actions of others and tends to make her own decisions.

Sarcastic Sense of Humor: Android 18 is known for her dry and sarcastic sense of humor. She often makes witty remarks or sarcastic comments, especially during intense or serious moments.

Protective of her loved ones: Despite her initial cold exterior, Android 18 cares deeply for her loved ones. She shows a more compassionate side when it comes to protecting those she cares about.

Lack of Interest in Fighting: Android 18 is not particularly interested in martial arts or fighting. However, she is highly skilled in combat due to her nature as an android.

Pragmatic: Android 18 tends to be pragmatic in her approach to challenges. She evaluates situations objectively and makes decisions based on practical considerations rather than emotional ones.

Powers and Abilities -

Superhuman Strength: Android 18 possesses immense physical strength. Her strength is a result of her artificial enhancements.

Superhuman Speed and Reflexes: Android 18 is incredibly fast and agile, allowing her to react quickly in battle and evade attacks with ease.

Flight: Android 18 has the ability to fly using her ki energy.

Ki Manipulation: Android 18 can manipulate and control ki energy, allowing her to perform energy attacks, fly, heal and enhance her physical abilities.

Energy Attacks: Android 18 can unleash powerful energy blasts and attacks. These can range from simple ki blasts to more complex and devastating techniques.

Infinite Energy Reactor: Android 18 has an infinite energy reactor, which means she does not tire like organic beings. This gives her a significant advantage in prolonged battles.

Barrier: Android 18 can create a protective energy barrier to defend against incoming attacks. This adds an extra layer of defense in battle.

Hand-to-Hand Combat: Android 18 is a skilled hand-to-hand combatant, incorporating her superhuman strength and speed into her fighting style.

Martial Arts: she is proficient in various combat techniques and martial arts.

Adaptability and Learning: Android 18 has the ability to learn and adapt during battle. This allows her to analyze her opponent's techniques and adjust her strategies accordingly.

Durability: Android 18 is highly durable, able to withstand powerful attacks that would incapacitate or kill a regular human.

Semi Android Physiology: As an android, Android 18 does not age, does not require food or sleep, and is immune to fatigue and certain physical limitations.

Both Sephiroth and Android 18 will be the same age as the protagonist at the start of canon.

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